Presentations 101

Presentations 101
Improving Your Presentation Skills
Tips and Techniques
some brand new Videoconferencing tips
Paul Galvani
University Of Houston
Presentations 101
Presentations 101
From the Greek Glosso meaning tongue and phobia meaning fear
This is the Number One Fear of All Fears
The Fear of DYING is Number Seven
Presentations 101
“There are two kinds of speakers:
Those who are nervous and
Those who are liars” Mark Twain
Presentations 101
Time is a valuable asset
Your audience is investing in you
They expect a return on
their investment
Presentations 101
One good idea
Is the basis of all
Good presentations
What do you want your audience to remember?
Presentations 101
Start Out Strong
Finish Strong
Presentations 101
It’s all in the PREPARATION
“He who fails to prepare is
Preparing for failure” Unknown
Presentations 101
•The film critique
•The sixty-second synopsis
•A good broth
Presentations 101
Know in advance to whom the presentation is
being made
Know how many people will be in attendance
Know where the presentation is being made
Know how long the presentation is supposed
to be
Check out the room in advance
Know where the room and A/V controls are
Presentations 101
Physical Stuff
•Where to stand
•Where to look
•Eye Contact
•How to address the screen
•What to do with your hands
Presentations 101
You’d better have an……
Introduction, body and conclusion
Tell ‘em what you’re gonna tell ‘em
Tell ‘em, then
Tell ‘em what you told ‘em
Presentations 101
Humor is not your friend
Beware of telling a joke
A humorous story, if it pertains
to the subject matter, may be
Presentations 101
Use visuals to reinforce your points
Remove visuals when they no longer apply
Ensure that everything can be clearly
Seen from the back of the room
The rule of 6 (6 lines, 6 words)
Presentations 101
•No monotones
•Don’t mumble
•Use a good range of voice, especially for emphasis
•Watch the “ahs, ums” and “you knows”
Presentations 101
If you have a lengthy handout, do not
Pass it out until the end
If you have a series of smaller handouts
It’s OK to hand them out as you go along
Presentations 101
Be enthusiastic
Be confident
(Attitudes are contagious)
Presentations 101
Please, please, please
Don’t just read from a text
Presentations 101
Watch the time
Presentations 101
•Thanking the audience
•Saying “I’m really glad to be here”
•Telling a joke
•Saying “I’ve been asked to speak about..”
•Apologizing (for anything)
•Forcing your audience to say “Good
Presentations 101
Be a Storyteller
I’d like to share a story with you
I’d like to paint a picture for you
The best way for me to tell you about this
Is to tell you about Richard.
Presentations 101
Let the audience know whether you would like
Them to ask questions during your presentation
Or hold them until the end
Remember, there’s no such thing as a
Stupid question…….
Videoconferencing 101
Videoconferencing tips
Be on your very best behavior from the
moment you set foot in the videoconferencing
room until the moment you leave
Videoconferencing 101
The camera magnifies everything.
Don’t forget that your colleagues all over the
World can watch you twirl your hair, pick your
Nose or teeth, bite your lip, clench your jaw,
Check your watch or Blackberry or scratch any
Part of your body
Videoconferencing 101
Even for videoconferencing from your home
Office, make sure you dress below the belt
As well. Else you run the risk of standing up
To fetch something and getting caught with
Your pants down
Videoconferencing 101
Lean into the camera when you have
A point to make
Videoconferencing 101
Maintain eye contact with other live
Participants as well as with remote viewers.
Don’t just stare at the screen. Don’t gaze
Away or seem detached. Don’t frown or slouch,
Put your hands on your chin or bob up and
Down in your chair. Avoid large hand and
body motions. Don’t fall asleep.
Videoconferencing 101
Rehearse at Kinko’s or video yourself
At home and view it twice: first without
The audio then again without the video
Presentations 101
Did you get a good return
On your investment?