NordMin PhD-course: “Deep-sea mineral resources and prospects of underwater mining: geological, environmental and technological challenges ahead” (5 ECTS) Welcome to the 3rd NordMin PhD course on sustainability in the mining sector, within a Nordic context. The course will be organized by Centre for Geobiology, University of Bergen, Norway in October 3-7, 2016, as part of the NordMin project ( funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers for the period of 2013−2016. One ambition with the NordMin project is to build a network of excellence in the Nordic countries related to sustainable mining. In this respect, we would like to create platforms and areas where stakeholders meet to discuss mining and mineral extraction from a sustainability perspective. The Nordic context means that issues such as extreme conditions (from a technical perspective and in terms of climate), environmental impact and indigenous people’s rights should be addressed together with CSR standards and the image of the extractive industry. One such platform will be PhD courses organized in different Nordic countries over the lifespan of the project. PhD-students, stakeholders from industry, public authorities and NGO´s are welcome to participate! PhD Course Program Monday Tuesday 3 October 4 October Introduction to Diversity of Seafloor Hydrothermal Hydrothermal Systems, Systems, the Diversity of Ore Mid-AtlanticDeposits, Ridge axis Mineral (Portugal Resource Iceland Assessment: Norway), the what we don’t Arctic Midknow yet, Ocean Ridge Models and Discoveries on the Last Decades Wednesday 5 October Technology, Sub-sea development, Nordic Subsea Industry Thursday 6 October Field day - visit to ROV, subsea tech, vessels, labs, etc. Friday 7 October Environmental impact studies, Plume dispersal, Establishing a baseline on diverse systems, Weathering of sulfides