How to cater for learner diversity in History classrooms (2): Workshop on using assessment tools (New) CDI020140499 9.6.2014 Teachers Assessment Tools A. Mr CHO-chun on Roundtable History Panel Head Evangel College B. Ms CHENG Ling-ling History Panel Head YCH Wong Wha San Secondary School C. Mr FOO Yun-wai Prefect of Studies YCH Wong Wha San Secondary School D. Mr WONG Chun-hin History Panel Head TWGHs Wong Fung Ling College Frayer Model Mouse Mischief Learning Menu Focus: International Economic Cooperation Scaffold students to answer the Key Enquiry Question A.) Key Enquiry Question : ‘The integration of the European economy in the period 1948-2000 was primarily shaped by noneconomic factors.’ Do you agree? A B.) Mini-enquiry questions a.) How did Eastern and Western Europe achieve economic recovery after the war? b.) What was the role played by the USA and Soviet Union in the economic recovery of the post-war Europe? c.) Trace and explain the process of European integration. d.) Did the Western European countries integrate because of the rivalry between the superpowers or because of their own needs? A Teaching approach with Roundtable Lesson focus - Stratification A.) Review on the integration process B.) *Round table – differentiation with contents / cross check the understanding on the key enquiry question C.) Teacher summarize / students present their cross checking findings D.) Essay writing on key enquiry question. A learner diversity S.4 10 students in Grouping - Divided into total 3 groups High achievers Middle achievers Low achievers Assign students in different groups according to their ability or mixed ability also possible. A *Round table - Differentiate content Mini Enquiry Question: Did the Western European countries integrate because of the rivalry between the superpowers or because of their own needs? *Find out **Considerations / Factors behind the formation of the cooperation and further integration. Differentiate content: readings, cartoons and maps are prepared according to the readiness of the students. A Roundtable 1.) Students divided into 3 groups according to their ability. 2.) Discuss the major factors / considerations of integration in specific stage with the help from sources provided. 3.) After 15 minutes, pass the result to next group to label the ideas and fill in new ideas for different period. 4.) After 1 round circulation, student present their findings and teacher summarizes the main points A Stage 1 Summary By cross checking each group’s ideas: Students generally draw out the following conclusion for factors / consideration behind the formation of the cooperation and further integration: - Solve economic problem (economic factor) - Prevent another war (non-economic factor) - Check the spread of capitalism and communism (non-economic factor) Stage 2 factors Summary By cross checking each others’ ideas: - Do not want to rely on the US and the USSR - Remove trade barrier (economic factor) - adopt common tariffs (economic factor) - adopt common taxation policy (economic factor) - common market (added by teacher in conclusion) A Stage 3 summary By cross checking High achiever ideas: - Raise the competitiveness of members states. E.g change of currency (Euro) 1993 A Summarize the ideas on Blackboard Students’ presentation Teacher summarizes the main considerations and facts behind integration A *Assessment - Essay writing Students make use of the findings from Roundtable to finish an essay writing task. ‘The integration of the European economy in the period 1948-2000 was primarily shaped by noneconomic factor.’ Do you agree? Explain your answer. A Modification in the future. The content is too much for students. Therefore, some of them couldn’t finish the three stages. Time is too tight. 15 minute discussion is not enough to cover three periods in details. There is still room for improvement in selecting sources. A Frayer Model 評估學生對歷史概念的認識,以便我們設計課堂 的活動。 利用Frayer Model時,老師要清楚知道自己的教 學目標,以便設計合適的題目,了解學生對相關 歷史的基本認知。 B Frayer Model 定義 人物 例子 歷史 詞彙 特色 Frayer Model中各個部份可 按校本情況、教學需要作更改 B 初中教學實例 ─ 古羅馬的文化遺產 教學目標: 透過課堂,讓學生了解 古羅馬的起源及興衰 古羅馬的社會生活(宗教生活、經濟活動、體育娛樂、城市建 設等) 古羅馬的文化遺產 透過Frayer Model設計,評估學生對上述重點的認識 程度以及興趣。 教師按學生程度設計工作紙: 由於預期學生對羅馬所知甚少,故工作紙設計較簡單。 另外,工作紙預留一格讓學生寫下他們想進一步知道的 事,以便日後設計更合適他們的課堂。 B B 運用學生的作品延展課堂的 內容 學生認為羅馬人強悍、文化水平高 學生認識羅馬數字、羅馬文字及羅馬建築 老師課堂設計: 分組遊戲:層次一:將羅馬數字變成阿拉伯數字 層次二:用羅馬數字計數 分組遊戲:羅馬文字與英文生字 分組活動:認識羅馬建築特色 B 高中教學實例─以阿衝突 學生對中東有多少認識呢? 學生知道近東、中東、遠東的地理位置嗎? 學生知道中東的區域有哪些國家? 學生知道居住於中東的居民的生活習慣和宗教特色嗎 ? 學生有沒有留意新聞有關中東以色列和巴勒斯坦人之 間的糾紛呢? B 學生完成Frayer Model 的發現 學生的正確認知: 能列舉中東國家的例子 掌握中東的地理位置 知道中東的重要歷史古蹟 B 學生完成Frayer Model 的發現 學生錯誤認知 巴勒斯坦與巴基斯坦混淆 將印度的神祗誤以為是阿拉伯人的神祗 少數人以為中東位於非洲 B 運用學生的作品延展課堂的內容 更正 學生的錯誤概念,例如中東的地域位置、中東三大 宗教(猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教) 延伸內容:運用學生的認知,著他們進一步思考 為何不同宗教會引起衝突? Frayer Model 的優點 測試學生對課題的認知,重而調整教學策略 可以測試學生對歷史概念的認識,以便更正錯誤的觀 念 從學生的認知出發,更能引起他們學習的興趣 Frayer Model 簡單易用 B Pre-Assessment Strategies Traditional tests / pretests Concept Maps / Word Maps Entrance or Exit cards Student discussions / interviews KWL charts and other graphic organizers Teacher observation/checklists Game activities C C C 如何照顧學習差異? 多滑鼠活潑適合喜歡動態學習的學生, 進行學習「過程」的調適 作為前測,有助了解學生對課題的準備 程度 C 優點 適用於一般課室,安裝方法簡單 以滑鼠進行問答遊戲,同時兼顧遊 戲性與教育性(Prensky, 2007) 能有效進行課堂互動 C 優點 可引發內在動機並提高興趣 (Hogle, 1996) 加強學生對簡報的專注程度, 保留記憶(Hogle, 1996) 多種題目類型,可提供高層次 的思考 (Pivec, 2009) C 缺點 學生須有自律能力 題類只限於T/F、MC、及書寫 學生作答紀錄的局限 回饋不足,老師補充及追問的 重要性 C 缺點 使用的電腦需要有合適的版本 一人一個滑鼠?還是幾個人共 用一個合適? C D 經驗分享:預習頭盤 選擇 興趣差異 能力差異 D 成效:預習頭盤 能找到相關漫畫 部份能力高學生能 解釋漫畫內容 調適指標 D 成效:預習頭盤 一幅1961年8月13日的相片, 內容是有關一位東德士兵拉 德.舒曼,正大步跳過還未修 建完的柏林牆鐵絲網,投向西 德的情況。 有趣的相片成為日後課 堂的切入點 調適指標 D 成效:預習頭盤 部份學生未能找到與「 冷戰」有關的資料 D