高中歷史課程知識增益講座系列:必修部分(主題乙) 主要衝突與和平的訴求(講座一) 前線背後的生活:兩次世界大戰的社會史(新辦) 兩次大戰的社會史: 戰爭回憶 麥勁生教授 香港浸會大學歷史學系 CDI020140494 29.3.2014 1 Please use this link to view a picture http://ido.3mt.com.cn/Article/200802/picview903792c30p3.html 2 回憶(memory)的研究 Maurice Halbwachs (1877-1945) 自傳、集體和歷史回憶 1970年代的興盛 口述(oral testimonies) 與紀念(commemoration) 個人和官方回憶 Lindsey Dodd: public memory acts as a kind of ‘jelly mould’ that shapes personal memories; with no such mould to hand, the individuals memories will be shapeless… Please use this link to view a picture http://www.iscramlive.org/ISCRAM2011/proceedings/images/clip_image002.jpg 3 回憶的用途 Cultural Heritage of the Great War in Britain by Ross J. Wilson 4 This constitutes the visual counterpart to the ‘war discourse’; as just as the language of the Great War is used to express current social and political issues, the representations of the First World War provide specific ‘frames’ through which the past is used to understand and picture the present. 5 三種記憶,三個論述 These three consist of the soldier in the trenches, almost invariably on the Western Front in France and Flanders, the desolate and devastated battlefields and no man’s land and the post-war memorial landscape, the cemeteries and memorials which are scattered across the former fields of conflict 6 Trenches Please use this link to view a picture http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_YYMeAu4i7gA/S3q2I3nYXyI/AAAAAAAAHtc/eefuO gLCiOQ/s1600/first-world-war-amazing-pictures-photos-imagestrenchwarfare-020.jpg Please use this link to view a picture http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YYMeAu4i7gA/S3q21RMme5I/AAAAAAAAHuI/SvA4j IG-GQo/s640/first-world-war-amazing-pictures-photos-images-trenchwarfare031.jpg 7 No Man Land Please use this link to view a picture http://museumvictoria.com.au/collections/itemimages/368/241/368241_large.jpg Please use this link to view a picture http://www.nuttyhistory.com/uploads/1/2/1/5/12150034/2499135_orig.jpg 8 War Cemeteries Please use this link to view a picture http://blogs.ft.com/the-world/files/2014/01/83579712.jpg 9 Ambiguous Memory: The Nazi Past and German National Identity by Siobhan Kattago Please use this link to view a picture http://www.ebook3000.com/upimg/allimg/120222/2143490.jpg 10 我們的慣性思維 Please use this link to view a picture http://www.japan-zone.com/culture/pix/awa1.jpg 11 不是非黑即白 “Though official memory includes institutionalized governmental representation of the past, official memory has sharply different meanings in the GDR and the Federal Republic. Official memory in the GDR meant a restrictive ideological representation of the past with little public debate. Official memory in the Federal Republic, on the other hand, was a public and highly controversial topic in West German political culture.” 12 去納粹時代(1945-49)德國人對戰爭 的記憶和解釋 強者在說話:紐倫堡審判和去納粹活動 在尋找新身分和逃避之間 耶斯培 (Karl Jasper)的批評 學術界的迴響:以邁及克 (Friedrich Meinecke 的 《德國的災難》為例 13 西德的情況(1948-1960) 非納綷化的不足 納粹黨員重回政壇, 例如Karl Schmidt 經濟重建和發展的大前題 新生代的新世界觀 沉默 14 Irene Anhalt 談到父親的回歸 Your return was celebrated like a holiday in out little city; everyone wanted to see you, to wave to you. In a newspaper article our family history was compared to the Odyssey…The state council honored you with a reception, speeches were given, and orchestra played. I was proud of you. Men in town to whom I curtsied as a little girl now addressed me formally, at barely fifteenth years old, as “gnadiges Fraulein” – mademoiselle. With mama, they kissed her hand; you they gazed at respectfully. Waiting for you had been worth it! The Mayor said he would do everything possible to help you find a position suitable to your capacities; hoping you would place your abilities at the service of the city.” 15 結果 “During the years when their own identities were being formed, those young people drank in the spirit of nationalism and gave their youthful enthusiasm to the values of their own their. An entire generation seems stamped in essential ways by the Nazi period, many Nazi values were retained and unconsciously passed on to the next generation, as were the traumas.” 16 不自覺的淡化 1960s Dachau Flossenburg Neuengamme Harold Marcuse, Legacies of Dachau: The Uses and Abuses of a Concentration Camp, 19332001 Please use this link to view a picture https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3313/3576054405_c419c91a69_z.jpg 17 東德 社會主義: 納粹主義的天敵 反納粹: 東德政權的合法性依據 Alexander Abrusch: Der Irrweg einer Nation(一个 民族的歧途) 東德: 歷史的勝利者 Please use this link to view a picture http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Bundesarchiv_Bild_183E1114-0201-004,_Berlin,_1._DSV-Jahreskonferenz,_Alexander_Abusch.jpg 18 右派的反擊:以1986-87的歷史家衝 突 (Historikerstreit) 為例 Ernst Nolte: “Germans are, in effect, unnecessarily obsessed with the Nazi legacy and approach historical analysis of the Third Reich from a different perspective than other historical period.” Andreas Hillgruber Michael Stürmer “it is a task of historians to assist in the renewal of national self-confidence by providing positive images of the past” 19 統一後的情況 前東德和納粹主義 經濟衰退和排外主義 暴力活動和極右政治 20 MEMORIAL TO ALL VICTIMS OF WAR BERLIN, GERMANY Please use this link to view a picture http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/Berlin,_Neue_Wache ,_interior_view,_2005.jpg 21 Augustinerkloster, Erfurt 22 Self-Victimization Kriegskinder: Das Schicksal einer Generation by Hilke Lorenz 23 非主流的回憶 東歐民族的二戰回憶 冷戰後解凍的回憶 私人回憶 挑戰「大論述」(Grand Narrative ) Memory and World War II: An Ethnographic Approach by Francesca Cappelletto 24 Mnemonic Community “It is made up of those who, communicating, with each other, remember together experiences of which they were victims.” “Social groups with shared experiences, interests and identities, who shaped their memories in daily interaction by telling and retelling selected parts of a shared part and condemning to oblivion other parts of that same shared past.” Memory and World War II: An Ethnographic Approach by Francesca Cappelletto 25 波蘭貴族(Sla的歷史回憶 人數 財富與社會地位 十八世紀以來的經歷 Please use this link to view a picture http://xarchiwum.pl/img/13/4163/8203.jpg 26 仇恨誰:德國還是蘇聯? 1944 年的土地改革 波蘭貴族的去向 重建回憶的方法 Please use this link to view a picture http://acienciala.faculty.ku.edu/hist557/lect17_files/distributionofland.jpg 27 積累而成的回憶 “In the process, personal memories become contaminated with information from similar events and so change over the years as encounter new experience. They remain vivid at least partially because they are told and retold, and affirmed by the similarity of stories told by other people whose experiences – while they could not be identical – were comparable.” 28 回憶的主線 “The One Suitcase Story” “Life Stories” “The Ugly Russians” “Manorial Life” 29 Please use this link to view a picture http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2012/12/28/blogs/28rdv-japan-comfortwomen/28rdv-japan-comfort-women-tmagArticle.jpg Please use this link to view a picture http://www.dodlive.mil/files/2011/11/hires_111101-A-AO884-234LRd.jpg 30