Unit 101 - Pre-production - Scheme of work and lesson plan (DOC, 242KB)

Sample Scheme of Work
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Topic: Pre-production skills
Suggested Teaching Time: 30 Hours
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Multiple choice questionnaire (paper based or
electronic) for initial assessment.
This unit helps learners to understand the
basic of pre-production skills for the
creative and media sector. It allows them
to understand the client brief and time
frames and deadlines and preparation
techniques to form part of the planning
and creation process.
Introduction to the unit and initial
Identify existing it skills
0–1 hours
Teaching activity: introduce what is pre-production
and what types of documents are used
Introduction to MAPS
View MAPS 3 e-portfolio online
2 hours
All learners to request a new account (or logon if
account already exists)
Ref lesson plan 2 – MAPS intro.
Explain unit aims and objectives
Ref lesson plan 1 – introduction.
Customise own workspace
MAPS 3 uses a new social networking
style interface. Learners can access the
e-portfolio site to register a new account,
which is approved by the teacher.
The MAPS account can be customised
and learners can learn how to upload files
and make blog entries.
Create a post and blog entry
Activity: to upload a file
Mood boards
Explore: the content and uses for a mood board
Case studies.
3–5 hours
Activity: to identify what resources and software is
used to create mood boards
Sample materials.
Teaching activity: creating a mood board
Exercise: to create a mood board for a sample
activity (not the final assignment brief)
For mood board: A3 card, pin board or computer
software to create digitally.
Mood boards can be either physical or
digital in format. Examples of both types
can be demonstrated.
Ref lesson plan 3 – mood boards.
Homework: to collect samples for use on the mood
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Creating mind maps/spider
6–9 hours
Suggested resources
Points to note
Explore: the content and uses for a mind map or
spider diagram
Case studies
Activity: to identify what resources and software is
used to create mind maps/spider diagrams
For mind map or spider diagram: a4 paper or dedicated
mind mapping software application
Mind maps can be either hand drawn or
digital in format. Examples of both types
can be demonstrated.
Teaching activity: creating a mind map or spider
Ref lesson plan 4 – mind maps
Sample materials
Exercise: to create a mind map/spider diagram for a
sample activity (not the final assignment brief)
Homework: to produce a list of ideas for use on a
mind map/spider diagram
Creating visualisation diagrams
10–13 hours
Explore: The content and uses for a visualisation
Case studies
Activity: To identify what resources and software is
used to create visualisation diagrams
For visualisation diagram: Any text and/or graphical
software application
Teaching activity: Creating a visualisation diagram
Ref Lesson Plan 5 - Visualisations
Sample materials
Visualisation diagrams can be either hand
drawn or digital in format. Examples of
both types can be demonstrated.
Exercise: To create a visualisation diagram for a
sample activity (not the final assignment brief)
Homework: To sketch out some ideas and layouts
for a visualisation diagram
Creating storyboards
Explore: The content and uses for a storyboard
Case studies
14–18 hours
Activity: To identify what resources and software is
used to create storyboards
Sample materials
Teaching activity: Creating a storyboard
Exercise: To create a storyboard for a sample
activity (not the final assignment brief)
For storyboard: Template in either paper based or
digital format, with panels and additional fields for
Ref Lesson Plan 5 - Visualisations
Storyboards can be either hand drawn or
digital in format. Examples of both types
can be demonstrated.
Learners should be aware of how and
why a storyboard is used for products that
have a timeline
Homework: To generate some ideas for a storyline
Interim assessment
19 hours
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Assess Learners for their ability to create preproduction documents, using practice material
Sample (practice) assignments
Ref Lesson Plan 7 – Interim Assessment
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Not to be used as final work for
assessment and external moderation
Unit 101: Pre-production
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
OCR Planning and Review template (available as a
download from the OCR website)
Final work for assessment purposes must
be individual.
Evidence must be in electronic format for
upload to the MAPS e-portfolio.
Final assignment – exploration
Introduce the OCR or Centre devised assignment
20–21 hours
Collate evidence for Task 1 of the final assignment
(Learning Outcome 1 – Exploration) and up[load to
Ref Lesson Plan 10 - Assignments
How to review
Teaching activity: How to review work
22 hours
Group activity: To discuss and review a piece of
Use the OCR Planning and review template as
Start Task 1 of final assignment
Exercise: To review own work on sample preproduction documents
The content/use of pre-production
documents must be appropriate to the
type of media project e.g. visualisation
diagrams for still images/graphics,
storyboard for moving image or other
assets that use a timeline
Include a teaching activity on each of the
four assessment criteria for the unit
Group activity to display samples of pre-production
documents on projector screen
Learners own pre-production documents and those of
Ref Lesson Plan 8 - Reviewing
How to plan
Teaching activity: What are client requirements?
Computer software applications
23 hours
Teaching activity: How to select appropriate
equipment and resources
Use of sample materials: To plan a response to a
sample client brief (not the final assignment)
Teaching activity: exploration of file formats that can
be used with pre-production documents
Ref Lesson Plan 9 - Planning
Exercise: To create a plan that lists the main
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Learners should be identifying what the
client required in terms of the purpose
and the target audience.
Planning should always include an
equipment/resources list with annotated
comments for techniques and ideas for
The plan should be in a text or graphical
format identifying a series of proposed
activities and the order they are to be
carried out
Unit 101: Pre-production
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Final assignment – planning
Review the OCR or Centre devised assignment
24 hours
Collate evidence for Task 2 of the final assignment
(Learning Outcome 2 – Planning) and upload to
Start Task 2 of final assignment
Suggested resources
Points to note
OCR Planning and Review template (available as a
download from the OCR website)
Final work for assessment purposes must
be individual.
Ref Lesson Plan 10 - Assignments
Learners should be identifying what the
client required in terms of the purpose
and the target audience.
Equipment/resources list with annotated
comments for each technique and their
ideas for use
A plan in a text or graphical format
identifying proposed activities in the order
they are to be carried out
Report that incorporates, for example,
client discussion, written brief,
specification, end user requirements,
purpose and timescales.
A plan to show that they have identified
the client requirements, that they
understand the appropriate equipment,
resources and formats of pre-production
documents and files to be used to meet
the brief. Learners should be able to list
in order the activities to be carried out to
create the pre-production documents.
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Topic outline
Suggested teaching and homework
Final assignment – creating
Monitoring and supervision of Learners completing
their assignment work.
25–28 hours
Collate evidence for Task 3 of final assignment
(Learning Outcome 3 – Produce), to include:
A mood board that is photographed or
generated using computer software.
A mind map/spider diagram, either hand
drawn or generated using computer
Suggested resources
Points to note
Ref Lesson Plan 10 - Assignments
Final work for assessment purposes must
be individual.
mood board
mind map/spider diagram
visualisation diagram or sketch
With ongoing upload of work to MAPS e-portfolio for
secure storage]
A visualisation diagram or sketch, either
hand drawn or generated using computer
A storyboard, either hand drawn or
generated using computer software.
Screen captures will need to evidence the
creation process, using an appropriate
range of tools and techniques
If work created by hand they should be
digitised although learners should be
encouraged to create them digitally.
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Topic outline
Final assignment – review
29 hours
Suggested teaching and homework
Suggested resources
Points to note
Monitoring and supervision of Learners completing
their assignment work to produce a review.
OCR Planning and Review template (available as a
download from the OCR website)
Personal review of the final outcomes
identifying the strengths and weaknesses.
Collate evidence for Task 4 of the final assignment
(Learning Outcome 4 - Review) and upload to MAPS
Ref Lesson Plan 10 - Assignments
Learners should obtain feedback (this can
be tutor acting as the client). Learners
should identify strengths and weaknesses
and suggest how they could improve their
pre-production documents and any
changes to the order of their listed
Learners should produce a personal
review reflecting upon how successfully
products meet the requirements of the
brief, identifying any parameters and
constraints that influenced their decisions
identifying what they would do differently
if faced by a similar task and why.
Learners should prepare a review file to
compare the finished documents to the
original brief and plan.
This should include feedback on the work
produced; the candidate should identify
strengths and weaknesses of their own
work and list suggestions for
MAPS Upload
30 hours
Verification and supervision of learners uploading all
the required evidence files to the MAPS e-portfolio,
completing checklists as required
Next steps to include links with other
Creative iMedia units to be delivered
Summary of unit completion and next steps
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 1
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Introduction and initial assessment
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Assess students knowledge and skills of working with IT
Objective 2
Know what is pre-production
Objective 3
Understand the use of different pre-production documents
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Not Applicable
5 minutes
Introductions and aims of the lesson
20 minutes
Initial assessment
10 minutes
What is pre-production?
15 minutes
Document types used – Mood board, mind map/spider diagram, visualisation diagram
and storyboard
5 minutes
Where pre-production documents are used
5 minutes
Summary of pre-production, aims for next lesson
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 2
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Introduction to MAPS
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know what MAPS is used for
Objective 2
Create an individual account
Objective 3
Know how to customise own workspace
Objective 4
Know how to create a post and blog entry
Objective 5
Know how to upload evidence to MAPS
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Not Applicable
5 minutes
Introduction to MAPS 3
10 minutes
Students to access MAPS and register for an account (unless already created)
5-10 minutes
Customise own workspace
15 minutes
How to create a post and blog entry
10 minutes
How to upload a file
5 minutes
Create a blog entry
10 minutes
Upload a sample file
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 3
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
To explore and create mood boards
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know what a mood board is
Objective 2
Understand where mood boards are used
Objective 3
Know what resources are needed to create mood boards
Objective 4
Know how to create a mood board
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
How to access MAPS
How to upload a file and create a blog entry
5 minutes
What is a mood board?
10 minutes
View examples of mood boards to include physical and digital types
15 minutes
Resources and software used to create mood boards
20-30 minutes
Lesson 1 – creating a physical mood board
20-30 minutes
Lesson 2 – creating a digital mood board
5 minutes
Summarise purpose and content of a mood board
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 4
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
To explore and create mind maps/spider diagrams
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know what a mind map/spider diagram is
Objective 2
Understand where mind maps/spider diagrams are used
Objective 3
Know what resources are needed to create mind maps/spider diagrams
Objective 4
Know how to create a mind map/spider diagram
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
What is a mood board?
Where a mood board is used
How to create a mood board
5 minutes
What is a mind map/spider diagram?
10 minutes
View examples of mind maps to include physical and digital types
15 minutes
Resources and software used to create mind maps/spider diagrams
20-30 minutes
Lesson 1 – creating a physical mind map/spider diagram
20-30 minutes
Lesson 2 – creating a digital mind map/spider diagram
5 minutes
Summarise purpose and content of a mind map/spider diagram
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 5
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
To explore and create visualisation diagrams
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know what a visualisation diagram is
Objective 2
Understand where visualisation diagrams are used
Objective 3
Know what resources are needed to create visualisation diagrams
Objective 4
Know how to create a visualisation diagram
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
What is a mind map/spider diagram?
Where a mind map/spider diagram is used
How to create a mind map/spider diagram
5 minutes
What is a visualisation diagram?
10 minutes
View examples of visualisation diagrams to include physical and digital types
15 minutes
Resources and software used to create visualisation diagrams
20-30 minutes
Lesson 1 – creating a physical visualisation diagram
20-30 minutes
Lesson 2 – creating a digital visualisation diagram
5 minutes
Summarise purpose and content of a visualisation diagram
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 6
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
To explore and create storyboards
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know what a storyboard is
Objective 2
Understand where storyboards are used
Objective 3
Know what resources are needed to create storyboards
Objective 4
Know how to create a storyboard
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
What is a visualisation diagram?
Where a visualisation diagram is used
How to create a visualisation diagram
5 minutes
What is a storyboard?
10 minutes
View examples of storyboards to include physical and digital types
15 minutes
Resources and software used to create storyboards
20-30 minutes
Lesson 1 – creating a physical storyboard
20-30 minutes
Lesson 2 – creating a digital storyboard
5 minutes
Summarise purpose and content of a storyboard
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 7
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Interim assessment
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
To assess learning and readiness for final assignment
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
How to create mood boards, spider diagrams, visualisation diagrams and storyboards.
5 minutes
Introduction and describe requirements for completing sample assessment material
15 minutes
Section 1 – Identify a suitable pre-production technique for a sample project
35 minutes
Section 2 - Individual work to create pre production document(s) for a sample project
5 minutes
Review progress made and next steps
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 8
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
How to review work
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the purpose of a review
Objective 2
Understand the importance of reviewing work
Objective 3
Know how to review final work
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Interim assessment
5 minutes
What is a review?
15 minutes
Group activity to discuss and review a sample piece of work (use projector)
15 minutes
Individual activity to review own work on pre-production documents
10 minutes
Review the OCR planning and review template
5 minutes
Summarise the review process
10 minutes
MAPS update with blog/post entries
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 9
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
How to plan work
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
Know the purpose of a plan
Objective 2
Understand the importance of planning work
Objective 3
Know how to plan final work
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
How to review work
5 minutes
What is a plan?
15 minutes
Group activity to discuss and review a sample plan (use projector)
15 minutes
Individual activity to plan own work on pre-production documents
10 minutes
Review the OCR planning and review template
5 minutes
Summarise the planning process
10 minutes
MAPS update with blog/post entries
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Sample Lesson Plan 10
Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production
Assignment work
OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and
from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered as a possible approach but will be
subject to modifications by the individual teacher.
Lesson length is assumed to be one hour.
Learning Objectives for the Lesson
Objective 1
To complete work for the final assignment
Objective 2
To upload evidence to the MAPS e-portfolio
Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge
Not applicable (this lesson is repeated for each of the unit learning outcomes)
5 minutes
Introduction and describe requirements for completing assignment work
35 minutes
Individual work on own assignment
15 minutes
Login to MAPS and upload evidence files for assignment, completing the evidence
checklist as required
5 minutes
Review progress made and logout of MAPS
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Creative iMedia Level 1 (04304-04306)
Unit 101: Pre-production