TOC Intro Eng

I. Knowledge Enrichment
A. Lecture notes
1. Defensive Reconstruction in the Cold War Era: Economic Cooperation and
Regional Integration in Western Europe, 1945-2000
Professor MAK King-sang
2. Emergence of International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) : Success
and Limitation of Cooperation
Dr PANG Suk-man
3. Globalisation of Food: Economy, Politics and Society
Dr KWONG Chi-man
4. Reform and Opening-up since 1978: China’s Modernization and its
Relations with Japan
Professor CHOW Kai-wing
5. The Evolution of ASEAN: The Trend towards Regional Cooperation
Dr FAN Wing-chung
B. Subtitles of Video Clips
II. Assessment Bank
A. Data-based Questions
Topic 1: International Economic Cooperation Since 1945
Topic 2: International Social and Cultural Cooperation Since 1945
Topic 3: International cooperation and regional politics Since 1945: China, Japan
and Southeast Asia
B. Extended Learning Activities
Topic 1: International Economic Cooperation Since 1945
Topic 2: International Social and Cultural Cooperation Since 1945
Topic 3: International cooperation and regional politics Since 1945: China, Japan
and Southeast Asia
C. Essay-type Questions
Topic 1: International Economic Cooperation Since 1945
Topic 2: International Social and Cultural Cooperation Since 1945
Topic 3: International cooperation and regional politics Since 1945: China, Japan
and Southeast Asia
The resource pack entitled International cooperation and regional politics since 1945 is published by
the Personal, Social and Humanities Education Section of Curriculum Development Institute, Education
Bureau (EDB). It supports teachers to promote learning and teaching in implementing the Senior Secondary
History Curriculum (updated version of 2014); and helps students study international economic, social and
cultural cooperation since 1945, and understand regional politics and cooperation of East Asia and Southeast
Asia from the perspectives of Sino-Japanese relations and ASEAN. The resource pack covers related topics in
both Themes A and B of the Senior Secondary History Curriculum. It will enhance students’ historical
understanding of the important trends which are affecting the world today, and develop their global
With an aim to enrich teachers’ knowledge of these topics, EDB commissioned a team led by Professor
MAK King-sang of the Department of History, Hong Kong Baptist University to organize a series of 5
lectures for History teachers’ professional development in 2012 and produce this resource pack. The resource
pack contains lecture notes, five introductory video clips on relevant topics presented by seminar speakers,
and an assessment bank which is comprised of data-based questions, essays and extended learning activities.
The lecture notes and video clips are for knowledge enrichment, whereas the assessment bank facilitates
teachers to conduct assessment for learning. We suggest teachers to make adaptation to the assessment tasks
according to their own school contexts to cater for the diverse needs of their students. The content of this
resource pack has been uploaded to the website of Education Bureau for teachers’ reference and adaptation:
The copyright of this resource pack belongs to EDB of the HKSAR Government. Schools and
organizations can extract suitable portions of the materials for teaching and research purposes. No part of this
resource pack may be reproduced in any form for commercial purposes. We are grateful to
publishers/organizations for permission to include their publications in the resource pack. Every effort has
been made to trace copyright ownership but in the event of accidental infringement, copyright owners are
invited to contact us so that we can come to a suitable arrangement.
If you have any comments and suggestions on this resource pack, please send them to:
Chief Curriculum Development Officer (PSHE)
Curriculum Development Institute
Education Bureau
Room 1319, 13/F, Wu Chung House
213 Queen’s Road East
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Fax: 2573 5299 / 2575 4318