PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour Project # __________________ PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING GUIDE & MINUTES I. INTRODUCTION This is a preconstruction conference between the LG Entity (LG), Contractor, and TxDOT Area Office in Charge Area Office (TxDOT). (Before starting, everyone needs to sign the roster.) A. LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTRODUCTIONS 1. Responsible Person In Charge 2. Project Engineer 3. Construction Record Auditor B. INDIVIDUAL INTRODUCTIONS Other attendees introduced themselves and identified their firm or organization. (For other attendees, see attached roster). C. PURPOSE The purpose of this meeting is to afford key members of the LG Entity and the contractor’s organization the opportunity to become acquainted, establish lines of communication, and determine the responsibilities and duties of the Contractor’s personnel, subcontractors and LG Entity personnel, clarify potential sources of misunderstanding and work out detailed arrangements necessary for the successful completion of the contract. Emphasis shall also be directed toward promoting greater safety to the traveling public and personnel on this construction project. II. REVIEW OF THE PROJECT A. AWARD OF CONTRACT 1. Date 2. Contractor 3. Total Bid Items Project CSJ: County: Page 1 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour B. PROJECT IDENTIFICATION 1. Contract No. 2. County Highway(s) Limits: From (Or other project description) C. TYPE OF WORK 3. 4. to WORK WILL CONSIST OF: (AS AN EXAMPLE: GRADING, PAVING, DRAINAGE, BRIDGES, RETAINING WALLS, LANDSCAPING, TRAFFIC CONTROL, SW3P, ILLUMINATION, SIGNAGE, PAVEMENT MARKINGS AND SIGNALIZATION. D. WORKING DAYS OR LENGTH OF CONTRACT 1. Date of Work Order 2. Time Charges to Begin 3. Workweek Type 4. Number of Working Days (Or Calendar Days) III. CONTRACTOR’S WORK PLAN (As applicable) A. B. C. D. Proposed Start Date Estimated Completion Date Major Phases of the Contract Detailed Progress Schedule F. Revision G. Work Plans H. Criteria for working day charges I. Field Office/Lab location J. Special Traffic Problems K. Subcontractors for the project L. Railroad insurance, if required (discuss manner in which prosecution of work intended to complete within allotted time) (notification required to the AE) IV. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS (Discuss usual requirements for water truck weight, roller qualification, truck measurements, asphalt distributor calibration, truck weight limit, copies of papers accompanying material delivery to the project, stump dumping, staking, earthwork, base, pavement, structures, etc) Project CSJ: County: Page 2 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour V. UTILITY ADJUSTMENTS (All utilities should be clear before the letting date; however, if plans include a date when the utilities are to be cleared, discuss adhere date shown. If utilities are not clear by the given date, discuss action. The contractor should not damage utilities located within the ROW.) VI. ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS 1. Proactivity LG Entity has made it a policy to be a proactive participant in the protection of the environment. It is the intent of this office, along with the Contractor to show a “good faith effort” with regards to this construction project and the prevention of any adverse effects to the environment during construction activities. 2. Article 7.19-Preservation of Cultural Resources, Natural Resources and the Environment. For all project specific locations (PSL’s) (material sources, waste sites, parking areas, storage areas, field offices, staging areas, haul roads, etc.), the Contractor certifies by signing this contract that he and all subcontractors will comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations pertaining to the preservation of cultural resources, natural resources, and the environment as issued by the following or other agencies: U.S. Department of Transportation U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Texas Department of Transportation Texas Historical Commission Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 3. SW3P Inspection & Maintenance. All erosion and sediment control measures and other protective measures identified in the SW3P must be maintained in effective operating condition. If through inspections the permittee determines that BMPs are not operating effectively, maintenance must be performed within 7 days. If maintenance prior to the next anticipated storm event is impracticable, maintenance must be scheduled and accomplished as soon as practicable. Erosion and sediment controls that have been intentionally disabled, run-over, removed, or otherwise rendered ineffective must be replaced or corrected immediately upon discovery. 4. Mitigation Requirements and Sensitive Areas (Discuss any mitigation requirements for the contract and any environmentally sensitive areas such as wetland, archeological finds, endangered species, etc. Allow Environmental Section to discuss this item.) Project CSJ: County: Page 3 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour Asbestos Inspections/Notification for Bridge Projects 5. The Texas Department of State Health Service (DSHS), Asbestos Programs Branch, regulates asbestos related activities in Texas under State and Federal rules. Based on recent DSHS inspections and regulatory review, we have confirmed that bridges are considered to be a regulated “facility”: under Federal asbestos rules. These rules require inspection for asbestos-containing materials (ACM) and written notification using the DSHS Demolition;/Renovation Notification Form prior to demolition (wrecking or removal of a structural member) of any facility, even when no asbestos is present. VII. TRAFFIC CONTROL 1. The Traffic Control Plan and Sequence of Work are described and outlined in the plans. These show the minimum requirements for construction signing and barricading during the course of this project. Additional signs, barricades, flaggers, etc., may be required when and if conditions warrant. 2. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to both supply and maintain all necessary traffic control devices. These devices must be standardized as to wording, size, construction, etc., as required by the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 3. REVIEW IN GENERAL THE PROPOSED TCP SHOWN IN THE PLANS 4. Should the Contractor wish to modify or utilize a different Traffic Control Plan from that shown in the plans, it will be necessary to obtain approval from LG Entity and TxDOT prior to implementation. Requests for modifications or changes must be in writing along with any necessary drawings. 5. Since flaggers are responsible for the safety of both the traveling public and the Contractor’s personnel, it is important that qualified persons be selected as flaggers. The Contractor’s attention is directed to Part VI of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for information on selection of flaggers and flagging procedures. All flaggers must wear an orange vest, shirt or jacket while performing these duties. 6. At approximately two week intervals, LG Entity will conduct formal inspections of the project’s traffic control devices, with alternate inspections being conducted during the hours of daylight and darkness. Informal inspections may be performed at anytime. The project inspector will perform daily inspections. Copies of the inspection reports will be furnished to the Contractor and any deficiencies must be corrected immediately. Maintain traffic control devices by taking corrective action as soon as possible. Corrective action includes but is not limited to cleaning, replacing, straightening, covering, or removing devices. Maintain the devices such that they are properly positioned, spaced, and legible, and that retro reflective characteristics meet requirements during darkness and rain. If, within the time frame established by the LG’s Project Engineer, the Contractor fails to provide or properly maintain signs and barricades in compliance with the Contract requirements, as determined by the LG’s Project Engineer, the Contractor will be considered in noncompliance with this Item. No payment will be made for the months in question, and the total final payment quantity will be reduced by the number of months the Contractor was in noncompliance The time frame established by the LG’s Project Engineer shall be 24 hours for compliance, regardless of the days of the week involved. To assure proper coordination between LG Entity and the Contractor concerning the Traffic Control Plan, both LG Entity and the Contractor will appoint a person responsible for conducting bimonthly inspections. Project CSJ: County: Page 4 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour LG Entity Responsible Person Contractor’s Responsible Person Barricade/Sign Supplier 7. Comments: VIII. TRAFFIC LAWS The contractor’s attention is brought up to the fact that all Texas Traffic Laws regarding the legal limit of axle load (legal weights) for trucks hauling materials to the site must be obeyed. (Copies of the law can be obtained from the Department of Safety) IX. MATERIALS 1. Sources of Project Materials Be advised that this report needs to be submitted prior to starting work. This report needs to be completely filled out listing the material producer and its location. If the material is coming from a pit, list the pit’s name and location. 2. Certification Requirements Discuss requirements for hot mix, concrete, consultant labs as required 3. Testing Requirements Review frequency and locations as well as contractor supplied equipment. 4. Quality Control/ Quality Assurance Plan Require to provide plans for all materials 5. STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS Mixing of materials, storing of materials, storing of equipment or repairing of equipment will not be permitted anywhere within the R.O.W. of the project limits unless otherwise approved by the LG’s Project Engineer in writing. 6. Inspecting and Testing Discuss requirements for acceptance of materials. X. LAW ENFORCEMENT It is the responsibility of the LG’s Project Engineer to guarantee that open lines of communication have been established between Contractor and law enforcement. (Discuss the use of law enforcement personnel on the project and how they will share traffic related information regarding accidents, safety hazards, etc.) XI. NEWS MEDIA It is the intent of the LG Entity to promote greater safety to the traveling public and personnel on this construction project by the use of media announcements. (Discuss how educating the public about the project activities will be handled.) Project CSJ: County: Page 5 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE XII. SAFETY ISSUES DATE Hour It is LG Entity's responsibility to monitor contract operations for conformance to the various laws concerning safety and health. However, it is the contractual obligation of the Contractor to comply with State and Federal construction safety standards. Further, it is the Contractor’s responsibility for seeing that subcontractors comply with safety standards. To document the Contractor’s Accident Prevention Program, the Contractor must answer the following questions. (YES or NO) a. Does the Contractor have a definite safety program? b. Does the program have the active and continued support of the company management? c. Does the Contractor make frequent safety inspections of operations on the project? Does this include subcontractor operations? d. Does the Contractor discuss with his employees how to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions and practices related to their individual work assignments? Are periodic meetings held with employees? e. Are all occupational injuries and illnesses investigated by the Contractor, recorded, and reported? f. Does the contractor keep informed on governmental safety regulations and standards? XIII. CONTRACTOR ESTIMATES 1. Testing Requirements Be advised that in order to process estimates, all material used will have to meet testing requirements prior to payment. If not all testing has been satisfied (i.e. concrete breaks) only partial payment will be provided. 2. Project Payments All work performed until (specify day of the month) will be eligible for payment on the monthly estimates. Supplemental estimates will be subject to the approval of the Director of Construction an only on extreme cases. Monthly submittal of pay requests is encouraged. 3. Payment for Material on Hand (MOH) All materials-on-hand requests must be made by the Prime Contractor to LG Entity at least 3 working days prior to the end of the month for materials located at the site. Materials located out of town required submittal of at least 10 working days prior to the end of the month. Any requests received after these deadlines will not be processed on the current estimate. This will allow the LG to have personnel verify and to certify to TxDOT that the MOH request is appropriate for payment. Project CSJ: County: Page 6 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE XIV. SUBCONTRACTS DATE Hour As required by the Standard Specifications, the Contractor is required to submit a letter notifying the LG Entity of all proposed Subcontractor(s) to be used. Has the letter been submitted for each Subcontractor? (YES or NO) Further, Contract requires paying all Subcontractors within 10 days after receiving payment. Contractor has to supply LG Entity with a completed Prompt Payment Form for each Subcontractor paid by the following estimate cycle. Contractor should have forms; if not then LG Entity can provide. In addition, a copy of all Subcontractor agreements must be submitted within 10 days from date of pre-construction meeting. Non-compliance will result in shut down of operations. XV. DISADVANTAGE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE/SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE As required by the Standard Specifications, this project contains a DBE goal of % DBE Goal. The Contractor’s attention is directed to the requirements of the DBE special provision. 1. Compliance with DBE Goal Should the Contractor have any questions or anticipates any changes to their DBE commitment, any disputes or inability to meet the goal, he must notify the LG Entity immediately. 2. DBE Approvals The LG Entity with concurrence of TxDOT is responsible for approving any requests from the Contractor, for DBE removals, substitutions, and Good Faith Efforts resulting from removal of a DBE. 3. Reporting The Contractor is responsible to report all payments made to the DBE, regardless of commitment. 4. Joint Checks Currently the Special Specification “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise in Federal-Aid Construction” states the following in regard to the use of joint checks: “5.d. If the Contractor chooses to assist a DBE firm, other than a manufacturing material supplier or regular dealer, and the DBE firm accepts the assistance, the Contractor may act solely as a guarantor by use of a two-party check for payment of materials to be used on the project by the DBE. The material supplier must invoice the DBE who will present the invoice to the Contractor. The Contractor may issue a joint check to the DBE and the material supplier and the DBE firm must issue the remittance to the material supplier. No funds shall go directly from the Contractor to the material supplier. The DBE firm may accept or reject this joint checking arrangement. The Contractor must obtain approval from the LG Entity with concurrence from TxDOT prior to implementing the use of joint check arrangements with the DBE. Submit to the LG Entity, Joint Check Approval Form 2178 for requesting approval. Provide copies of cancelled joint checks upon request. No DBE goal credit will be allowed for the cost of DBE materials that are paid by the Contractor directly to the material supplier.” Project CSJ: County: Page 7 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE 5. Commercially Useful Function (CUF) DATE Hour In accordance with the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise in Federal- aid Construction (DBE) Special Provision Section 5.b(1), A Contractor may count toward its DBE goal only expenditures to DBE’s that perform a commercially useful function (CUF) in the work of a contract or purchase order. A DBE is considered to perform a CUF when it is responsible for execution of the work of the contract and is carrying out its responsibilities by actually performing, managing, and supervising the work involved. To perform a CUF, the DBE must also be responsible, with respect to materials and supplies used on the contract, for negotiating price, determining quality and quantity, ordering the material, and installing (where applicable) and paying for the material itself. A DBE does not perform a CUF its role is limited to that of an extra participant in a transaction, contract, or project through which funds are passed in order to obtain the appearance of DBE participation. The LG Entity will be notified when a DBE is performing work and will perform CUF reviews [31] on DBE Subcontractors on the project. For further information contact the TxDOT Project Manager. 6. Coordination for Commercially Useful Function Review (CUF) Contractors are required to request CUF review of Race Neutral subcontractors if there appears to be any potential for DBE short fall. In addition, the Contractor’s attention is directed to the fact that if hauling firms are to be used as part of the committed DBE, special requirements must be reviewed prior to the use of hauling firms. If those requirements are not followed, hauling will not count towards goal. XVI. EEO, TRAINING AND LABOR COMPLIANCE During the performance of any contract, it is the intent of LG Entity to determine that the Contractor conducts all aspects of his employment practices without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, disability, age, or national origin. Further, it shall be determined if the Contractor has implemented an acceptable Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Program. 1. For further EEO information, contact the Texas Department of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights - Contract Compliance Section (OCR-CCS) at (512) 416-4750. 2. (Federal Projects) Be advised that “Special Provision Form FHWA 1273-Required Contract Provisions Federal-Aid Construction Contracts” must be physically attached to all federal-assisted contracts, subcontracts of $10,000 or more. This form is located in the Contract proposal. 3. Contractor’s EEO Officer The Contractor must designate, by letter, an EEO Officer for the project. The EEO Officer must be capable of promoting an active and effective EEO program. The Contractor’s EEO Officer and President should be identified in the Contractor’s EEO Policy Statement. Has this letter been submitted? (YES or NO) 4. Contractor’s EEO Meetings Project CSJ: County: Prior to beginning of work, the Contractor must conduct an EEO Policy meeting to explain and review the company policy and its implementation with all supervisory and office personnel who will be directly connected with the project. A copy of the records of this meeting must be submitted to the LG Entity. The Contractor is required to conduct these meetings at intervals not to exceed six months during the period of construction. Page 8 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour Has a copy of EEO meeting minutes and roster of meeting participants been submitted? (YES or NO) Has the semiannual meeting of supervisors and personnel office been conducted? (YES or NO) 5. Prevailing Wage Rate Requirements Contractors and Subcontractors must pay employees, at a minimum, the classification wage rates specified in the Contract. The minimum wage rates must also be conspicuously posted and accessible on the project site. 6. Payroll Records The Contractor shall submit one copy of their weekly payrolls as well as the Subcontractors payrolls within 7 days of the next month. Each craft or laborer shall be identified by indicating the appropriate Index No. as shown in the “Wage Rates” section of the contract proposal. Payrolls should not show the employees address and SSN. The contractor must use an employee ID but no SSN. If there is any information that shows employee's SSN and address, it must be kept in a locked area. Monthly estimates will not be processed for payment if there are delinquent payrolls on the project. Payrolls will be considered delinquent if unpaid for more than two weeks since the end of the pay period. 7. Bulletin Board Requirements The U.S. Department of Labor, Federal Highway Administration, and U.S. Department of Transportation require certain posters to be posted on bulletin boards in places accessible to the employees on a job site for federal aid construction contracts. 8. On-the-Job Training Program This project is expected to be funded from the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). For these projects the primary objective of this Special Provision is the training and upgrading of minorities, women and economically disadvantaged persons toward journey worker status. Accordingly, the Contractor shall make every effort to enroll minority, women and economically disadvantaged persons to the extent that such persons are available within a reasonable area of recruitment. This training commitment is not intended, and shall not be used to discriminate against any applicant for training, whether or not he/she is a member of a minority group. Project CSJ: County: Page 9 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE 1. DATE Hour Trainee Requirements The LG Entity has assigned project specific trainee graduate goals to this project as shown below. These goals are in addition to any goals assigned to specific Contractors by the TxDOt’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) to meet federal aid requirements. For Amount of Original Contract Trainee Graduate Goal $F # o For these goal assignments, training may occur on this project or on other Contractor LG Entity contracts. Graduations completed toward the goal must occur within the duration of this project or within a year from beginning of contract time charges, whichever is later. In accordance with program requirements, report all training and graduations to the LG Entity and TxDOT’s OCR. 2. OJT Reporting The Contractor must notify AGC and TxDOT’s OCR-CCS of trainee enrollments within 7 days of trainee placement. TxDOT’s OCR-CCS will either approve or deny the trainee within 5 days of notification. Form 2202 OJT Weekly Reporting Form must be submitted to the LG Entity and TxDOT’s weekly and completely fill-out. The report should reflect all hours worked or no hours work. The Contractor must submit certified payrolls reflecting the trainee’s training classification and number of actual hours trained for the payroll period. The LG will conduct labor interviews using Form 2220: keep a copy in the project files, and submit a copy to TxDOT’s OCR. Upon trainee graduation or termination for cause the contractor will submit the information on Form 2202 within 7 days to the LG Entity and TxDOT’s OCR. 3. Non-Compliance The Contractor will have fulfilled the contractual responsibilities under this Special Provision by having provided acceptable training to the number of trainees specified in their goal assignment. Noncompliance with this Special Provision may be cause for corrective and appropriate measures pursuant to Article 8.6., Abandonment of Work or Default of Contract, Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. XVII. PARTNERING (IF NO FORMAL PARTNERING IS HELD) It is the LG Entity intention to promote a cooperative working relationship with the Contractor. And one of the necessary ingredients for this proper relationship is reasonable compliance with Contract provisions. With attention focused on Items 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.6, the Contractor is advised at this time that when the work fails to reasonably comply with Contract requirements, corrections must be made by the Contractor to effect compliance or LG Entity will take appropriate measures, beginning with putting the Contractor on written notice, progressing to withholding monthly estimates, and finally invoking Item 8.6. Project CSJ: County: Page 10 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour The LG Entity recognizes that we are in “partnership” with Contractor's Name and we will do our best to provide inspection, answer questions, provide interpretation, and process any changes that may be required in a timely manner. 1. Issue Resolution Process An issue is any aspect of the Contract where representatives of the participants in the Contract do not agree. The individuals identified at the lowest level of the issue escalation ladder will initiate the issue resolution process and escalate any issue that remains unresolved within the time frame outlined in the issue escalation ladder. 2. Escalation Ladder Process Identify key players that will have a role in the partnering application. Coordinate exchange of information so that the partnering application users have user accounts and can be added to the escalation ladder within the system. Establish the project specific escalation deadlines and enter into partnering application. Do LG’s have access to this? XVIII. OTHER MATTERS (Follow these requirements unless LG has own requirements) 1. Change Orders Authorized signature list for Contractor Name are: (Request names of authorized personnel from Contractor) In the event it is deemed necessary for someone other than the approved personnel to sign change orders, the LG Entity will need a letter on company letterhead from the person on the approved list designating the requested individual to sign the change order on the Contractor’s behalf. 2. Final Acceptance Please make reference to Item 5.8 “Final Acceptance” in the 2004 TEXAS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS HANDBOOK. Once the final inspection has been made and the Contractor has been notified of any deficiencies, the Contractor has seven (7) calendar days to correct the deficiencies, unless otherwise authorized by the LG Entity. Time Charges will resume once the seven days have lapsed. Project CSJ: County: Page 11 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour 3. Prosecution of Work Item 8.2 and SP 008-050 requires the Contractor to outline his proposed procedure for performing the prescribed work activity, sequence of work to be followed, estimated progress schedule, and give his plans for performing the work within the allotted time while providing for safe traffic control at all times. The required project schedule must be submitted by the 5th working day of each month and must be updated showing the progress or any delays of work. Failure to submit the project schedule could result in the withholding payment of the monthly estimate. 4. Contractor Documentation Required to be Accepted Prior to Commencing Work 1. Letter(s) designating the following: (S~SUBMITTED, A~APPROVED, NR~NOT RECEIVED) Project Superintendent Payroll Supervisor EEO Officer DBE Liaison Officer Contractor’s Responsible Person Safety Officer 2. Copy of company EEO policy Minutes, initial EEO meeting 3. Copy of company safety program Minutes, initial safety meeting 4. Schedule of accomplishment SW3P 5. Proposed work schedule 6. Report on Sources of Project Materials 7. List of approved flagging personnel and a certificate of completion given by TEEX or ATSSA to the contractors representative. 5. Retainage Discuss Retainage requirements included within the contract. Project CSJ: County: Page 12 of 13 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE XXX AREA OFFICE DATE Hour 6. Plan for Continuous Liaison and Coordination A. CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVE 1. Name 2. Address 3. Telephone No. office/mobile B. LG ENTITY RESPONSIBLE PERSON IN CHARGE C. 1. Name 2. Address 3. Telephone No. Office/Mobile: TXDOT PROJECT MANAGER 1. Name 2. Address 3. Telephone No. Office/Mobile XIX. COMMENTS AND ADJOURN Without further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at . A copy of these minutes will be provided to all participants at the meeting with a record copy sent to the Contractor. Name of LG Responsible Person Title of LG Responsible Person Date Project CSJ: County: Page 13 of 13