Assessment templates - Set D (DOC, 488KB) New

Functional Skills
Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3
These templates have been created as a guide to centres to give an example of an
approach to gathering evidence for the Functional Skills Maths Entry Level assessment.
These templates may be used in the form they are presented in, however Centres may
amend these to add in their own wording, pictures, resources, contexts in conjunction with
the Entry Level marking guidance to ensure that the criteria for the assessment are still met.
Centres are reminded that any changes they make to the assessment must still enable
learners to produce evidence as required by the mark scheme in order to pass the
Assessment Templates – Set D
Scheme code: 09862, 09863, 09864
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 1
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Popular Pets
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 1
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Popular Pets
Write down 5 animals that could be kept as pets.
R1 Make a list of the 5 pets
(2 marks)
Ask 10 people to name their favourite pet on the list
Favourite pet
Count the choices people made.
Number of people who said it was their favourite
R1 Count the choices of 10 people
(4 marks)
List the pets in order of popularity.
Put a circle around the most popular pet and a cross next to the least popular pet.
A1 Put the pets in order of popularity
I1 Identify the most and least popular pet(s)
(2 marks)
(3 marks)
Which is your favourite animal on the list?
Write down four things you might need to help you keep your favourite animal as a pet.
R1 Choose a favourite and list four items needed
(3 marks)
How much does each of the four items you would need to keep a pet cost?
A2 Find the prices for these four items
(3 marks)
Which item on your list costs the most?
A2 Identify the most expensive item
(2 marks)
Using the money your tutor gives you, select the coins or notes you could use to pay for this
Tutor observation box – identify which coins or notes were selected
I1 Identify the coins and/or notes needed to cover the cost of this item
(3 marks)
Think about how heavy your chosen items could be.
Put them in order of which you think would be the lightest up to which would be the heaviest.
A1 List the items starting with the lightest
(3 marks)
Identify three shapes from the items chosen for your pet.
I1 Identify three different shapes in the items
(3 marks)
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 2
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: A Night Outdoors
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 2
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: A Night Outdoors
Look at the information you have been given about the prices of some campsites.
Decide on a campsite to stay at which costs no more than £10 per night.
R1 Choose an appropriately priced location
(2 marks)
List between 6 and 10 items you will need to take with you on the trip.
R1 List the camping equipment they wish to buy
(2 marks)
Find the price of this equipment from two different shops:
Shop 1:
Shop 2:
R1 Find the price for all items from 2 sources
(3 marks)
What is the total cost of the items from Shop 1?
What is the total cost of the items from Shop 2?
What is the difference in the total cost between the two shops?
A2/I1 Find the total cost of the equipment from each supplier and the difference between them
(6 marks)
Decide where you will buy each item from.
Where to buy
I1 Decide on final list
(3 marks)
You will be packing some or all of the items you have chosen in to a rucksack.
Identify a 2 dimensional shape within the items you have selected.
Identify a 3 dimensional shape within the items you have selected.
Describe how you might pack the items so that as many of them as possible fit in to your
I1 Describe the size and shape of the items and how these might fit in to a rucksack
(3 marks)
A friend has decided to come with you on the camping trip.
Which items might you need 2 of if your friend goes with you?
How much will these items cost if you purchase 2 of each?
A1/A2 Double the cost of the extra items needed for two people
(3 marks)
Do a calculation to check that you doubled the cost correctly.
A3 Check doubling process is accurate using given process
(2 marks)
What is the final total cost of all the items you and your friend will need on the camping trip?
I1 Calculate the final total cost
(3 marks)
Look at a calendar.
If you leave for your trip in 6 weeks time from today, what will the date be?
R2 State what the date will be when they leave for their trip in 6 weeks time.
(3 marks)
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 3
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Summer Holiday
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 3
Name .............................................................
Assessment Task: Summer holiday
From the information you have been given, choose somewhere in another country to go on
I have chosen
Using a calendar, choose a date more than 6 weeks away when you will leave and the date you
will return.
R1 Choose a foreign holiday destination and the dates in the summer to leave and return
(3 marks)
Find the price of the flights and accommodation from two different companies:
Company 1
Company 2
Which one will you use? Give a reason for your decision.
R3 Find the cost of flights and accommodation from two companies and decide on the best one
(4 marks)
What is the temperature of your home town and your holiday destination during the dates you
have chosen?
R2 Find out the typical monthly temperature of your home town and your holiday destination during the dates you have chosen
(3 marks)
The deposit you have to pay when you book the holiday is one quarter of the total.
Calculate what the deposit will be and how much is left to pay.
Show how you could check the calculation above
A2 Calculate the deposit of one quarter of the flights and accommodation costs and the remainder left to pay and
check their answer
(3 marks)
How much spending money do you think you will need each day?
How much will you need for the whole holiday?
A1 Estimate the amount of spending money you will need per day and calculate the amount for the whole holiday
(3 marks)
Use the exchange rate table to convert your spending money into the local currency.
A1 Use the exchange rate table to convert spending money from pounds into local currency
(3 marks)
Look at a calendar.
How many whole weeks are there until your holiday?
A1 Calculate from today how many weeks there are until the holiday
(3 marks)
How much money would you have to save each week to pay for the whole holiday and all your
spending money?
I1 Work out how much you need to save each week to pay for the whole holiday and spending money
(4 marks)
Think about the shapes of the your luggage and what you might take with you on holiday
Make a list of items with two 2D shapes and two 3D shapes.
Item 1 ______________________________________________________________
Item 2 ______________________________________________________________
Item 3 ______________________________________________________________
Item 4 ______________________________________________________________
I1 Name the 2D or 3D shapes that you can identify within the luggage you might take on holiday
(3 marks)
What is the difference between the temperature in your home town and the temperature in your
holiday destination when you will be going?
I1 work out the difference in temperature between their holiday destination during their chosen week and where they live
(3 marks)