Understanding Our Community Introduction to understanding a community Warm-up activity Your overall impression on the community where you live: What are the special features and characteristics of the community? Where are the landmarks and famous sites in the community? What do you think about living in the community? What do you like about the community? Local features ………………………………………………………………….. and ………………………………………………………………….. characteristics ………………………………………………………………….. Landmarks and Famous sites Life in the community ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………….. What I feel good ………………………………………………………………….. about the ………………………………………………………………….. community ………………………………………………………………….. Can you locate your community from the map? The community where I live/study is in Hong Kong Island / Kowloon / The New Territories. It is located in the northern/eastern/southern /western part of Hong Kong. Do you know….? There are 18 administration districts in Hong Kong. Each district has a district council and is divided into constituency areas. You may find out more about each district from the official websites of District Council (http://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk) and Home Affairs Bureau (http://www.hab.gov.hk/). A. Geographical characteristics and surroundings Activity 1 What are unique physical features in your community? Do you notice any special natural settings and built features around you? Collect photos and pictures of the best scenic spots of your community. Community snapshots Things to see and do Do you know….? Home Affairs Bureau has a website on the local characteristics and attractions of 18 districts. Hong Kong Fun in 18 districts http://www.gohk.gov.hk/eng/about/index.html Activity 2 Community Walk:Using the chosen scenic spots in Activity 1, plan an itinerary that shows the best of your community with your group members. You need to : 1. Arrange the route of the itinerary. 2. Give information e.g. what to see and do; transportation, entrance fee, etc. Hopping around in Consider a theme for people who have special interests: a family for fun cultural heritage lover nature walker historical heritage B. Population in the community Activity 1 Refer to the recent report of 2006 Population By-census (http://www.bycensus2006.gov.hk), complete the tables with the population information of your home district. Proportion of population (Aged 65 and over) Hong Kong 12.4% My home district Proportion of population (Aged under 15) Hong Kong 13.7% My home district Proportion of population (Aged 15 - 64) Hong Kong 73.9% My home district Summary of the comparison: 1. My home district has higher / lower 2. 3. proportion of the elderly.. What might be their needs and how can we help ? 1. 2. 3. Activity 2 From the information below, what do you think about the trends of Hong Kong population? “The New Territories will have faster rate of population growth than both Kowloon and Hong Kong Island.” “Between 2005 and 2015, the proportion of land-based Hong Kong resident Population aged 15-64 and those aged 65 and over will increase, whereas the population aged 0-14 will reduce.” From “Planning Department (2005) Salient point in Projections of Population Distribution 2006-2015, Which area will have faster rate of population growth? What is the trend of population change in those aged below 15? What is the trend of population change in those aged between 15 – 64? What is the trend of population change in those aged 65 or above? Do you know….? Which of the government department is responsible for collecting statistical data of population in Hong Kong? The Census and Statistics Department conducts census (every 10 years) and by-census (in the middle of two censuses) to update the population information. The information is particularly useful to understand the socio-economic development of Hong Kong and to facilitate research, discussion, planning and decision-making within the government and in the community. To find out census information and population change over the past 10 years, you may visit the official website of the Census and Statistics Department: (http://www.censtatd.gov.hk/) How about your community? How do you think the population will change in 10 years? Visit http://www.bycensus2006.gov.hk, complete the tables with the population information of your home district. (Aged under 15) Hong Kong Home district Proportion of Population (Aged 15-64) 2001 16.5% 20 2006 13.7% 15 Your observations: 1) 2001 10 2006 5 0 There is more/less proportion of population Hong Kong in 0-14 age group in my home district when Home district compared to whole of Hong Kong. 2) There will be a/an increase / decrease in this age group in my home district. (Aged 15 - 64) Proportion of Population (Aged 15-64) Hong Kong Home district 74.5 74 73.5 73 72.5 72 71.5 2001 72.3% 2001 2006 73.9% 2006 Your observations: 3) There is more/less proportion of population Hong Kong Home district in age group 15 – 64 in my home district when compared to whole of Hong Kong. 4) There will be a/an increase / decrease in this age group in my home district. (Aged 65 and above) Hong Kong 2001 11.1% 2006 12.4% Home Proportion of Population (Aged over 64) district 12.5 12 11.5 11 Your observations: 5) 10 There is more/less proportion of population in 65 or above age group in my home district when compared to whole of Hong Kong. 6) 10.5 There will be a/an increase / decrease in this age group in my home district. Hong Kong Home district 2001 2006 Activity 3 Using the recent census data (Appendix A – Census data 2006), find out the following population characteristics of your community. Then compare them with the data of Hong Kong. Median Monthly Domestic Household Income Hong Kong HK$17250 My home district Median Monthly Domestic Household Rent Hong Kong HK$1677 My home district Labour force participation rate Hong Kong 60.3% My home district In what ways the above data are useful to understand the socio-economic development of your community? Which economic status / group would be more common among the people in the community? lower-income group/ middle-income group / higher income group Which type of housing would be more common for the majority of the people in the community? lower-quality private housing / public housing / higher-quality private housing C. Community features and planning Activity 1 What are the main features of the government's city planning in the community? Work with group members and collect information about the following characteristics of the community. Most of our classmates and friends live in the district. The places they live are residential areas. Various types of housing can be observed in the residential areas. Some are privately-owned and some are public housing. I live in…………………………………………………………………………, where most housing are mostly privately-owned / public housing. A comprehensive, accessible and district-connected road system is important to a community because it helps to connect the people to the other communities. Transportation is easy in this district. The best way to get to our district is by …………………………………… If you want to go around in our community, you may take …………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………… Quality community life needs adequate community facilities and a healthy living environment. Social services can be accessed when we are in need. Tell how long it takes from where you live to the following: Social facilities The nearest public library………........minutes by……………………………... The nearest police station……………minutes by…………………………….. The nearest public hospital…………..minutes by……………………………. The nearest fire station………………..minutes by……………………………. Other available social facilities: There are lots of interesting places to go, both indoor and outdoor. ………………………………………………………………………………………… You should not miss the places below: Examples of heritage buildings that tell our community history and culture: ………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………….…. Activity 2 What is your overall impression of your home district? Is it a comfortable environment to you? Evaluate your home district with the indicators below: Features and Characteristics district Housing Transport in good order and well maintained accessible recreational facilities available supporting services to the needy (e.g. elderly, disable?) a variety of public transport safe, well-facilitated road network for people and traffic frequent transportation commutes between other areas / districts Job opportunity Recreational facilities low unemployment rate a variety of occupation types accessible information in the job market for people with employment difficulties. accessible to various recreational facility types facilities in good condition assistance available by operators Open Space Public facilities damage-free and green open area meeting places available for people adequate buffer between roads and building blocks services provided for personal, family and social needs and development meet the needs of people and bring the well-being of the community Environment and sanitary condition streets and public places at acceptable hygienic standard available of waste-disposal and waste-collection for recycle rare pollution Rating 4 3 2 1 Summary of the community facilities assessment What make me feel good about my community are: 1………………………………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………………………… The following areas have to be improved for better living environment: 1……………………………………………………………………… 2……………………………………………………………………… … Community development Work individually - Choose 3 community problems and prioritise the problems that call for public attention. Environment Individual Housing Transport Job Recreational opportunities facilities Open space Public facilities & Sanitary Condition Discuss among your group members; work out a group decision on the 3 community problems that call for actions. Environment Housing Transport Group Job Recreational opportunities facilities Open space Public facilities & Sanitary Condition From the report of decision made by each group, what are the 3 areas for improvement concerned by your class? Give examples or evidence to support your group discussion. Environment Housing Class Job Recreational opportunities facilities Transport Public Open space & Sanitary facilities Condition Area for improvement 1: Supporting information (example / evidence): Which government department should you contact? Area for improvement 2: Supporting information (example / evidence): Which government department should you contact? Area for improvement 3: Supporting information (example / evidence): Which government department should you contact? Activity 3 Local developments Visit the website of “Take Me Home” www.takemehome.com.hk”, a local district-based newspaper. Find out a recent development project related to your community. The following guidelines help you to read through the information: What is the issue? Political / economic / social / environmental What is the existing problem in the community? Why is it an issue / a problem that arouses concerns? What are the different points of views to the issue? Who support? Who oppose? How are they different in their stand points? Are what they said fact or opinion? Any evidence or factual information to support their sayings? How can the problem / issue be solved? (Refer to the proposals and suggestions) Evaluate how different proposals will change our living conditions and environment. Who will benefit? How would their life be improved? Event/Issue Why Why did it happen? Who What Who support? What caused it? Who oppose? What impacts did it have? Where How Where did it takes How to solve it? place? When HAVE MY SAY What I have read is……………… What I think is………………… What I care about is……………… What I suggest is…………………. D. Economic activities and our living environment Activity 1 Take a record on your daily consumption and you will get to know how economic activities in the community supply what you need for daily life. Day 1 Date: Shop name Day 2 Type of shop What did you buy? Type of shop What did you buy? Type of shop What did you buy? Date: Shop name Day 3 Date: Shop name Products & services clothing groceries dining entertainment No. of visits The District Council has decided to run a flea market and invites people to run small booths in the market. What kind of shops / products do you want to see in the flea market? Why is such a shop needed? How does it make your life more convenient / give more variety in the community? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Activity 2 Local economy in the community There are a variety of economic activities in different areas in a community. Can you give examples on each of the following? Tell how the activities bring about the advantages / disadvantages on our living environment. Economic Activities in the Community shopping areas e.g. stationery shop commercial areas e.g. banks industrial areas e.g. XXX industrial building How these activities affect our life in the community advantages disadvantages How would our community be different without these activities shopping areas Commercial areas Industrial areas E. Culture and nature Activity 1 Community Origin Which of the statements below appropriately describe(s) your community? Color the grid box(es) with appropriate descriptions. Its name has been Its name was The government It was named after used for more than given when the took the name of a famous person / 150 years. British came into the village as the place / physical rule of Hong Kong. name of the larger feature / event. area as a whole. The community The community This area was This area is under was first formed by was first formed by established by the development the early settlers the early settlers government with project for urban from the mainland from other parts of good town planning. of China. Hong Kong. planning. There are colonial There are There are natural There are urban landmarks or traditional and scenic and wildlife built-up features features. cultural landmarks features. showing the various or features. stages of social development. This area once This area is There is a The roles and served significant significant in term development functions of this roles in political, of its role(s) in project which sets place are under social and political, social and up new roles and consultation on economic economic functions in the future development. development. development. area. About its name: The name is originated in Evidence / Examples: About its early settlement: The early settlement was from Evidence / Examples: About its landmarks and features: There are special landmarks and features in our community: Evidence / Examples About land use and function: This area is mainly used for: Evidence / Examples Activity 2 Community heritage Source 1 舊的建築物,有它的歷史,有它的獨特故事,有它的文化,有它的承傳。重要的是能夠 從這些陳年的石屎磚頭間,提煉出它的內在精神,價值及回憶,再以活化的現代手法, 注入新的生命,從新演繹。這才是給予過去一點的尊重,這才是我們可以付予將來的一 點承擔。資料來源 <都市日報: 都市微觀 - 創意工廠時代的來臨, 何志平> 2006.11.22 Source 2 Source 3 There are various types of In a place of rapid economic development, historic buildings in Hong Kong, heritage conservation was often neglected. of both Chinese and Western Many beautiful historical buildings were pulled styles. They are unique down for redevelopment, not only by private landmarks of our city. Historic owners, but also by the government. In our buildings reflect our cultural countryside, large areas of greeneries and identity and mark the historical settlements are turned into open continuation of our traditions. storages or 3-storeyed Spanish-style village They are also living history, houses, all unsympathetic with the rural closely related to our daily lives environment. and should therefore be preserved properly. Source: Ho, Betty (2000). Achieving heritage conservation in sustainable development. The Conservancy Association http://www.conservancy.org.hk/articles/docs/20000510e.pdf Source: Antiquities and Monuments Office (2006), Foreword in “Heritage Hong Kong”. Issue 17 Source 4 Many officials never care about our feelings towards to a district. They never ask whether there will be anything left to give us the feeling of “roots”. said William Tang (鄧達智), local renowned fashion designer. Source: Student Standard, “The cost of redevelopment” Nov 10, 2006. Source 5 Read “Living history”, (from South China Morning Post 2007-01-24), to get to know how other people think about the relationship between people, heritage and community development. Discuss: Referring to sources 1 and 2, what are the values of historic buildings? Can you give one example of a historical building that reflects our “cultural identity” and one that marks the “continuation of our tradition”? Referring to source 3, what are the threats to the historical buildings in Hong Kong? Whom should be blamed for creating the threats to those buildings? How does William Tang’s idea of “the feeling of roots” (source 4) relate to the values mentioned in sources 1 and 2? In what way we can express “feeling of roots” (source 4) and “love in these places” (source 5) to community? Which source(s) sound more pessimistic towards heritage conservation in Hong Kong? Activity 3 Local community characters Discuss: What do you like about where you live? What are the positive aspects? What buildings mean the most to you? Also, is there any site of significant heritage importance in your community? How have these buildings given you “the feeling of roots”? Do you want any conservation action taken to preserve your “love” and “memory” of these building? Here are some ideas and suggestions: Religious (e.g. churches and temples, etc) Commercial Activity (e.g. shops with special characteristics etc.) Housing / social service centre (e.g. privately-own, premises owned / managed by government or non- government organizations etc.) Natural Environment (e.g. scenes, parks, coastline etc.) What do you like about where you live? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Which buildings mean the most to you? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… How have these buildings given you “the feeling of roots”? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… What is the significant heritage importance to your community? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Tell one of your most impressed events/ moments about the building. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Interview one of classmates on his/her favourite place in the community. The best of my community ………………………………(place) in the eyes of .………………………(name) The best part of the community:......................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… The place where you spend most of your time: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… What do you usually do there? Why is it an interest place to go? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… How does the place differ from that of in the past ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..……………………………………………………. Is there any change or improvement do you want to see in future? Why? …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… F. Community needs and supports Activity 1 Visit one of the community centres (government or non-government) and introduce: the services they provide the target group(s) how the services meet the needs of the target group the organization responsible for running the centre / providing services address and contact of the centre / website of the centre and the organization collect a leaflet / information sheet about a service of the centre Activity 2 People in need The 9 cases below show there are people in need in a community. Identify their needs and suggest local organizations, government and non-government, that might offer assistance to them. Case A My two younger brothers will come to join our family from the Mainland. I am afraid they might not get used to the distinct lifestyle in Hong Kong. Case B My grandma is 78 years old. She is extremely healthy and energetic. Recently, she is looking for a place where she can spend time on recreational activities with people of her age. Case C My daddy was a chef in a café. Recently, he is thinking about getting a job as a security guard. He thinks he needs more job information and job training. Case D My friend complains about his unhappy school life and poor peer relationship. Case E I have just been offered a part-time job in a bank but I need to take care of my 3-year-old daughter. Case F Ka-lok studies in Form one but he seems not interested in participating school’s activities. It is heard that he has to help his family to collect cans and tins, and he has no extra money for activities. Case H Case I Khan, a local-born Thai, is a primary six student who speaks very well Thai, English and Cantonese. But he can’t read and write Chinese. He would like to make friends with local teens and study with local school children. Case G “Hung zai” lost his jobs since the SARS period and still fails to get a job. He’s got no job, no money, and no place to stay. “Lam Pak”, 68-year-old, runs a 50-ft shop and repairs watches and sells assembles for watches. His tiny shop is located at the ground floor, beside the staircase of the building. He receives a removal notice due to redevelopment of this area. Case What kind of social services do they Who can provide supporting need? services? A B C D E F G H I Do you know….? Social Welfare Department provides core welfare services such as social security, medical social services and etc. There are supporting services for elders, young people, people with disabilities and offenders. The department also works closely with other non-government organizations in providing supporting services to the needy. G. Local developments and community actions Activity 1 Community Action Alert Collect and choose a publication (e.g. poster / notice / leaflets etc.) showing the recent community actions (e.g. tasks / projects/ activity / campaign etc.) achieved by district council members / social organizations / political organizations. Fight for Against Demand Our concern Support Urge for What is the taken action? Why is it important to our community? What is/are the objective(s) and goal(s) of the action? How does the action meet the local community needs? Who are the target groups that will benefit from the action? Roles and views Who?(Group / title) Attitudes towards the issue (support / against) What did he/she say? ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Who?(Group / title) Attitudes towards the issue (support / against) What did he/she say? ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Who?(Group / title) Attitudes towards the issue (support / against) What did he/she say? ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Who?(Group / title) Attitudes towards the issue (support / against) What did he/she say? ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Who?(Group / title) Attitudes towards the issue (support / against) What did he/she say? ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Who?(Group / title) Attitudes towards the issue (support / against) What did he/she say? ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………. Activity 2 Working in groups, prepare a meeting with residents of your community. Assign each group member a role to represent people with different interests in the issue / the problem. Be ready to explain to the residents: 1. the issue / the problem 2. reasons why it raises the residents’ concern 3. suggestions to the issue or the problem Pre Role Your views Any evidence / information / data / photos that support your views? Role Your views Any evidence / information / data / photos that support your views? Role Your views Any evidence / information / data / photos that support your views? Role Your views Any evidence / information / data / photos that support your views? Role Your views Any evidence / information / data / photos that support your views? Activity 3 Working in groups, carry out a small-scale survey and interview students of another class (about 30 – 40) to collect their views about the issue. Tell what they really think about the issue. Part One – Background information What is the issue? …………………………………………………………………………………………… What are the problems aroused from the issue? …………………………………………………………………………………………… What do they think about the suggestions to the issue? …………………………………………………………………………………………… Part Two – The design of the survey A survey on The survey aims at finding out views and opinions from class about the impacts on the living environment brought by the issue of . Q1. Q2. Q3. Q4. Q5. Q6. Q7. Q8. Q9. Q10. Other comments and opinions: ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………...... Thank you for your feedback Consider the rating scale that fits your questionnaire: For consensus: strongly agree/agree/ disagree/strongly disagree For appropriateness: most appropriate/appropri ate Inappropriate/ most inappropriate For frequency: always/ sometimes/ rarely/ never You may consider other rating scales that may fit your questionnaire. Part Three – Reporting the findings Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Question: The findings show: Appendix A – Census Data 2006 District Council Districts Median Monthly Median Monthly Labour Force Domestic Domestic Participation Household Income Household Rent (1) Rate (%) (HK$) (HK$) Hong Kong Island Central and Western 26,250 6,500 64.7 Wan Chai 27,500 7,500 64.0 Eastern 21,705 2,180 61.0 Southern 21,000 1,500 61.4 Sub-total 23,000 3,000 62.2 Yau Tsim Mong 17,500 3,900 61.7 Sham Shui Po 13,500 1,680 55.5 Kowloon City 20,000 2,500 60.4 Wong Tai Sin 14,250 1,598 55.9 Kwun Tong 14,050 1,610 56.4 Sub-total 15,035 1,760 57.6 Kwai Tsing 14,500 1,561 57.2 Tsuen Wan 20,000 1,860 62.6 Tuen Mun 15,000 1,032 61.1 Yuen Long 14,810 1,450 60.7 North 16,000 1,325 60.1 Tai Po 18,000 1,350 61.8 Sha Tin 19,320 1,535 61.9 Sai Kung 21,000 1,900 65.8 Islands 16,410 2,250 59.3 Sub-total 17,000 1,499 61.2 Land total 17,260 1,677 60.3 plus: Marine 10,000 N.A. 72.7 Whole territory 17,250 1,677 60.3 Kowloon New Territories N.A. stands for not applicable Source : 2006 Population By-census Office, Census and Statistics Department (Enquiry telephone no. : 2716 8025) Last review date: 22 February, 2007