Assessment templates - Set E (DOC, 489KB)

Functional Skills
Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3
These templates have been created as a guide to centres to give an example of an
approach to gathering evidence for the Functional Skills Maths Entry Level assessment.
These templates may be used in the form they are presented in, however Centres may
amend these to add in their own wording, pictures, resources, contexts in conjunction with
the Entry Level marking guidance to ensure that the criteria for the assessment are still met.
Centres are reminded that any changes they make to the assessment must still enable
learners to produce evidence as required by the mark scheme in order to pass the
Assessment Templates – Set E
Scheme code: 09862, 09863, 09864
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 1
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Birthday Party
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 1
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Birthday Party
Write down 4 items of food you could have at a party.
R1 Choose 4 items of party food (2 marks)
Choose two places where you could buy this food.
R3 Decide on 2 sources where they can compare the cost of each item (3 marks)
Write down the prices of each item of food from both the shops you have chosen.
Shop 1: ______________________________
Shop 2: ______________________________
R2 Find the prices of their chosen items from the two sources (3 marks)
Write down one of your items with the prices from both shops.
Which shop has the highest price for this item?
A1 Compare prices from 2 sources for 1 item (2 marks)
Which coins and notes could you use to pay for this item?
I1 Identify the coins and/or notes that could be used to pay for one of their items (3 marks)
Write down the other items and their prices from each shop.
Show from which shop each item is most expensive.
A1 Compare the other prices found (3 marks)
For each item, which shop is cheaper?
A1 Identify the cheaper source for each item (3 marks)
Which is the best shop to buy the items from? Give a reason for your choice.
A2 Identify the best source with a reason (2 marks)
Write down three 2D or 3D shapes you can see in the items you have chosen.
I1 Identify three 2D or 3D shapes within the foods or packaging they are buying (3 marks)
Put your items in order of cost starting with the most expensive.
I1 Produce an ordered list (4 marks)
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 2
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Party Plan
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 2
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Party Plan
Choose a theme for a party and how many people you would like to come.
List between 5 and 8 items you could buy to put in party bags.
Find out the costs of each item and write the cost next to the item.
R1 List the items chosen with the corresponding prices (3 marks)
Make a list of 5 activities you could do at a party.
Write down how long you think each activity will last.
R1 List the activities chosen with estimated times (3 marks)
How many items will you need in total for all the bags?
R2 Find out how many items will be needed in total (3 marks)
What is the cost of one bag?
A1 Calculate the cost of one bag (3 marks)
What is the total cost of all the bags?
A1 Calculate the cost of all the bags (3 marks)
Show how you could check the total cost of all the bags using a different method.
A3 Check the cost of all the bags using an alternative method (3 marks)
Three people cannot come to the party.
How much will all the bags cost now?
A2 Adjust the cost after some people drop out (3 marks)
Identify two 2D and two 3D shapes in the items you have chosen.
I1 Identify two 2D and two 3D shapes (3 marks)
Find the cost of buying a ready-made bag.
Which costs more, your bags or the ready-made bags?
Which would you rather use?
I1 Compare the cost of making and buying and decide (3 marks)
Using the activities, and the time you think each one may take, write a time plan for the party.
You should include the start times and end times of each activity.
I1 Write a time plan with start and end times (3 marks)
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 3
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Time to Play
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 3
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Time to Play
Decide on a space that could be used as an entertainment area.
Write down the dimensions of the space.
R1 Obtain dimensions of a suitable area to be used as an entertainment space (3 marks)
Choose between 6 and 8 items of equipment you would like in your entertainment area.
You must have at least 2 pieces of furniture.
Write down the prices of the items from two different places.
R2 Choose and obtain prices for equipment from different suppliers (4 marks)
Write down the length and width of the two pieces of furniture.
R1 Record the dimensions of each piece of furniture (3 marks)
Compare the prices from each shop and decide where you will buy each item from.
Say why you have chosen to buy them from there.
I1 Compare the prices and decide which supplier to buy from (3 marks)
Calculate the total cost of all the items from the places where you have decided to buy them
A1 Calculate the total cost of the items from chosen supplier (3 marks)
You need to have a deposit of ¼ of the total amount.
Calculate ¼ of your cost.
A1 Calculate deposit cost at ¼ of total (2 marks)
You will pay for the ¾ left equally over the next 10 months.
How much will you pay each month for the remainder?
A1 Calculate monthly payment for remaining ¾ over 10 months (3 marks)
If you were able to save £50 every month, how long will it take you to save enough money to
buy all the furniture and equipment?
A2 Calculate months needed to save total at £50 per month (4 marks)
Would you rather save the money and then buy the equipment or take the loan and have the
equipment now?
Give the reasons for your decision.
I1 Make a decision as to which way to pay and justify reason (4 marks)
Draw a sketch of how all the equipment and furniture will fit into your chosen space.
Label the equipment and dimensions of the space and furniture.
I1 Draw a sketch of the area in the room showing all equipment and dimensions (4 marks)