新高中歷史科校本評核 : 挑戰與機會 梁一鳴 2008年6月25日 1 Run-down Part 1 : Positioning Part 2 : Looking at the 3 electives Part 3 : Pedagogical Considerations Part 4 : Q & A 2 SBA Requirements 要求 鼓勵學生按自己的需要、興趣和能力 選取20世紀歷史的其一方面加以鑽研 學生按部就班完成一項微型研究(mini-research) - 自行設計課題 - 搜集分析資料 - 進行口頭報告(第一份課業): 研究大綱 10% - 呈交學習報告(第二份課業) : 研究成果 10% ( Framework) 3 目的 有助加學生詮釋和組織歷史資料能力 剌激探究精神、想像力和代入感 指引,p.42 4 SBA惡夢開始了 韓連山 教協報 16/6/08 老師工作量沉重無比 評核工作繁瑣 評核帶來爭拗 學習能力低學生對文字抗拒,老師指導將 耗竭 5 還有甚麼惡夢? 請在工作紙 1 填寫: 你估計在新高中歷史科落實校本評核時所遇 的挑戰與困難。 6 3 Electives of Min-Research (Framework for SBA Handbook in HKDSE History) Comparative studies Issue-based studies Local Heritage Studies Note : They are inter-related; You can explore a local heritage as an issue with comparative dimension 7 茶餐廳如何成為代表香港的飲食文化 (A plain local heritage study) 茶餐廳應否成為代表香港的飲食文化?(An Issue based local heritage research) 茶餐廳與潮洲打冷相比,誰更有資格申報成 為文化遺產?(A comparative local heritage issue) 8 Criteria of Local Heritage Studies (Framework) Continued memories/legacies Hong Kong context Tangible Heritage 有形/物質性: monuments, groups of building, sites Intangible heritage無形体/非物質 : oral legacies, performing arts, rituals, festive events 9 Discussion/ Considerations Is local heritage studies more suitable for the average and especially the less-able (written words) students? Will there be lope sided preference for local heritage studies? 10 議題 Issue 受關注的題材 A topic worth studying or 受議論的題材 A topic being discussed 11 Issue-based Studies Criteria A matter that reflects controversies Still unresolved Different scopes : local, regional, global Different dimensions : economic, social, political ……. (Framework) 12 「議題」闡述 “An issue is basically as a topic with no clearly-defined single outcome or answer – something about which reasonable people might be expected to disagree” “Issue can also be framed in terms of a case study, particularly those known as ‘decision cases’ or ‘dilemma cases’.” 13 Susan E Lewis, 2003 “An issue, by definition, allows for different points of view representing different values and interest.” (New Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment Framework Liberal Studies, 14 May 2005 ) criteria of an issue: Is the issue controversial? Is the Issue important? Is the issue researchable? 15 Workshop/Discussion Is the following research topic issue-based? 五四運動對中國現代化的意義 The impact of May Fourth Movement on the Modernization of China. 16 Formulation of an Issue-based topic In Question form or statement form Highlight the controversy/argumentation Posing a dilemma Involves judgmental value conflicts 17 Examples of Controversial Issues 清末憲政改革是注定失敗的 清末憲政改革的失敗是否必然的 梁啟超的 “君主立憲論” 有逆歷史潮流 裕仁天皇毋需為日本侵華負責 裕仁天皇應否為日本侵華負責 18 Exercise Generative controversial issues from the following topic Great Leap Forward 大躍進 19 Problems Issues = controversies If all issues are confined to controversial ones, are there enough controversial issues for studying? If issues still linger on and unresolved, what is the expected ‘appropriate conclusion” (framework)? 20 Criteria of Comparative Studies Involves two comparative items Or one item over different time spans / locations (Framework) 21 Essentials of Comparative History Cohen,D. & O’Connor, M. (eds.) (2004) Comparison and History : Europe in CrossNational Perspectives, Routledge 22 Comparative History The comparison between different societies/nations at a given time or sharing cultural conditions; A history of contrasts where differences, rather than similarities, drive explanation Miller, M (2004) Comparative and cross-national history, in Cohen & O’Connor, 2004 23 历史比较研究,就是通过两种或两种以上的 历史现象的比较来加深、扩大和验证对历史 的认识的一种方法。 24 布洛克 (1928) 发表《欧洲社会历史的比较研究外文中,提出 了比较完善和系统的比较史学的理论。他认 为历史比较研究应当具备两个条件,一是对 象之间要有一定的类似性,二是要有一定的 共同点。 25 Rationale Serves as an antidote(矯正) to over- specialization and parochialism(偏狹觀點) Helps to identify the cultural /historical roots of what appear to be national characteristics Helps to gain a clearer perspective on one’s own society 26 Rationales Through comparison, we can see similar forces or processes operating in different national contexts Helps to explain the dominant cause of various process and events 27 Ratoinale We can clarify the roles of specific variables (culture, economy) and the cross-cultural meaning of terms such as democracy, capitalism 28 Rationales Reveals large-scale transnational processes that affect many different parts of the world E.g. industrialization, militarism, modernization By itself a high level intellectual exercise 29 Approaches of Comparison (cohen & O’connor) A. Analytical comparison between equivalent units involving the identification of independent variables that serve to explain common or contrasting patterns or occurrences 30 B. Illustrative/parallel comparisons between equivalent units and a theory or concept, which evaluate evidence in relation to predictive theory. The emphasis is the confirmation of general principles. 31 C. Contrast of contexts Apply comparison to bring out the unique features of particular cases to show how these features affect the unfolding of general social processes Emphasis is on the historical integrity of each case Helps to define features of one system more sharply by contrasting with equivalent features of another system; more descriptive 32 D. Macro-causal analysis Employs comparison for the purpose of making causal inferences about macrohistorical processes and structures. Used to generate new historical generalizations and theories 33 Format of Comparison A. Linear纵向比较研究 •纵向比较是对同一事物的历史形态进行 比较 •按时间序列的纵断面展开 •不仅从相对稳定状态来研究事物,而且 还从发展变化状态来研究事物弄清事物发 展的来龙去脉。 Eg. League of Nations / United Nations as world peace keeper 34 B. 横向比较研究 Horizontal : cross-national comparison of basic elements within time periods 横向比较是对同时存在的现象进行比较 因为每一事物都不是孤立存在的,所以必须 在相互关系的比较中认识事物的本质 按空间结构的横断面展开的,强调的是从事 物的相对静止状态中研究事物的异同,分析 其原因。 35 运用比较研究法的基本要求 1.要保证可比性 所谓可比性,是指比较对象之间的现实性必须属于 同一范畴,有一定的内在联系,并能用同一个标准 去衡量和评价。 可比性由两方面因素构成: 一是差异性和矛盾性(具有各自本身的特点才能 进行比较 ) 二是同一性和相似性。 为保证可比性,必须做到:比较的标准要统一;比 较的范围、项目要一致;比较的客观条件要相同。 36 Cautions and Pitfalls Danger of invidious(厚此薄彼/不公正 ) comparison, used in nationalistic or ethnocentric fashion, to demonstrate the superiority of the culture, society, element Can overlook important local variations 37 Subjective selection: cannot compare phenomena in their multilayered totality. Apple and Orange comparison : any similarity for comparisons? Are units of comparison appropriate? 38 歷史比較研究計劃步驟 Steps of Planning Comparative Study A. Conceptualize research topic(主題概念化) Select a research topic or the issues Define the setting (time , location) Define the dimension of comparison 39 B. Data Collection 1. Locate evidence : where can you find information on this topic? 2. Evaluate the quality of evidence Relevance Accuracy Omission 40 C. Analyze Evidence - Do any Patterns appear? - Are there similarities or differences ? D. Synthesize and Organize data - Highlight the differences / similarities - Spell out the major discoveries/conclusions - Draw valid conclusions 41 Pedagogical Considerations 1. How to prepare your students for SBA? 2. How to readjust your teaching approaches? 3. How to guide students? 4. How to assess students fairly? 42 Timetabling What to do in the 3 years? Basic Dilemma - when to start SBA? (probably 2nd year 2nd term; submission in 3rd year 1st term) - Can students choose research topics before contents are covered? 43 Teaching Approaches 1st Year 1st term - orientation to the study of history Throughout the lessons - systematic training of basic skills through data interpretation - present knowledge as ‘problematic’ not absolute truth 44 Special sessions on handling the three electives using case examples in the syllabus Introduce templates to help students Have summative brainstorming exercise on researchable topics 45 Guiding Roles of Teachers Explain assessment requirements clearly Stimulate their formulation of research topics Challenge their crude ideas/ draft Suggestions (not directives) for improvement Ensure originality and authenticity of students work 46 Real Problems Resources Teachers’ confidence and competence Copy Cats 47 Best Wishes Thank You 48