Evidence Checklist Issued January 2014 Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administration Unit 1 – Supporting business activities Centre Number: Unit 1 – Supporting Business Activities Candidate Name: 1 © OCR 2013 Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administration AC Evidence Requirement 1.1 Manual and electronic filing systems are compared and contrasted. Evidence Location Assessor Internal Moderator (if applicable) OCR Moderator (if applicable) At least four factors which need to be considered when setting up a manual filing system are described. At least four factors which need to be considered when setting up an electronic filing system are described. 1.2 and 1.3 An explanation of what stock control is, making a comparison between manual and computerised stock control systems, is provided. An explanation of how the organisation manages stock control and purchasing is provided. An explanation of key relationships between stock control and at least four other organisational activities or functions is provided. An analysis of the benefits of a computerised stock control system compared to a manual one is provided. 1.4 At least four similarities and differences between administrative managers and HR managers are outlined. At least five ways in which administrative Unit 1 – Supporting Business Activities 2 © OCR 2013 Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administration managers can support HR managers to identify the correct staff to involve in projects are identified. 2.1 and 2.2 and 2.3 At least six factors which need to be taken into account when designing an office layout are identified. The benefits and drawbacks of modern office working practices are compared and contrasted. The benefits and drawbacks in relation to office design are analysed. At least four key measures of effectiveness and efficiency used in office environments are identified. There is an evaluation of whether these measures are likely to be effective in measuring the success or otherwise of the proposed design. 3.1 A minimum of two communication models are explained. Three different types of meetings are compared and contrasted. The role of meetings in the support of business activities and as a networking opportunity is analysed. 3.2 There is an explanation of what events management is. Unit 1 – Supporting Business Activities 3 © OCR 2013 Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administration An explanation of why branding and promotional events are important to an organisation is provided. There is an analysis of how branded events and promotional activities can support organisational activities. 3.3 At least three types of statutory meetings are identified. At least three administrative needs of these meetings are outlined. An explanation of why these needs may differ is provided. 3.4 The support needed to run an effective and efficient meeting is identified. An explanation of why support and/or resources are required to run meetings required by Task 1 is provided. 4.1 All five of the stages of the project life cycle are explained. 4.2 The reasons why project requirements must be identified before plans are made are explained. How options can be analysed and then implemented is explained. How projects are monitored and evaluated is explained. Unit 1 – Supporting Business Activities 4 © OCR 2013 Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administration At least three measures which could be used to evaluate the project are identified. 4.3 How project teams are formed and how these can sometimes be barriers to effective project management is described. The role leadership and leadership styles play in managing projects is described. At least four internal and four external barriers to successful projects are identified and described. 5.1 At least two diary management systems or techniques are compared and contrasted. How diary systems and the management of them influence and/or have an impact on at least four different functions of the organisation is described. 5.2 Diary management and project management planning tools and processes are compared and contrasted An analysis of the similarities between diary management and project management activities and processes in relation to completing a successful project is included. 5.3 At least three functions of an electronic diary system are compared and Unit 1 – Supporting Business Activities 5 © OCR 2013 Level 4 Diploma in Business and Administration contrasted. At least two models of communication are analysed. A justified recommendation for introducing/redesigning an electronic diary system giving consideration to an appropriate communication model is made. Candidate Signature: Date: Centre Assessor Signature: Date: Internal Moderator Signature: Date: Unit 1 – Supporting Business Activities 6 © OCR 2013