CCC YENCHING COLLEGE Development of Language Across the Curriculum for English-medium Education (DOLACEE) Implementation Plan 2008-2009 1. Aim: This is a staff development programme with the aim of enhancing subject language proficiency of our students through effective classroom practices and cross-curricular collaboration. 2. Time Frame and Target: We aim to involve ALL teachers in the course with the exception of those teaching in the medium of Chinese in order to create a better atmosphere. In order to derive the utmost benefit, and given the existing workload of our colleagues, the course will be targeted at Science and Mathematics and Information Technology teachers initially. A breakdown of the number of teachers participating in the project this academic year (2008/2009) is as follows: Number Names of Teachers Subject Area Functional post (if any) 1 Chan Cheuk Leong Computer Studies 2 Chan Cho Kit Mathematics 3 Chan Wai Leung Computer Studies 4 Chau Hon Hung Mathematics 5 Fong Wang Chu Chemistry 6 Kwok Fong Ming Mathematics 7 Kwok Yui Pan Physics 8 Lau Tsz Kee Mathematics 9 Lau Wai Kwan Integrated Science 10 Lee Ho Shing Mathematics 11 Lee Ka Ming Chemistry 12 Lee Siu Ling Biology 13 Leung Tim Physics 14 Lin Pui Shing Mathematics 15 Mok Siu Fan Mathematics 16 Ng Chiu King Physics Panel Head of Physics 17 Shu Chek Wun Biology Panel Head of Biology 18 Tang Kwok Chuen Chemistry Panel Head of Chemistry 19 Wong Chung Man Mathematics 20 Yuen Wai Pui Integrated Science Vice- Panel Head of Mathematics Vice Principal Panel Head of Computer Studies Panel Head of Integrated Science 1 3. Workshop Schedule for Teacher-participants: The workshops conducted by teacher-tutors will be scheduled as follows: Session No. of Details of workshops (Please Date hours refer to the Tutor Manual for (2009) Time Venue Remarks 2:00 – Physics - 4:00 Lab. briefing details) 1 2 Introductory Session 21/01 (Housekeeping) - Principal’s Distribution of manuals and reading assignment 2 3 Module 1 - ESL students and 11/02 learning in a second 2:00 – Physics 5:00 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 4:30 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 5:00 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 4:30 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 5:00 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 5:00 Lab. 9:00 – Physics 12:00 Lab. 1:30 – Physics 4:00 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 5:00 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 5:00 Lab. 2:00 – Physics 4:30 Lab. 9:00 – Physics language 3 2.5 Module 2 - Language and 18/02 learning and the role of scaffolding 4 3 Module 3 – Oral language: 04/03 how the task shapes the talk 5 2.5 Module 4 - Using oral 18/03 language: interpreting and producing oral texts 6 3 Module 5 - Working with 01/04 written and visual texts 7 3 Module 6 - Working with 22/04 written and visual texts at the text level 8 3 Module 7 - Developing 06/05* knowledge of genre and AM language at the language level 2.5 9 3 BMAs + Readings Collaborative Lesson 13/05 Planning 10 3 Micro teaching and sharing 27/05 of good practices 11 2.5 Module 8 - Assessing written 03/06 texts 12 2.5 Module 9 - Programming and 17/06** AM 2 Session No. of Details of workshops (Please Date hours refer to the Tutor Manual for (2009) Time Venue Remarks details) whole-school models of 11:30 Lab. 9:00 – Physics 12:00 Lab. support for ESL students 13 3 BMAs (Action Plan) and Evaluation 08/07 - Principal….. 38.5 *Staff Development Day **Final Examination ***Activities Day after Examination 4. Course Certification: A certificate will be awarded to teacher–participants at the end of the course detailing all elements of the course which have been satisfactorily completed. This includes having attended the required hours of training and having completed the required between module readings (BMR) and between module activities (BMA). 5. Support from the Project Team: The Project Director and/or members of the Project Team will visit three workshops run by the teacher-tutors, and meet with teacher-tutors and teacher-participants. They will give feedback regarding the workshop delivery after the visit. Tutor’s signature: 1) ___________________________ Name in block letters: Ms. Jenny Yew Tutor’s signature: 2) ____________________________ Name in block letters: Mr. Sit Cheung Wah Principal’s signature: ________________________________ Name in block letters: Date: Mr. Tam Ping Yuen 23st October, 2008 3