NAPA VALLEY COLLEGE COUN 100: College Success Spring 2016 January 20, 2016 – May 25, 2016 Monday’s & Wednesday’s – 3:15 pm – 4:30 pm -- Napa High School (off campus) Room A-3 3 units; 3 hours lecture, 54 hours total CSU; Repeatable once Department: Counseling Telephone: (707) 256-7494 Office: Napa Valley College campus - Building, 1300, room 1339J Instructor: Jeannette McClendon Email: Office Hours: By appointment only Required Text: Power Learning, Feldman -- Eight Edition IBSN: 9780013522463. Be cautious if using an earlier book edition as the information/chapters may be different. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on tools designed to assist students in obtaining the skills and knowledge necessary in reaching their educational goals. Students will receive an extensive orientation to the college and its policies and programs. Students will also participate in career planning activities and be introduced to study skills in the areas of notetaking, test-taking, time management, decision making, and learning styles. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: Cooperative learning; discussions (large and small groups); lecture; internet resources and visual aids. Participation in class discussions is critical to learning and counts as part of the final grade. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: A. B. Students will gain an understanding of the college resources on campus. Students will recognize and use important student and academic support services that can help them to be more successful. METHODS OF EVALUATION AND GRADING: Journals are designed to help to stay focused on course material. Journals and homework are due at the beginning of class. Journal assignments are worth 10 points each and reflect experiences, feelings, insights and personal opinions. The journal should be a minimum of one page, MLA format Journals are confidential and read only by the instructor. Late assignments will be accepted for partial credit. Assignments are taken from class lectures and activities. Assignments are worth a total of 50 points and will be collected at the beginning of class. Late assignments will be accepted for partial credit. Response Papers are given to assess the student’s comprehension of the textbook or lecture information. There will be 25 response papers to answer during the first 10 minutes of class and are worth 20 points each. No makeup for any absences and no time given for late arrival. Upon arrival to class, students should be ready with paper and pen to answer the response question. Informational Interview is designed to give a glimpse into the “day in the life of….” – someone who is doing the work on a daily basis. Students are to interview someone who is working in potential career field (i.e., you= nursing, professional = nurse). If unsure of the career choice, find one close to the field. This person CANNOT be a family member. 2 page minimum (typed). 50% oral and 50% written. Exams are information taken primarily from class lectures, PowerPoint presentations, and any handouts given to you. The 2 assigned quizzes consist of multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions. A study guide will be given out a week prior to prepare for the quizzes. Final Exam will include information from the previous quizzes, lecture and homework assignments given in addition to the chapters assigned in the textbook. A study guide will be given out prior to prepare for the final exam. The final grade will be determined by the total number of points earned during the semester. Students accumulate points based on completed assignments, response papers, journal assignments, participation, and quizzes/final. Additional Course Policies 1. Attendance and Tardiness: Students are expected to attend all class meetings and be on time. An absence for any reason should be communicated to the instructor prior to a missed class. Please use the telephone number or email address listed on the syllabi. Course policy permits instructors to drop students if more than six hours of lecture is missed (equal to 2 class meetings). 2. Cell Phones: Please silent the cell phone before entering the class. If a student must accept an emergency call, please set it to “vibrate” and be prepared to take the call outside the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work while outside on the phone. No texting is allowed during class time. Please don’t test me. I will ask you to leave. 3. Classroom conduct: An atmosphere of mutual respect and academic integrity is expected in a college classroom. Students engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct in violation of the Education Code can be temporarily removed by the instructor and may be subject to further disciplinary action. Such conduct may include prolonged talking to other students, verbal outbursts, use of profanity, or other disruptive behavior. Expectations: Attendance, promptness, and positive participation are absolutely crucial and are a part of your final grade in this class. Students should attend every class and arrive on time. The first 10 minutes of class will almost always involve a response paper so it is very important not to lose out on those points due to tardiness or absence. Since the response papers are given almost every class, it is important to be at every class. All presentations, assignments, and any assessments taken depend upon the participation of all. Remember that feedback from fellow classmates are important and beneficial. It is the student’s responsibility to come to class prepared. Being prepared means reading the assigned text; completing all assignments, and paying attention to due dates and other activities as listed in the syllabi. Bring to every class: * folder or binder * writing instruments (pen – no pencil allowed) * willingness to learn * Power Learning textbook * paper to take notes * positive attitude I am interested in student progress and success, and ask that students put forth the effort to pass this class. PLEASE NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to notify me if unable to attend class. College rules state a student can miss no more than 2 (two) class meetings. Please be advised that if the student is absent, he/she is still responsible for submitting assignments by the due date. Assignments can be emailed to me at Important Dates to keep in mind 2016 Semester begins Last Day to Add Classes Last Day to Drop Classes without a “W” Grade Deadline to Request Pass/No Pass Grading Washington’s/President’s Day (No classes; campus closed) Last Day to File a Petition for summer graduation Spring Break (No classes; campus closed) Last Day to Drop Classes with a “W” Grade Final Exam Wednesday, May 25 3:15pm – 5;15pm January 20 February 5 February 5 February 12 February 15 March 18 March 21-March 26 April 8 Students in need of accommodations in the college-learning environment: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a learning disability should contact Learning Services in the Library and Learning Resource Center (LLRC), room 1766, phone (707) 256-7442. A Learning Disability Specialist will review your needs and determine appropriate accommodations. If you need accommodations for physical or other types of disabilities, schedule an appointment with DSPS Counselor; please call (707) 256-7234 for an appointment. All information and documentation is confidential. You are also welcome to make an appointment with me privately to discuss your specific learning needs so I can assist in making the necessary referrals. STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT The students, faculty, staff and administrators of Napa Valley College are expected to respect the rights of all individuals in the campus community. Every individual operating within the law is guaranteed his/her basic freedoms. The Standards of Student Conduct provide uniform procedures to assure due process when a student is charged with a violation of these standards. All proceedings held in accordance with these regulations shall relate specifically to an alleged violation of the established Standards of Student Conduct. For the full policy, please refer to the PDF file of the Standards of Student Conduct on the NVC website Weekly Calendar Week 1 2 3 4 5 Date 1/20 In class Topic Welcome 1/25 1/27 2/1 2/3 2/8 Class Introductions Beginning College Why Go To College? 2/10 College support continued 2/15 College Support Services College support continued Reading Assignments & Journals Orientation Review Syllabi/Student Contract Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Syllabi quiz Response Paper 1 & Pre Self Reflection Journal # 1& Response Paper 2 Response Paper 3 Research of Support Services & Response Paper 4 Washington’s/President’s Day Holiday 2/17 Time Management Response Paper 5 2/22 2/24 2/29 Test Taking Strategies Test taking cont. Note Talking Strategies Chapter 2 Chapter 5 3/2 Discovering Your Strengths & Weaknesses Chapter 5 3/7 Group discussion on strengths & weaknesses How the brain works Learning Styles Activity for the day Introduction of college class Syllabus quiz Ice Breaker # 1 Ice Breaker # 2 Lecture Presentations Presentations Holiday Lecture - Time Management Worksheet 6 7 8 3/9 9 3/14 Learning Styles “True Colors” Chapter 3 3/16 Learning styles cont. SPRING BREAK No classes 3/21/26 Response Paper 6 & Journal # 2 Response Paper 7 Response Paper 8 & Journal # 3 Study Skills –Test Taking Exam 1 - STUDY GUIDE (I will send over the weekend) Response Paper 9 Response Paper 10 Discovery Wheel Exercise Response Paper 11 & Journal # 4 Submit Discovery Wheel Exercise & Exam # 1 Response Paper 12 Response Paper 13 SPRING BREAK Learning Styles Exercise No classes Response Paper 14 Response Paper 15 & Journal # 5 Response Paper 16 Lecture Response Paper 17 Lecture 3/21 3/23 4/6 Learning styles cont. 4/8 4/13 4/15 Diversity Role Playing Staying Healthy Chapter 12 Response Paper 18 & Journal # 6 13 4/20 Staying healthy cont. Chapter 14 Response Paper 19 & Journal # 7 Exercise 4/22 4/27 4/29 Educational Planning Gaining Self Confidence Role Playing exercise Response Paper 20 Response Paper 21 & Journal # 8 Response Paper 22 How to construct an ed plan 14 5/4 5/6 Victim & Creator Roles Response Paper 23 & Journal # 9 Response Paper 24 & Journal # 10 5/11 5/13 5/18 5/20 5/25 Presentations Presentations Review of final exam Review of final exam 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 Positive n Negative thinking Johari Window Information Interview info Recognizing when you are off course Chapter 9 Informational Interview presentations Informational Interview presentations Response Paper 25 - Working groups Post Self Reflection due Final Exam 3:15pm-5:15pm Calendar subject to change with notice Johari Window Exercise Exam # 2 Ed Plan due Emotional Intelligence Exercise Final exam study guide Grading Breakdown (keep track of your score) Journals Maximum score Response Paper 1 Response Paper 2 Response Paper 3 Response Paper 4 Response Paper 5 Response Paper 6 Response Paper 7 Response Paper 8 Response Paper 9 Response Paper 10 Response Paper 11 Response Paper 12 Response Paper 13 Response Paper 14 Response Paper 15 Response Paper 16 Response Paper 17 Response Paper 18 Response Paper 19 Response Paper 20 Response Paper 21 Response Paper 22 Response Paper 23 Response Paper 24 Response Paper 25 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points 20 points Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3 Journal 4 Journal 5 Journal 6 Journal 7 Journal 8 Journal 9 Journal 10 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points 10 points Grade breakdown: 100 – 90% A Grading My Score 89- 80% B 79-70% C ** To gain a copy of the final exam submitted, please provide a self addressed stamped envelope on or before the final exam. Extra credit points assigned on the following: Syllabus quiz Nutrition paper Maslow’s Hierarchy Id, Ego, Super Ego 500 pts. Pre Self Reflection 10 pts. Post Self Reflection Assignments 5 x (10) Exams 2 x (25) Ed Planning Informational Interview 15 pts. 50 pts. 50 pts. 25 pts. 100 pts. Final Exam Total Points Be sure to keep all your assignments in case I may have forgotten to record your grade. a) b) c) d) Response papers 25 x (20) Journals 10 x (10) Participation 25 pts. 25 pts. 25 pts. 25 pts. 69-60% D 100 pts. 50 pts. 100 pts. 1000 pts. 59 and below F COUN 100 Spring 2016 Instructor: McClendon Please complete this agreement and give it to the instructor before leaving. Print name _____________________________________________ Agreement Form: I have read the contents of the COUN 100 syllabi and I understand the consequences of not following the assignments and rules. It is my responsibility to complete the assignments of this course; to study the course material, and to attend each class meeting on time (I will notify the instructor if I am absent for any reason). I also understand that it is my right to ask the instructor, at any time, for clarification of any assignment, rule, or my responsibilities for this course. By signing this, I am in complete compliance. SIGNATURE _____________________________________________ Date ______________________________________________ Phone/Cell number _______________________________________ Email address (print neatly) _________________________________ Anything I should know: (example) I may be absent on certain days because I am on the basketball team. COUN 100 Spring 2016 Instructor: McClendon