Assessment templates - Set B (DOC, 476KB)

Functional Skills
Functional Skills qualification in Maths at Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3
These templates have been created as a guide to centres to give an example of an
approach to gathering evidence for the Functional Skills Maths Entry Level assessment.
These templates may be used in the form they are presented in, however Centres may
amend these to add in their own wording, pictures, resources, contexts in conjunction with
the Entry Level marking guidance to ensure that the criteria for the assessment are still met.
Centres are reminded that any changes they make to the assessment must still enable
learners to produce evidence as required by the mark scheme in order to pass the
Assessment Templates – Set B
Scheme code: 09862, 09863, 09864
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 1
Name... ...........................................................
Assessment Task: Can We Fix It?
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 1
Name... ...........................................................
Assessment Task: Can We Fix It?
Decide on four tools you will need:
Four tools: ___________________________________________________________
R1 Decide on 4 DIY items they want to buy relevant to the task they wish to undertake
(3 marks)
Decide on two stores where you could get these items from:
Two stores: __________________________________________________________
R1 Decide on 2 sources where they can compare the cost of each item
(3 marks)
Write down two prices for each item from the two different stores:
Items __________________ Price ____________________________
R1 find the prices of their items from the two sources
(3 marks)
Which coins and notes would you need to pay for one of your items?
I1 identify the coins and / or notes that would be used to pay for one of their chosen items
(3 marks)
Choose one of your items.
At which shop is it most expensive?
Is it a lot more expensive or similar?
A1 Compare one of the prices found
(3 marks)
Look at the prices of the other items.
Which shop is most expensive for each of these? Is it a lot more or similar?
A1 Compare the other prices found
(3 marks)
Look at the other items and compare the prices from the two shops.
Is one shop more expensive or are some prices higher and some lower?
Explain what you have found.
(3 marks)
A2 Identify if there are any trends in the prices
Write down three shapes you can see in the items you have chosen:
I1 Identify three 2D and/or 3D shapes within the items they are buying
(3 marks)
Write down a list of the items in order of price starting with the lowest:
Lowest ___________________________________________________________________
I1Produce an ordered list
(4 marks)
End of assessment
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 2
Assessment Task: How Much Could I Raise?
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 2
Name... ...........................................................
Assessment Task: How much could I raise?
Decide on five activities to raise money:
R1 Choose 5 activities
(2 marks)
Decide on five charities you might like to raise money for:
R1 Choose 5 charities
(2 marks)
What questions could you ask to find out:
the most popular charity
the most popular activity
how much people would be willing to give for their preferred charity and activity
Question _________________________________________________________________
Question _________________________________________________________________
Question _________________________________________________________________
Question _________________________________________________________________
R2 Design a questionnaire
(2 marks)
Draw a tally chart to show the popularity of the activities you have chosen:
A1/2 Complete tally with correct totals
(3 marks)
Draw a tally chart to show the popularity of the charities you have chosen:
A1/2 Complete tally with correct totals
(3 marks)
Draw a pictogram showing the results for the activities:
I1 Present results for activities in pictogram
(3 marks)
Draw a pictogram showing the results for the charities:
I1 Present results for charities in pictogram
(3 marks)
Which is the most popular activity?
Which are the two most popular charities?
I1 Identify most popular activity and the two most popular charities
(3 marks)
If everybody gave the money they said they would, how much could you get in total?
A1/2 Calculate how much has been pledged in total
(3 marks)
If you got all this money, how much would you be able to send to each of the two most popular
I1 calculate how much money could be sent to each charity
(2 marks)
How long do you think each of your five activities will take?
Write them down in order with the shortest first.
R1 Estimate the amount of time for each activity in order starting with the first
(3 marks)
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 3
Name... ...........................................................
Assessment Task: Let Me Entertain You!
For full marks in this assessment you will need to:
Show all the calculations you need to do
Show how you have checked your calculations
If you make a choice, say why you have made that choice
In this assessment you can use a calculator
Functional Skills Maths: Entry Level 3
Name... ...........................................................
Assessment Task: Let Me Entertain You!
Decide on two places to go:
First Choice: _______________________________________________________________
Time: ____________________________________________________________________
Venue: ___________________________________________________________________
Cost of ticket: ______________________________________________________________
How to get there:
Route _______________________________________________________________
Distance _____________________________________________________________
Costs __________________________________________________________
Second Choice: ____________________________________________________________
Time: ____________________________________________________________________
Venue: ___________________________________________________________________
Cost of ticket: ______________________________________________________________
How to get there:
Route _______________________________________________________________
Distance _____________________________________________________________
Costs __________________________________________________________
R1 Extract information about performance and ticket costs
(4 marks)
R3 Extract information about transport routes, distances and costs
(4 marks)
Using the information you have found, decide which film you want to see and where:
I have chosen
R2 Choose a performance to attend
(2 marks)
Calculate the total cost for you and your three friends to get to your chosen event using your
preferred route and transport:
Calculate the total time to get to your chosen event using your preferred route and transport:
I1 Decide on the route to take and the method of transport. Calculate the cost and time
(4 marks)
Decide on some snacks you would like when you are there and calculate the cost for all four of
I have chosen:
Total cost:
A1 Decide what snacks to buy at the venue and their total costs
(3 marks)
Work out how much the whole trip will cost for four of you.
Don’t forget to include transport, snacks and the ticket price.
A1 work out the total cost of the trip including travel
(4 marks)
Work out how much the whole trip will cost each person. Show how you can check this
Cost for each person:
A1 / A2 calculate the cost of the trip per person
(4 marks)
Write out a time plan for the trip so your friends know what is happening when:
Start at:
I1 write a time plan for the trip
(4 marks)
Draw a sketch of the journey to show your friends the route you have planned.
Show the distances on your sketch and label some shapes.
I1 Draw a sketch of the journey and indicate 2d and 3d shapes
(3 marks)