Comparative Performance of a 30m Groundbased GSMT and a 6.5m (and 4m) NGST NAS Committee of Astronomy & Astrophysics 9th April 2001 Matt Mountain Gemini Observatory/AURA NIO 1 Overview • Science Drivers for a GSMT • Performance Assumptions – Backgrounds, Adaptive Optics and Detectors • Results – Imaging and Spectroscopy • compared to a 6.5m & 4m NGST – A special case, • high S/N, R=100,000 spectroscopy • Conclusions 2 GSMT Science Case “The Origin of Structure in the Universe” Najita et al (2000,2001) From the Big Bang… to clusters, galaxies, stars and planets 3 Mass Tomography of the Universe Existing Surveys + Sloan Hints of Structure at z=3 (small area) z~0.5 z~3 100Mpc (5Ox5O), 27AB mag (L* z=9), dense sampling GSMT 1.5 yr Gemini 50 yr NGST 140 yr 4 Tomography of Individual Galaxies out to z ~3 • Determine the gas and mass dynamics within individual Galaxies • Local variations in starformation rate Multiple IFU spectroscopy R ~ 5,000 – 10,000 GSMT 3 hour, 3s limit at R=5,000 0.1”x0.1” IFU pixel (sub-kpc scale structures) J 26.5 H 25.5 K 24.0 5 Probing Planet Formation with High Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy Planet formation studies in the infrared (5-30µm): Planets forming at small distances (< few AU) in warm region of the disk Spectroscopic studies: Residual gas in cleared region emissions Rotation separates disk radii in velocity High spectral resolution high spatial resolution S/N=100, R=100,000, >4m Gemini GSMT NGST out to 0.2pc 1.5kpc X sample ~ 10s ~100s 8-10m telescopes with high resolution (R~100,000) spectrographs can detect the formation of Jupiter-mass planets in disks around nearby stars (d~100pc). 6 30m Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope concept GEMINI Typical 'raft', 7 mirrors per raft 1.152 m mirror across flats Special raft - 6 places, 4 mirrors per raft 30m F/1 primary, 2m adaptive secondary Circle, 30m dia. 7 GSMT Control Concept Deformable M2 : First stage MCAO, wide field seeing improvement and M1 shape control Active M1 (0.1 ~ 1Hz) 619 segments on 91 rafts LGSs provide full sky coverage M2: rather slow, large stroke DM to compensate ground layer and telescope figure, or to use as single DM at >3 m. (~8000 actuators) Dedicated, small field (1-2’) MCAO system (~4-6DMs). 10-20’ field at 0.2-0.3” seeing 1-2’ field fed to the MCAO module Focal plane 8 GSMT Implementation concept - wide field (1 of 2) Barden et al (2001) 9 GSMT Implementation concept - MCAO/AO foci and instruments Oschmann et al (2001) MCAO optics moves with telescope elevation axis Narrow field AO or narrow field seeing limited port MCAO Imager at vertical Nasmyth 4m 12 MCAO Optimized Spectrometer • Baseline design stems from current GIRMOS d-IFU tech study occurring at ATC and AAO – ~2 arcmin deployment field – 1 - 2.5 µm coverage using 6 detectors • IFUs – 12 IFUs total ~0.3”x0.3” field – ~0.01” spatial sampling R ~ 6000 (spectroscopic OH suppression) 14 Quantifying the gains of NGST compared to a groundbased telescope • • • • Assumptions (Gillett & Mountain 1998) SNR = Is . t /N(t): t is restricted to 1,000s for NGST Assume moderate AO to calculate Is , Ibg N(t) = (Is . t + Ibg. t + n . Idc .t + n . Nr2)1/2 Source noise background dark-current read-noise • For spectroscopy in J, H & K assume “spectroscopic OH suppression” • When R < 5,000 SNR(R) = SNR(5000).(5000/R)1/2 and 10% of the pixels are lost 15 Space verses the Ground Takamiya (2001)16 Adaptive Optics enables groundbased telescopes to be competitive For background or sky noise limited observations: S N Telescope Diameter Delivered Image Diameter . B Where: is the product of the system throughput and detector QE Bis the instantaneous background flux 17 Adaptive Optics works well 18 Modeling verses Data GEMINI AO Data 20 arcsec 2.5 arc min. M15: PSF variations and stability measured as predicted 19 Quantitative AO Corrected Data • AO performance can be well modeled • Quantitative predictions confirmed by observations • AO is now a valuable scientific tool: • predicted S/N gains now being realized • measured photometric errors in crowded fields ~ 2% Rigaut et al 2001 20 Model results Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics 2.5 arc min. MCAO •Tomographic calculations correctly estimated the measured atmospheric phase errors to an accuracy of 92% –better than classical AO 21 –MCAO can be made to work AO Technology constraints (50m telescope) Actuator pitch r0(550 nm) = 10cm S(550nm) S(1.65m) No. of actuators Computer power (Gflops) CCD pixel rate/sensor (M pixel/s) 10cm 74% 97% 200,000 9 x 105 800 25cm 25% 86% 30,000 2 x 104 125 50cm 2% SOR (achieved) 61% 8,000 789 1,500 ~2 31 4 x 4.5 Early 21st Century technology will keep AO confined to > 1.0 m for telescopes with D ~ 30m – 50m 22 MCAO on a 30m: summary • MCAO on 30m telescopes should be used >.5m • Field of View should be < 3.0 arcminutes, (m) 1.25 1.65 2.20 Delivered Strehl 0.2 ~ 0.4 0.4 ~ 0.6 0.6 ~ 0.8 Rigaut & Ellerbroek (2000) 9 Sodium laser constellation 4 tip/tilt stars (1 x 17, 3 x 20 Rmag) PSF variations < 1% across FOV • Assumes the telescope residual errors ~ 100 nm rms • Assumes instrument residual errors ~ 70 nm rms – Equivalent Strehl from focal plane to detector/slit/IFU > 0.8 @ 1 micron – Instruments must have: • very high optical quality • very low internal flexure 23 Modeled characteristics of a 30m GSMT with MCAO (AO only, >3m) and a 6.5m NGST Assumed encircled-energy diameter (mas) containing energy fraction 30M 1.2m 1.6m 2.2m 3.8m 5.0m 10m 17m 20m (mas) 23 29 41 34 45 90 154 181 34%47%6%50%54%56%57%58% NGST 1.2m 1.6m 2.2m 3.8m 5.0m 10m 17m 20m (mas) 100 100 82 138 182 363 617 726 70%70%50%50%50%50%50%50% Assumed detector characteristics m < <5.5m Id 0.01 e/s 5.5m < <5m Nr qe Id 4e 80% 10 e/s Nr qe 30e 40% 24 Comparative performance of a 30m GSMT with a 6.5m NGST 10 R = 10,000 R = 1,000 R= 5 1 NGST advantage S/N Gain (GSMT / NGST) R 5 = = ,0 R 1 0 R = 1 0 , 0 GSMT advantage Assuming a detected S/N of 10 for NGST on a point source, withof4x1000s integration Comparative performance a 30m GSTM with a 6.5m NGST 0.1 0.01 1E-3 1 10 Wavelength (microns) 25 Comparative performance of a 30m GSMT with a 4m NGST Assuming a detected S/N of 10 for NGST on a point source, withof4x1000s integration Comparative performance a 30m GSTM with a 4.0m NGST R = 10,000 R = 1,000 R= 5 GSMT advantage R = 5 = 1 R ,0 0 R = 1 0 , 0 1 NGST advantage S/N Gain (GSMT / NGST) 10 0.1 0.01 1 10 Wavelength (microns) 26 Observations with high Signal/Noise, R>30,000 is a new regime - source flux shot noise becomes significant 4.6m Spectroscopy at R=100,000 GSM T 30m NGST 6.5m Comparative noise contributions after first 1,000s 1/2 (electrons) 1000 1000 Detector B ac kgr ound S ource 100 100 10 10 1 1 Detector B ac kgr ound S ource 0.1 0.1 10 Target S/N after 4,000s 100 10 Target S/N after 4,000s 100 27 High resolution, high Signal/Noise observations Molecular line spectroscopy S/N = 100 S/N Gain (GSMT / NGST) 10 R=10,000 R=30,000 R=100,000 Detecting the molecular gas from gaps swept out by a Jupiter mass protoplanet, 1 AU from a 1 MO young star in Orion (500pc) (Carr & Najita 1998) 1 4.6 12.3 0.1 17.0 0.01 1 10 Wavelength (microns) GSMT observation ~ 40 mins (30 mas beam) 28 Conclusions NGST advantage GSMT advantage X NGST 6.5m 4.0m 1. Camera 0.6 – 5 m 2. MOS R=1,000 1.2 – 2.5m 2.5 – 5.0 m Camera 5 – 28 m 5 – 28 m 3. 4. Spec. R=1500 IFU R=5,000 1.2 – 2.5m 2.5 – 5.0 m Comments X X X Detector noise limited for < 2.5m D2 advantage for groundbased GSMT For >2.5m, NGST wins even D~4m X D2 advantage for groundbased GSMT For <12m High S/N, R~100,000 spectroscopy X WF MOS Spectroscopy <.5m X X Deep imaging from space; consistent image quality, IR background, even for < 2.5m if D>4.0m NGST MOS still competitive for < 2.5m only if D~6.0m (consistent image quality, coverage) Clear IR background advantage observing from space, even for D~4m and R< 30,000 AW advantage of GSMT,technology challenges from space (fibers) 29