McNair Scholars Program Exit Interview Please respond to the following questions as completely as possible and schedule an exit interview with Dr. Fox prior to graduation. This form will be filed in your permanent McNair file. Name SHSU email address Graduation Date (Month/Year) Non-SHSU e-mail address 1. Will you begin graduate school immediately? Yes No When do you plan to begin the graduate degree (Term/Year)? At what college or university will you begin your studies? What area will you study? Master’s Ph.D. Other Degree Have you visited the campus where you will be enrolled? Yes No Explain your plans for graduate study if none of the above applies: 2. If you are not planning to attend graduate school immediately, what are your immediate plans? Be specific. If you already have employment arranged, what is the name of your employer? What is your job title and employment location (city/state)? 3. If planning to attend graduate school right away, have you secured funding for your studies? Yes No If yes, please describe the package that you will receive. Be specific. 4. Did you enjoy working on your research project? Yes Did you complete your research project? Yes What did you enjoy the most? What did you least enjoy? No No 5. Do you feel that the McNair program has helped prepare you to move on to graduate school immediately or at some later date? Yes No 6. Hypothetically speaking, if you could repeat your experience in the McNair program, would you choose the same faculty mentor? Yes No Explain stating what you enjoyed the most about your mentor and what you enjoyed the least 7. What recommendations/changes would you suggest for improvement of the SHSU Ronald E. McNair Program? Please be as specific and as candid as you would like. 8. Which of the following was most helpful to you as an SHSU McNair scholar. Please check all that apply. Financial assistance Annual symposium GRE preparation Research preparation Working with McNair program staff Attendance of national and/or regional conferences Graduate school planning Faculty mentoring Guest speakers (IRT Program) Presenting research orally and on posters 9. Would you recommend participation in the McNair program to a fellow student who meets the eligibility requirements? Yes No If yes, what would you tell them in terms of expectations? 10. Please give a mailing address and telephone number and email address where you can be reached after leaving SHSU. For Office Use Only Name of Interviewer: ______________________ Signature: _______________________________ Date: ___________________________________