Integrated Humanities School History School History p. 1 Integrated Humanities School History p. 2 Chronology1 The importance of following the right order When you tell a story, it is important that the story line follows a right order. If not, it may turn into a joke. A. What is ‘order’? Find the class numbers from 4 of your classmates and arrange the numbers in order. The order is: ___________________ B. Look at the pictures below. What do you do first every morning? arrange the activities in the right order. Please A. putting on shoes B. waking up C. brushing teeth D. putting on socks The right order should be 1 Chronology 時序 Integrated Humanities School History p. 3 C. Work with your neighbour and make up a ‘new’ order for the pictures. Then you act out the new order before the whole class. See what will happen. The new order is: ___________________ You are the editor of the school magazine2. You want to introduce the history of [ ] Secondary School to your fellow students. You have collected some information from different sources. However, the information is not organized. Can you rearrange the following pieces of information according to the time sequence3 and fill in the table on page 5. The first one is already done for you. In 19[ ], a better study environment4 was created because air-conditioning was provided. The students union5 was formed in 19[ ]. Mr. [ ] became principal after Mr. [ ]. The first S6 arts and science classes were started in 19[ ]. 2 school magazine time sequence 4 environment 5 students union 3 校刊 時間的先後次序 環境 學生會 Integrated Humanities School History p. 4 Mr. [ ] moved to Canada. Mr. [ ] became principal. To promote better communication6 between parents and school, the Parent Teacher Association was formed in 19[ ]. Mr. [ ] was principal7 for [ ] years. He left in 19[ ]. In 19[ ], the first S5 graduation ceremony8 was held. School facilities were improved Mr. [ ] was appointed the first principal of the school. as well. For example, lockers were provided for S1-S3 students a year after the air-conditioners were installed. [ ] Secondary School was established9 in 19[ ]. 6 7 8 9 communication principal graduation ceremony establish 溝通 校長 畢業典禮 成立 Integrated Humanities School Emblem Year History of [ School History ] Secondary School Event(s) (you can use your own Evidence words) 19[ ] [ ]Secondary School was established. 19[ ] 19[ ] 19[ ] 19[ ] 19[ ] 19[ ] 19[ ] 19[ ] 1997 Foundation stone p. 5 Integrated Humanities School History What have you learned? You are able to 1. understand that time sequence (chronology) is important in studying the history of a place (such as Hong Kong, an organization such as a school or a person such as yourself. 2. arrange events according to the time sequence. p. 6 Integrated Humanities School History p. 7 Evidence, Relevancy What is relevancy? b. a photo of the dead body Produce the evidence you have collected to show that he is the murderer. a. a birth certificate c. a newspaper which reported the murder d. a knife carrying the murderer's finger print e. an electricity bill f. a laboratory report on the blood sample collected from the knife Notebook g. the notebook of the police inspector in-charge Can you select the relevant information for the judge? Evidence is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that makes you believe that something is true or has really happened. Integrated Humanities School History p. 8 When you study the history of your school, you will come across a lot of information. You have to select the relevant10 ones. If not, you will only waste your time and cannot get a clear picture of the school. Below are some items which might be relevant to the history of your school. Which items do you think are relevant? Where can you find the information? Are they easy to find? Use to show the degree of relevancy. : least relevant; : most relevant Use to show that the items are easy to find. Use to show that they are difficult to find. A school magazine Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? 10 relevant 相關 Picture of School Magazine Integrated Humanities A student newspaper Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? Photos of graduation ceremony Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? A student's record card Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? A letter from a teacher who has left [ ] Secondary school Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? School History Picture of School Newspaper p. 9 Integrated Humanities School History A Photo of the school building Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? The foundation stone Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? An interview with Principal Mr. [ his account of school history ] and Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? An interview with Teacher A and her account of school history Relevancy Easy to find? Where to find? p. 10 Integrated Humanities School History p. 11 What have you learned? You are able 1. to use evidence to support your findings; 2. to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information. This is a basic step in doing research. Homework When collecting evidence, make a record. For example, if the evidence is the foundation stone of the school, take a picture of it or copy the inscription11 on to the column “Reason”. If space is not enough, use a separate sheet of paper. Try to finish the column on "Evidence". The first is already done for you. Also, in the column "Reason", briefly12 explain why you think they are relevant. 11 12 inscription briefly 碑文 簡短地 Integrated Humanities School History p. 12 Extended exercise When collecting information on the history of the school, you may find events which are interesting and important. events to the timeline as well. You should add these Remember that you have to have evidence in support of the event(s) you have listed. My Own Findings Year Event Evidence Reason Integrated Humanities School History p. 13 Facts and Opinions As a matter of fact Facts are something that actually happened. They are pieces of information or knowledge that can be proven. Opinion is what one thinks or believes about something. People often have different opinions on the same subject. I am the most 170cm I am the handsome boy in class. tallest student in class. Is this a fact? Is this a fact? Integrated Humanities School History Study the following sources about [ opinions. p. 14 ] Secondary School and try to identify facts and Source A Description of [ ] Secondary School by Mr. [ ], principal. When [ ] Secondary School was established in 19[ ], Hong Kong was a very different place then…… But for all of us, those were times of achievements and experiences. As a school, there was pride that in our togetherness we could do good things and we did. I remember in the early 1970s, our school gained a higher pass rate in the Cert. of Ed.13 English than one of the most famous Grant-in-Aid14 boys' schools in Hong Kong. This achievement continues to establish our reputation15 as one of the great schools of Hong Kong. Source B Description of [ ] Secondary School by Mr. [ principal. This message was written in 19[ ], former ]. It is with great pleasure that I send you greetings on the occasion of the [ ]th Anniversary of [ ] Secondary School. Good work has been done since [ to the students [ ] Secondary School first opened its doors ]. Since then it has developed into one of the leading schools in the district. [ ] Secondary School is playing a notable role in the education of youths, not only in the [ district but in the Special Administrative Region. 13 Cert. of Ed. 14 Grant-in-Aid 15 reputation 16 Anniversary 17 notable 中學會考 按補助條例辦學的學校,大多有悠久的歷史 聲譽 周年紀念 值得注意的,顯要的 ] Integrated Humanities School History p. 15 1. Decide whether the following statements are fact (F) or opinion (O). a. [ ] Secondary School was established in 19[ b. [ ] Secondary School is situated in [ ]. ( ) ( ) c. It will become a leading school in Hong Kong. ( ) d. It will play a notable role in [ ] district. ( ) e. The teaching staff achieved good things because of the ( ) ( ) ( ) ]. togetherness among them. f. In early 70s, [ ] gained a higher pass rate in Cert. of Ed. English than one of the most famous Grant-in-Aid boys' schools in Hong Kong. g. [ ] Secondary School continues to establish a reputation as one of the great schools of Hong Kong. 2. Compare Sources A and B and list one point mentioned by both principal and ex-principal. 3. Compare Sources A and B and list one point mentioned by only the ex-principal has. 4. With sources A and B, do they differ on facts about [ ] Secondary School? Integrated Humanities School History 5. Do the two principals share the same opinion about [ ] Secondary School? you explain why? What have you learned? You are able to tell the difference between facts and opinions. p. 16 Can