ati steering committee notes 2 13 15

ATI Steering Committee Meeting Notes
February 13, 2015
G. Centeno, A. Harwood, T. Johnson; P. LaPolt, K. Melick; M. Mulet, M. Murray, M. Peppers,
D. Peterson, P. Quan, I. Stansberry, S. Varela, N. Hunt for N. Warter-Perez, Y. Zhu
T. Ross
Updates and Announcements
 Peter Quan stated that, as recently announced by President Covino, Dr. Ross has accepted a new
position at the Chancellor’s Office. On behalf of the Steering Committee and the University, Peter
thanked him for his dedication and support.
 Peter announced that Provost Lynn Mahoney will be the new co-chair.
 Peter announced that the ATI Steering Committee Memo was distributed to the campus community on
February 10, 2015.
 Peter provided a recap on the 2014 Campus ATI Audit where six campuses, including Los Angeles, were
 The ATI Steering Committee needs to be vibrant and active. It was encouraged to conduct
meetings at least once a quarter.
 Executive Level Support: Emphasis was placed on availability of funding for ATI implementation,
and this is system wide issue.
 ATI Plan: It must be prioritized. It must be clear as to what the campus is working on, what still
needs to be done, when the action items will be completed and how much funding needs to be
 ATI Reporting: An ATI Annual Report must be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office each year. It
will contain the campus plan and success indicators.
ATI Campus Plan
Alex Harwood presented the ATI Campus Plan template for AY 14/15 and the task dashboard.
 ATI Campus Plan AY 14/15. Alex provided an overview of what the campus plan includes for
this year and how it was created. It provides the current status of each success indicator, as well
as a look back over the last two years, and provides the system wide status. Each item that our
University decides to work on this year is marked with a note as to what we are committing to
do. After the past year audit, each working group put together their information and provided it
to Alex; he then combined and posted it to the ATI website. Alex reported he will begin working
on this template next month.
 Task Dashboard. The task dashboard is the beginning of the campus plan but it is three pages
whereas the entire plan is 72 pages. This view of the plan is easier to understand. It is a
summary of the items that we are committed to working on this year and references the success
indicator each item addresses.
CSU Captioning
 The group discussed the article “Harvard and M.I.T. Sued Over Failing to Caption Online Courses.”
 Cal State L.A. has already started implementing closed captioning.
 Gonzalo Centeno presented information on the draft CSU Captioning Guidelines.
 Gonzalo reported that OSD usually works with students who are hearing impaired and that
faculty are not well informed as to where and what needs to be done to comply with such
 Alex asked if having a signed interpreter was sufficient for live streamed events. Gonzalo
responded that it was not enough since not all hearing impaired individuals know sign language.
Alex also asked what the turnaround time for close captioning is, as this University has not been
closed captioning live events thus far.
 Action items for closed captioning:
1. The committee must develop a prioritized plan to allow the University to comply with Captioning
2. Gonzalo, Philip LaPolt and the instructional materials working group will review requirements for inclass materials. Procedures will also be developed to notify faculty of these requirements. It was
stated that faculty also need to be better informed about OSD capabilities of providing them with
3. Alex will meet with Gonzalo to better understand requirements for live streamed events, lobby
TVs/monitors around campus and so forth.
4. Gonzalo will check with Captioning Co to see if they provide close captioning on live streaming. Alex
also needs this information for Honors, Commencement, and other live streamed ceremonies and
5. Procurement to consider how to check on items that are being order to make sure that they comply
with Captioning Guidelines.
Working Group Updates:
Web –
 Alex Hardwood reported on Compliance Sheriff using CSU Check Points: The Check Points
report was run and the tool reported a 100% failure rate. It has not been web-posted and
the previous report is still posted because it is closer to normal numbers. The web team
anticipated that the failure rate would rise when they ran the new check points but did not
expect it to be 100%. They have identified at least one change that it is required globally
and that is being scheduled for implementation. That should improve this.
 Compliance Deputy: This tool is available for the entire campus and auxiliaries to use. All
known web developers were notified that it is available from the ATI website. The users of
the tool can choose which check points they want to use.
 Web site Inventory: This has been posted to the ATI website and includes the college dean
or division vice president as the owner. Any college or division wanting to designate another
person as owner may do so by contacting Alex directly.
Instructional Materials – No report due to lack of time.
Procurement – No report due to lack of time.
Meeting Schedule – Monthly, 2nd Friday - March 13 at 10:00 a.m.