Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 SUBCHAPTER A. Purpose. Page 1 of 19 GENERAL PROVISIONS 2 §16.1. It is in the interest of the State of Texas to 3 encourage and promote the safe and efficient management, 4 operation, and development of transportation systems that will 5 serve the mobility needs of people and movement of freight, and 6 foster economic growth and development in both rural and 7 urbanized areas of the state, while minimizing transportation 8 related air pollution. 9 continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation These goals can be advanced through a 10 planning process that includes the state, metropolitan, rural, 11 rail, and public transportation organizations, and promotes 12 plans, programs, and policies that consider all transportation 13 modes and support community development and social goals. 14 chapter prescribes minimum standards for metropolitan and rural 15 transportation planning and program development, describes how 16 the state and planning organizations will develop coordinated 17 transportation planning processes, plans, and programs, and 18 ensures the eligibility of the state to continue to receive 19 federal transportation funds. 20 a transparent, well-defined, and understandable system of 21 planning and programming that integrates priorities, financial 22 forecasts, and project milestones. This The ultimate goal is to establish 23 NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 §16.2. Page 2 of 19 Definitions and Acronyms. 2 (a) The following words and terms, when used in this 3 chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context 4 clearly indicates otherwise. 5 6 7 (1) Chief financial officer--The chief financial officer of the department, or that officer's designee. (2) Clean Air Act (CAA)--The Clean Air Act of 1970 and 8 Amendments of 1990 (42 U.S.C. §7401 et seq.), including 9 procedures that apply to all transportation plans, programs, and 10 11 12 13 projects as they relate to air quality. (3) [(2)] Commission--The Texas Transportation Commission. (4) [(3)] Conformity--Clean Air Act requirements that 14 ensure that federal funding and approval are given to 15 transportation plans, programs, and projects that are consistent 16 with the air quality goals established by the State 17 Implementation Plan. 18 (5) [(4)] Corridor--A broad geographic band with no 19 predefined size or scale that follows a general directional 20 flow, providing for the movement of people and freight and 21 connecting major sources of transportation trips. 22 nominally linear transportation service area that may contain a 23 number of streets, highways, rail, utility, and public NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM It involves a Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 2 3 4 Page 3 of 19 transportation route alignments. (6) [(5)] Department--The Texas Department of Transportation. (7) [(6)] District--One of the geographic areas into 5 which the department is divided in order to conduct its primary 6 work activities. 7 (8) [(7)] District engineer--The chief administrative 8 officer in charge of a district, or that officer's designee. 9 (9) [(8)] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)--The 10 agency of the federal government with broad responsibilities for 11 environmental protection and enforcement, including air quality, 12 as it relates to this chapter. 13 14 15 (10) [(9)] Executive director--The executive director of the department or the executive director's designee. (11) [(10)] Federal discretionary programs--Programs 16 that provide the U.S. Department of Transportation with 17 discretion to award funds for specific projects outside of the 18 normal transportation fund formulas. 19 designate the projects that are eligible for discretionary 20 program funds and the scope of discretion may vary depending on 21 the applicable statutory provisions. 22 23 The U.S. Congress may (12) [(11)] Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)--The federal agency primarily responsible for highway transportation. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 2 3 4 (13) Page 4 of 19 Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)--The federal agency primarily responsible for railroad transportation. (14) [(12)] Federal Transit Administration (FTA)--The federal agency primarily responsible for public transportation. 5 (15) [(13)] Governor--The governor of the State of Texas. 6 (16) [(14)] Letting--The official act of opening 7 contractors' bids for a proposed highway improvement contract to 8 construct, reconstruct, or maintain a segment of the state 9 highway system, or to construct or maintain a building or other 10 11 facility appurtenant to a building. (17) [(15)] Local transportation entity--An entity that 12 participates in the transportation planning process. 13 includes but is not limited to: The term 14 (A) a metropolitan planning organization; 15 (B) a rural planning organization; 16 (C) a regional tollway authority organized under 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Transportation Code, Chapter 366; (D) a regional transportation authority operating under Transportation Code, Chapter 452; (E) a metropolitan rapid transit authority operating under Transportation Code, Chapter 451; (F) a rural transit district as defined by Transportation Code, §458.001; NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Page 5 of 19 (G) a coordinated county transportation authority operating under Transportation Code, Chapter 460; (H) a rural rail transportation district operating under Transportation Code, Chapter 172; and (I) a commuter rail district operating under Transportation Code, Chapter 174. (18) [(16)] Metropolitan planning organization (MPO)-- 8 The organization or policy board of an organization created and 9 designated under 23 U.S.C. §134 and 49 U.S.C. §5303, as amended, 10 to make transportation planning decisions for the metropolitan 11 planning area and carry out the metropolitan transportation 12 planning process. 13 (19) [(17)] Mexican ports of entry--Connections between 14 Mexico and the State of Texas at international bridge crossings 15 of 5,000 vehicles or more average daily traffic. 16 (20) [(18)] Mobility projects--Transportation projects 17 that add additional mainlanes to an existing highway facility or 18 construct lanes on a new location and have a length of at least 19 one mile, or any projects that otherwise improve transportation 20 facilities for highways, public transportation, or other modes 21 of transportation to decrease travel time and the level or 22 duration of traffic congestion, and to increase the safe and 23 efficient movement of people and freight. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 (21) [(19)] Page 6 of 19 On-system--The system of highways in the 2 state included in a comprehensive plan prepared by the 3 department's executive director under the direction and with the 4 approval of the commission in accordance with Transportation 5 Code, §201.103. 6 (22) [(20)] Planning organization--A metropolitan 7 planning organization, a rural planning organization, or, for an 8 area that is not in the boundaries of a metropolitan planning 9 organization or a rural planning organization, a district. 10 (23) [(21)] Public transportation--Transportation of 11 passengers and their hand carried packages or baggage on a 12 regular or continuing basis by means of surface or water 13 conveyance by a public or private entity that receives financial 14 assistance from the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal 15 Transit Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, the 16 department, or a local political subdivision. 17 18 19 (24) [(22)] Routes--All or a portion of a selected course of travel between two specific geographic locations. (25) [(23)] Rural planning organization (RPO)--A 20 voluntary organization created and governed by local elected 21 officials with responsibility for transportation decisions at 22 the local level, including an organization established by a 23 council of governments or regional planning commission NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 7 of 19 1 designated by the governor pursuant to Local Government Code, 2 Chapter 391, to address rural transportation priorities and 3 planning and provide recommendations to the department for areas 4 of the state not included in the boundaries of a metropolitan 5 planning organization. 6 (26) [(24)] Rural transportation improvement program 7 (RTIP)--A staged, multiyear, intermodal program of 8 transportation projects and public transportation projects 9 developed by the department, in consultation with local 10 officials, for areas of the state outside of the metropolitan 11 planning area boundaries. 12 constrained plan that demonstrates how the program can be 13 implemented. 14 (27) [(25)] The RTIP includes a financially State Implementation Plan (SIP)--The latest 15 approved version of the state adopted plan promulgated for each 16 nonattainment or maintenance area to achieve or maintain 17 compliance with the national ambient air quality standards 18 required by the federal Clean Air Act. 19 (28) [(26)] Subarea--A geographic area with no predefined 20 size or scale that is located within the boundaries of a 21 designated metropolitan planning area. 22 23 (29) [(27)] Surface Transportation Program (STP)--The funding program established by 23 U.S.C. §133. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 (30) [(28)] Page 8 of 19 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality 2 (TCEQ)--The state agency responsible for coordination of natural 3 resources and air quality for the state, including development 4 of the State Implementation Plan. 5 (31) [(29)] Texas Highway Trunk System--A rural network 6 of four-lane or better divided roadways that will serve as a 7 principal connector of all Texas cities with over 20,000 8 population as well as major ports and points of entry, not to 9 exceed a total system mileage of 11,500 lane miles. 10 (32) [(30)] Transportation control measure (TCM)--Any 11 measure used for the purpose of reducing emissions or 12 concentrations of air pollutants from transportation sources by 13 reducing vehicle use or changing traffic flow or congestion 14 conditions. 15 (33) [(31)] Transportation management area (TMA)--An 16 urbanized area with a population over 200,000 as defined by the 17 U.S. Bureau of the Census and designated by the U.S. Secretary 18 of Transportation, or any additional area where transportation 19 management area designation is requested by the governor and the 20 metropolitan planning organization and designated by the U.S. 21 Secretary of Transportation. 22 23 (34) [(32)] Transportation project--The planning, engineering, right of way acquisition, expansion, improvement, NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 9 of 19 1 addition, or contract maintenance, other than the routine or 2 contracted routine maintenance of a bridge, highway, toll road 3 or toll road system, or railroad, enhancement of a roadway that 4 increases the safety of the traveling public, air quality 5 improvement initiative, or transportation enhancement activity 6 under 23 U.S.C. §101. 7 (35) Transportation reinvestment zone (TRZ)--an area 8 created and designated by a municipality or county under 9 Transportation Code, §222.106, §222.107, or §222.108, to promote 10 and fund one or more transportation projects as defined under 11 §222.106, §222.107, or §222.108. 12 (36) [(33)] Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP)--The 13 governing planning document, prepared by an MPO on an annual or 14 biennial [bi-annual] basis, which identifies the transportation 15 planning work to be undertaken within the metropolitan planning 16 area for the applicable period. 17 (b) Acronyms. The following acronyms, when used in this 18 chapter, are abbreviations for the associated terms. 19 associated term is not defined under subsection (a) of this 20 section, a reference is provided to the section in this chapter 21 in which the term is primarily described. 22 (1) CAA--Clean Air Act. 23 (2) EPA--Environmental Protection Agency. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM If an Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 10 of 19 1 (3) FHWA--Federal Highway Administration. 2 (4) FRA--Federal Railroad Administration. 3 (5) [(4)] FTA--Federal Transit Administration. 4 (6) [(5)] MPO--Metropolitan planning organization. 5 (7) [(6)] MTP--Metropolitan transportation plan, as 6 described in §16.53 of this chapter (relating to Metropolitan 7 Transportation Plan). 8 (8) [(7)] RPO--Rural planning organization. 9 (9) [(8)] RTIP--Rural transportation improvement program. 10 (10) RTP--Rural transportation plan, as described in 11 §16.55 of this chapter (relating to Long-Range Transportation 12 Planning Recommendations for Non-Metropolitan Areas). 13 (11) [(9)] SIP--State implementation plan. 14 (12) [(10)] SLRTP--Statewide long-range transportation 15 plan, as described in §16.54 of this chapter (relating to 16 Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan). 17 (13) [(11)] STIP--Statewide transportation improvement 18 program, as described in §16.103 of this chapter (relating to 19 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program). 20 (14) [(12)] STP--Surface transportation program. 21 (15) [(13)] TCEQ--Texas Commission on Environmental 22 23 Quality. (16) [(14)] TCM--Transportation control measure. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 Page 11 of 19 (17) [(15)] TIP--Transportation improvement program, as 2 described in §16.101 of this chapter (relating to Transportation 3 Improvement Program). 4 (18) [(16)] TMA--Transportation management area. 5 (19) TRZ--Transportation reinvestment zone. 6 (20) [(17)] UPWP--Unified planning work program. 7 (21) [(18)] UTP--Unified transportation program, as 8 described in §16.105 of this chapter (relating to Unified 9 Transportation Program). 10 11 §16.3. 12 Law. 13 Applicability of Chapter; Effect of Conflict with Other (a) Applicability. The provisions of this chapter apply to 14 the department, all metropolitan planning organizations serving 15 urbanized areas as defined by the U.S. Bureau of the Census with 16 populations of at least 50,000, as well as rural planning 17 organizations and appropriate federally-funded public 18 transportation operators as defined by 23 C.F.R. Part 450. 19 (b) Relationship to federal law and regulations. This 20 chapter incorporates by reference federal transportation 21 planning laws and regulations. 22 conflicts with federal law or regulation, the federal law 23 controls to the extent of the conflict. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM If a provision of this chapter Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 12 of 19 1 2 3 §16.4. Introduction. (a) Explanation of process. An effective transportation 4 planning and programming process requires continuous cooperation 5 among many state, local, and federal transportation entities and 6 the integration of numerous requirements imposed by state and 7 federal law. 8 than static and more circular than linear. 9 development by the department, metropolitan planning It is a multi-step process that is more dynamic The process includes 10 organizations (MPO), and rural planning organizations (RPO) of 11 separate but interrelated long-range planning documents that 12 identify projects, strategies, and transportation needs, mid- 13 range programming documents that contain a listing of 14 prioritized projects expected to be ready for implementation in 15 identified future years, and short-range programming documents 16 that contain a listing of prioritized projects that are likely 17 to be implemented. 18 process is the need to develop reliable financial assumptions 19 and forecasts for common use by all participants at all levels 20 of the process. 21 state and federal resources by the department and MPOs to fund 22 individual projects that will address the long-range needs and 23 goals. Underlying the planning and programming Finally, there is the allocation of available Strategic performance measures are used to monitor and NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 13 of 19 1 evaluate the effectiveness of the process and its participants 2 and to identify areas that need improvement. 3 (b) Document overview. The planning and programming 4 process involves a number of documents that have similar names 5 and overlapping functions. 6 (1) In this chapter, unless the context indicates 7 otherwise, the words plan or planning refer to documents that 8 identify projects, strategies, and transportation needs over an 9 extended period of years to provide for the ultimate development 10 and implementation of an integrated multimodal transportation 11 system. 12 13 Long-range planning documents include the: (A) statewide long-range transportation plan (SLRTP); [and] 14 (B) metropolitan transportation plan (MTP); and 15 (C) rural transportation plan (RTP). 16 (2) In this chapter, unless the context indicates 17 otherwise, the words program or programming refer to that part 18 of the transportation planning process that identifies a 19 prioritized list of transportation projects proposed for 20 implementation in a specified number of years in the foreseeable 21 future with funding that is reasonably anticipated to be 22 available at the designated time. 23 the: NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Programming documents include Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page 14 of 19 (A) ten-year statewide unified transportation program (UTP); (B) four-year metropolitan transportation improvement program (TIP); (C) four-year rural transportation improvement program (RTIP); and (D) four-year statewide transportation improvement program (STIP). 9 (3) The planning and programming documents are more 10 particularly described in subsections (c) - (e) of this section. 11 12 (c) Long-range planning documents. (1) The statewide long-range transportation plan (SLRTP) 13 is a comprehensive, statewide multimodal transportation plan 14 that covers a period of [at least] 24 years and serves as the 15 defining vision for the state's transportation system and 16 services. 17 listing of projects that are expected to be developed within the 18 financial constraint of forecasted state and federal funding 19 levels, and a non-financially constrained component that 20 identifies projects, strategies, and other needs that could be 21 developed if additional funding resources become available. 22 SLRTP considers the long-range plans and strategies of the 23 metropolitan and rural planning organizations and identifies the It is comprised of two components: a priority based NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM The Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 15 of 19 1 state's transportation goals, measurable targets, and priority 2 projects and corridors. 3 transportation program developed under §16.103 of this chapter 4 (relating to Statewide Transportation Improvement Program 5 (STIP)) and the unified transportation program developed under 6 §16.105 of this chapter (relating to Unified Transportation 7 Program (UTP)). 8 9 It also includes the statewide (2) A metropolitan transportation plan (MTP) is a longrange plan developed by each MPO for areas within its 10 boundaries, that covers a period of at least 20 years and 11 contains a priority based listing of projects for long-range, 12 mid-range, and short-range strategies that are expected to be 13 developed within the financial constraint of forecasted state, 14 federal, and local funding levels. 15 estimated in cooperation with the department. 16 years of the MTP will be developed to comply with federally 17 mandated transportation improvement program (TIP) and statewide 18 transportation improvement program (STIP) requirements and to 19 identify those projects that have a high probability of 20 implementation during the four-year period. 21 The funding levels are The first four (3) A rural transportation plan (RTP) is a long-range 22 plan developed by the department for areas not included in the 23 boundaries of a metropolitan planning organization, that covers NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 16 of 19 1 a period of at least 20 years, contains a priority based listing 2 of projects for long-range strategies that lead to the 3 development of an integrated intermodal transportation system, 4 and becomes a component of the statewide long-range 5 transportation plan. 6 (d) Mid-range programming document. The unified 7 transportation program (UTP) is a ten-year financially 8 constrained program developed by the department that represents 9 an intermediate timeframe in the statewide project development 10 process. 11 projects, covered in the four-year statewide transportation 12 improvement program (STIP) plus those projects, or phases of 13 projects, within the state that the department anticipates can 14 proceed to letting within the [next] six year[s] period after 15 the four-year STIP. 16 represents a commitment to its continued development. 17 18 The UTP includes all of the projects, or phases of A project's inclusion in the UTP also (e) Short-range programming documents. (1) A transportation improvement program (TIP) is a 19 short-range program developed by each MPO in cooperation with 20 the department and with public transportation operators as 21 defined by 23 C.F.R. Part 450 that covers a four-year period and 22 contains a prioritized listing of all projects proposed for 23 federal funding and regionally significant projects proposed for NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 17 of 19 1 state, federal, and local funding in a metropolitan area. 2 Projects may include planning, engineering, design, right of way 3 acquisition, [and] construction, and maintenance. 4 contains an estimate of available state, federal, and local 5 funding and the estimated project expenditures. 6 inclusion in the TIP and statewide transportation improvement 7 program (STIP) generally represents a commitment that it is 8 programmed for implementation in the near term. 9 The TIP also A project's (2) A rural transportation improvement program (RTIP) is 10 a short-range program developed by the department in cooperation 11 with rural planning organizations (RPO) that covers a four-year 12 period and contains a prioritized listing of all projects 13 proposed for federal funding and regionally significant projects 14 proposed for state, federal, and local funding in all areas of 15 the state outside of metropolitan planning areas. 16 include planning, engineering, design, right of way acquisition, 17 [and] construction, and maintenance. 18 estimate of available state, federal, and local funding and the 19 estimated project expenditures. 20 RTIP and statewide transportation improvement program (STIP) 21 generally represents a commitment that it is programmed for 22 implementation in the near term. 23 Projects may The RTIP also contains an A project's inclusion in the (3) A statewide transportation improvement program (STIP) NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects Page 18 of 19 1 is a four-year short-range program developed by the department 2 as a compilation of all metropolitan transportation improvement 3 programs (TIP), together with rural transportation improvement 4 programs (RTIP), that include recommendations from RPOs and 5 department districts for the areas of the state that are outside 6 of the boundaries of an MPO, including transportation between 7 cities. 8 implemented statewide with [reasonably available] funds that are 9 reasonably expected to be available over a multi-year period. The STIP identifies a list of projects to be 10 The first year of the STIP contains projects that are scheduled 11 for letting of [construction] contracts by the project sponsor. 12 The remaining three years identify projects and funding sources 13 that also have a high probability of implementation. 14 addition, in nonattainment and maintenance areas, funding for 15 projects in the first and second years of the STIP must be 16 available or committed. 17 (f) Flow chart. In A graphic flow chart and description of 18 the documents, interactions, and time frames involved in the 19 planning and programming process is shown in the following 20 figure. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A Texas Department of Transportation Planning and Development of Transportation Projects 1 Page 19 of 19 Figure: §16.4(f) 2 3 (g) Limits of section. This section and the flow chart 4 designated Figure §16.4(f) are for illustrative purposes only 5 and shall not be construed or interpreted to abridge, enlarge, 6 modify, or otherwise change the responsibilities, requirements, 7 and procedures described in this chapter. NOTE: Additions underlined Deletions in [ ] OGC: 1/31/12 11:25 AM Subchapter A