Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization Worksheet 6 p.1 International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization The following are a few international aid organizations. Do you know them? Search the internet logos of the organizations. World Vision Oxfam United Nations Médecins Sans Frontières International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Orbis Greenpeace World Wide Fund for Nature Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization 1. p.2 Compared to independent countries, what are the advantages of these international aid organizations in dealing with the relevant global issues? Suggested answer: They are more neutral and so more acceptable to the government and people of, say, disaster areas; they are more powerful in mobilizing people than many developing countries. 2. How important are these international aid organizations in promoting mutual support? Suggested answer: They have branches all over the world. They mobilize people to help people in other places. This promotes human linkages, cooperation and flow of resources. Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization p.3 Source A Greenpeace is an international environmental protection organization that aims at seeking ways to stop pollution, protect the diversity of natural life and the atmosphere, and pursue a nuclear-free world. The origins of Greenpeace date back to 1971, when a group of Canadians and Americans formed a protesting team and tried, in a fishing boat, to stop the United States from carrying out nuclear tests in Amchitka, a tiny island off the West Coast of Alaska. They also wanted to record environments being damaged so that they could tell the world about them. Since then, ‘being at the site being destroyed’ has become an important way of Greenpeace to protest against environmental damage. Today, they deeply believe that despite the limitation of individual efforts, people can still make a difference. Greenpeace usually expresses its concerns and protests through the following ways: non-violent direct actions; negotiations with relevant authorities and international treaty organizations; provision of environmental protection solutions and options through research; promotion of environmental technology and products development. To maintain its independence, Greenpeace does not accept subsidies from any governments or corporations. Source: Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization 3. p.4 According to Source A, what is the major aim of the international environmental protection organization Greenpeace? Suggested answer: To seek ways to stop pollution, protect diversity of natural life and the atmosphere, and pursue a nuclear-free world. 4. Why would environmental problems lead to the emergence of international organizations such as Greenpeace? Suggested answer: Environmental problem is a trans-border global problem. 5. Why does Greenpeace refuse to accept subsidies from governments and corporations? Suggested answer: It thinks that governments and corporations are involved in damaging the global environment. If it accepts subsidies from these sources, conflicts of interest may arise and its position and choices of action. will be compromised Source B The United Nations peacekeepers are sent by the Security Council to help implement peace agreements, monitor ceasefire, patrol demilitarized zones, establish buffer zones between hostile parties, prevent wars, and settle disputes peacefully through negotiation. However, the success of peacekeeping ultimately relies on agreement and cooperation between the conflicting parties. The United Nations has no army of its own. Every peacekeeping action is supported by voluntary troops and facilities provided by member states. The cost is covered by its peacekeeping budgets. Source: Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization 6. p.5 How important is the U.N. peacekeeping force to regions with armed conflicts? Suggested answer: The UN peacekeeping force dispatches its troops not in the name of individual countries but as a neutral and fair force. They can therefore gain the confidence of the warring parties and thus minimize the chance and. impact of war 7. Why does the U.N. have to rely on its member states to voluntarily send their troops to participate in peacekeeping actions? Suggested answer: The UN is formed by independent and autonomous nations. It does not have sovereignty over places and populations. It does not have its own troops. Countries have control over their own troops. Therefore the UN can only rely on member states to send their troops voluntarily. 8. What are the constraints facing peacekeeping actions by international organizations like UN? Why? Suggested answer: The success of the UN’s actions depends on the consent and cooperation between the hostile parties, as the UN does not have the power to force the hostile parties to abide by its decisions. Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization p.6 Source C On 11 December 1997, the Kyoto Protocol of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was adopted in Kyoto, Japan. Its aim is to monitor greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the global greenhouse effect. Under the adopted principle of ‘shared but differential responsibilities’, advanced industrialized countries will have to take initiatives to reduce their level first. As the world’s largest coal consumption nation, the United States emits a quarter of the world’s total amount of carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas. In the past decade, the growth range of its emission has exceeded that of India, Africa and Latin America combined. However, in March 2001, President George W. Bush openly stated that the United States would not implement the Kyoto Protocol, as standards for improvement were not yet set in the Protocol for developing countries. It is a fact that the Protocol contains regulations that could affect the US economy. 9. According to Source C, how does the international community propose to solve global environmental problems? Suggested answer: Through international protocols. 10. As the world’s largest consumer of fuel coal, why does the United States refuse to implement the Kyoto Protocol? Suggested answer: Because the Protocol has not set down standards for developing countries like China and India, while it has set down regulations that may affect the US economy. Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization p.7 11. What difficulties do international agreements like the Kyoto Protocol face in trying to solve global problems? Suggested answer: The success of international agreements depends on the concerned parties’ adherence to the agreements. The Kyoto Protocol will be no more than a piece of paper if strong and influential countries do not abide by or sign the agreement. Debate Motion: International organizations and international agreements are the most effective means of solving global problems. Summary Do you think international organizations and international agreements can make people develop a global sense of integration? Why? Suggested answer: Free answers Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization p.8 Try to Find At the beginning of this worksheet, a few international organizations are introduced. Can you list the names of some other international organizations? How much do you know about such international organizations? Select one of the organizations and do a brief report on it. Introduce their work to your classmates. The report may include: 1. Name of the organization 2. History: Year of establishment, background, etc. 3. Aims 4. Major work 5. Any branches in Hong Kong 6. Others 7. Responses: How does the work of the organization improve human life; which area of the work of the organization impresses you most. Websites for References: World Vision <> World Vision Hong Kong <> World Wide Fund <> WWF Hong Kong <> Greenpeace International <> Greenpeace China <> United Nation Organisation <> Oribis <> Orbis Hong Kong <> Globalization Worksheet 6 :International Organizations and Cooperation under Globalization p.9 MSF International <> Medecins Sans Frontieres Hong Kong <> Oxfam International <> Oxfam Hong Kong <> International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies <> Hong Kong Red Cross <>