Setting up Twitterfeed for the latest publications Introduction If your School, College or Institute has a Twitter account then you may wish to set up this automated tweeting facility. Once you have followed the steps outlined below, a tweet will be sent automatically to your followers each time a new research publication for your unit is added to the RMS. The tweet will include a reference to the article’s Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which is one of the metrics that is measured by alternative metrics sites such as Altmetrics. Step 1 Sign up to Twitterfeed at Tip: Remember to fill out the CAPTCHA. Click on email confirmation to validate your new twitter feed account. Page 1 of 7 Step 2 Enter in a feed name e.g. Geary Institute and the RSS Feed URL:!w_va_api.feed?NAME=PUBLICATIONS&FORMAT=RSS&SCHOOL_ID=8818244&S TATUS=V Note: each School / College / Institute has a unique ID and these are listed at the end of this document. Click on “test rss feed”. Page 2 of 7 Step 3 Click on Advanced Settings. Select ‘Title only’ for post content and optionally enter in a ‘Post Prefix’ or ‘Post Suffix’. Suggested text would be #ucdresearch The press “Continue to Step 2”. Page 3 of 7 Step 4 Click on the ‘Authentic Twitter’ button Click on the ‘Authorize app’ button above [Warning this step can take some time] Click on the ‘Create Service’ button Page 4 of 7 Click “All Done” Step 5 You can monitor the social media mentions for you publications using To view your School’s mentions, click on the link below:!ucd/groups To view your own publication mentions, click on the link below:!ucd/authors Page 5 of 7 List of School Codes SCHOOL_ID School Name 225892626 School of Agriculture & Food Science 754 School of Archaeology 225892627 School of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Policy 756 School of Art History & Cultural Policy 757 School of Biology & Environmental Science 758 School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science 225892628 School of Biosystems and Food Engineering 759 School of Business 760 School of Chemical & Bioprocess Engineering 761 School of Chemistry 225892629 School of Civil Engineering 762 School of Classics 763 School of Computer Science 769 School of Earth Sciences 764 School of Economics 765 School of Education 225892630 School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering 767 School of English, Drama & Film 768 School of Geography 770 School of History 771 School of Information & Communication Studies 772 School of Irish, Celtic Studies and Folklore 773 School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics 774 School of Law 775 School of Mathematics & Statistics 225892631 School of Mechanical & Materials Engineering 776 School of Medicine 777 School of Music 778 School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health Systems 779 School of Philosophy 780 School of Physics 782 School of Politics & International Relations 783 School of Psychology 147324672 School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science 507986162 School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice 786 School of Sociology 225892632 School of Veterinary Medicine Page 6 of 7 List of College Codes COLLEGE_CODE Name CF College of Arts and Humanities CB College of Business CV College of Engineering and Architecture CZ College of Health and Agricultural Sciences CU College of Science CD College of Social Sciences and Law List of Institute Codes SCHOOL_ID Name 7071773 CASL 7071652 Conway 22358489 Food & Health 8818244 Geary 15723800 Humanities 15723801 Earth Page 7 of 7