
Texas Department of Transportation
Austin District
Carlos A. Lopez, P.E.
District Engineer
P.O. Drawer 15426
Austin, Texas 78761-5426
LEANDER “T” (CSJ #0914‐05‐149)
CR 273 (Mel Mathis Avenue) From FM 2243 to CR 274
CR 274 (San Gabriel Parkway) From US 183 to 183A SB Frontage Road
On Tuesday, October 5th, 2010, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in cooperation with the City of
Leander, will conduct a public hearing to discuss plans to develop the extension of County Road (CR) 273 and an
upgrade and extension of CR 274, in support of a Transit‐Oriented Development (TOD) district in Leander,
Williamson County, Texas. The CR 273/274 project is referred to locally as the “Leander T” project because CR
274 would be extended from its existing terminus located east of US 183 to 183A, and CR 273 would be extended
from Farm‐to‐Market Road (FM) 2243 to the new extension of CR 274.
The public hearing will be held at Pat Bryson Hall, 201 N. Brushy St., in Leander TX 78641 and will begin with an
open house from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. During this time, displays of the project area and other project
information will be available for review. Project team members will be available to answer questions. At 6:30
p.m., a formal presentation will be given, followed by a public comment period. The purpose of this public
hearing is to present the results of the environmental studies and receive comments from the public regarding
the alternative roadway alignments and the preferred alternative.
The purpose of this project is to support development in the TOD district. Plans for the TOD district have been
approved and adopted by the citizens of Leander and federal and local monies would be used to pay for roadway
infrastructure. As a part of supporting development in the TOD district, construction of CR 273/274 improves
mobility for Capital Metro buses that can exit off US 183 into the Capital MetroRail Leander Station/Park and
Ride, and can exit to CR 273/274 where lane widths safely accommodate bus service. The project is also needed
to provide additional access and travel capacity from areas where development is planned within the TOD
district to existing developed areas. The proposed project is included in the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning
Organization’s (CAMPO’s) 2008‐2011 Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) with construction anticipated to
begin in 2010. CAMPO’s Mobility 2035 Plan and the 2011‐2014 TIP are currently being developed and the
“Leander T” project will be consistent with these plans.
The proposed CR 273 (locally referred to as Mel Mathis Avenue) would include one 10‐foot and one 12‐foot
travel lane in each direction with no median, plus eight‐foot parallel parking lanes. The typical right‐of‐way width
would be approximately 80 feet. Two bridges are included in the CR 273 design at the North and South Forks of
Brushy Creek. The proposed right‐of‐way would accommodate 10 feet of sidewalks along the length of CR 273.
The proposed improvements to CR 274 (locally referred to as San Gabriel Parkway) would utilize the existing CR
274 pavement section (approximately 0.27 mile) with slight realignments to include one 11‐foot and one 12‐foot
travel lane in each direction. The proposed right‐of‐way would accommodate an additional 14‐foot travel lane in
each direction, a 12‐foot median and 17‐foot angle parking with sidewalks (eight feet within the proposed
right‐of‐way) on both sides, all within a typical 148‐foot right‐of‐way. The proposed combined right‐of‐way for
CR 273 and CR 274 would be approximately 18 acres, including 12.1 acres of right‐of‐way to be acquired and 5.9
acres currently owned by Williamson County.
No residential relocations or business displacements would result from construction of the proposed project. The
acquisition of properties would be conducted in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real
Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended. Information about TxDOT’s right‐of‐way acquisition and
relocation assistance program will be available at the public hearing and can be found online at Information about the tentative
schedule for right‐of‐way acquisition will be presented at the hearing and can be obtained from Pix Howell,
Urban Design Officer at; (512) 528‐2736; or at 200 W. Willis St., Leander Texas.
There is no potential habitat for federally listed threatened or endangered species within the project limits. No
impacts to waters of the U.S. are anticipated, as current design plans show the creeks to be spanned by bridges.
No wetlands occur within the project area. Because the project is located within the Edwards Aquifer
Contributing Zone, a Contributing Zone Plan would be prepared for the project and submitted to the Texas
Commission on Environmental Quality prior to construction in order to satisfy the current Edwards Aquifer rules.
The proposed project would not require the acquisition of public land designated and used as a park, recreation
area, wildlife refuge, historic or cultural site, or scientific area.
The draft environmental document, design schematics, and other information concerning the project are
available for review at The City of Leander Administrative office at 200 W. Willis St, Leander, Texas and will be
displayed at the hearing. Information about the tentative schedule for construction will also be presented at the
hearing or may be obtained by contacting Pix Howell, at the above address.
The public hearing will be conducted in English. Persons interested in attending the public hearing who require
auxiliary aids or services, such as interpreters, are requested to contact Debbie Haile, City Secretary City of
Leander, 200 W. Willis St. Leander Texas at least five business days prior to the public hearing so that
appropriate arrangements may be made. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate
communication or accessibility needs.
All interested citizen are encouraged to attend the public hearing and provide input on the project. Verbal and
written comments may be presented at the public hearing. Written comments not submitted at the public
hearing may be mailed to TxDOT Austin District Environmental Coordinator, Texas Department of
Transportation, P.O. Box 15426, Austin, TX 78761‐5426 or faxed to the coordinator using fax number (512)
832‐7157. All comments received by Friday, October 15th 2010, will be included in the public hearing record.