
Learning Economics through current issues (4)
Income Inequality in Hong Kong
Source 1
金融海嘯影響本港經濟,香港社會服務聯會(社聯)分析發現,本港今年上半年有近 124 萬
人生活於低收入家庭內,即每六名香港人中便有一人為窮人,而青年貧窮率亦由 99 年的
15.4%升至今年上半年的 20%,升幅近三成。
社聯早前分析政府數據發現,在 89 年至 09 年期間,本港高收入家庭入息中位數升幅達
1.5 倍,但低收入家庭入息中位數的升幅少於 1 倍。高收入群組與低收入群組的入息中位
數比例,由 20 年前的 2.46 倍升至今年上半年的 3.6 倍。社聯業務總監蔡海偉指,市民入
「6 個港人 1 個貧 10 年新高」
,香港經濟日報,2009 年 9 月 28 日。
「港貧窮人口高達 123 萬 貧富日益懸殊 社聯促撥 17 億扶貧」,星島日報,2009 年 9 月 28 日。
「2009 年最新貧窮及失業數據分析」香港社會服務聯會
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Source 2:Poverty Population in Hong Kong (Thousands) (99-first half of 09)
Poverty Rate
Poverty Population (thousands)
Poverty Population
Poverty Rate
Source: 2009 updated poverty and unemployment data analysis, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Note: Poverty population refers to the population living in a low income household. Low income household is categorized by the household size and
it refers to the household whose income is less or equal to the half of the median monthly domestic household income of the same size in Hong
Kong. Half of the median monthly domestic household incomes of the corresponding household size of the first half of 2009 are: single-member
household, HK$6,750 for a two-member household, HK$9,150 for a three-member household and HK$12,650 for household with four or more
Source 3:The median monthly income between High income households and low income
households (89-first half of 09)
median household income of high income households
median household income of low income households
Source: 2009 updated poverty and unemployment data analysis, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
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Questions for Discussion:
1. With reference to Source 3, can you describe the trend of monthly incomes between high
income households and low income households from 1989 to 2009?
What kind of social phenomenon implied in Q.1?
Apart from comparing the median monthly incomes between high income households and
low income households, are there any other references measuring the income inequality that
you know?
Visit the website of Census and Statistical Department and search the Gini coefficient of
Hong Kong between 1989 and 2009. Explain whether the change in index between these
periods correlate to your conclusion drawn in Q.2.
Apart from labour income, what kind of return can also be regarded as income? Explain.
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Why are there income differentials among different people? Explain from economics
Chua Hoi-wai pointed out that, during economic downturn, people’s income would decrease.
However, economic recovery can only benefit those at the top end of the salary scale but not
the grass roots, which widens the income gap between the rich and the poor. Explain his view
with reference to Source 3.
Why the low income households cannot enjoy the fruit from economic recovery? Explain
with reference to Q5.
Suggest two industries which pay relatively low wage. Do they have anything in common?
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10. Some people worry that intergenerational poverty would easily happen in low income
families. Explain their concern.
11. According to Chua Hoi-wai, what factors lead to the deterioration of youth poverty in Hong
12. Refer to the factors mentioned above, which of them would cause a short-term effect on Hong
Kong? Which of them would cause a long-term effect on Hong Kong’s future development?
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13. Can you suggest some possible ways to alleviate the youth unemployment problem in Hong
Extended Questions
We are going to discuss the effects of passing the minimum wage law on society from efficiency
and equity perspectives in Q. 14 and Q.15. For more able students, teacher can refer to Q.14; for
students need more guidance, teacher can refer to Q.15.
14. Many people called on the government to pass the minimum wage which aims at protecting
the low income households. Do you agree? Explain your answer from economics perspective.
15. Many people called on the government to pass the minimum wage law which aims at
protecting the low income households.
(i) Explain why the minimum wage law can protect the low income group.
(ii) With the aid of a Demand and Supply diagram, explain how the minimum wage law
affects market condition.
(hints: students can focus their analysis on the effect on equilibrium condition and efficiency)
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(iii) With reference to the above analysis, do you think the minimum wage law can narrow the
income disparity? Explain.
(iv) Do you think passing the minimum wage law is favourable to Hong Kong?
16. Do you think adopting the practice of mainland in late 1950s by paying a uniform wage to all
workers regardless of their differences in ability and the job nature is the best way to alleviate
the problem of income disparity in Hong Kong?
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(1) Students can prepare an essay based on the discussion in extended part.
(2) This worksheet provides a framework for student to analyze a social issue with reference to
authentic data. After finishing the discussion on this worksheet, students are encouraged to
use other set of data/information to discuss some current issue.
Apart from comparing the income among different income group, what other set(s) of
economic data can also be adopted to analyze the current economic/social situation?
Search the data from the website of C&SD and discuss in detail.
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1. Curriculum Development Institute (2009). Efficiency, Equity and Role of Government. Hong
Kong: Curriculum Development Institute.
Video Resources for Economics: Income Inequality. Hong Kong: Curriculum Development
2006 By-census, Thematic Report: Household Income Distribution in Hong Kong, Census
and Statistics Department, HKSAR
Database on Particular Policy Issues- Proposal for a minimum wage in Hong Kong
2009 updated poverty and unemployment data analysis, The Hong Kong Council of Social
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