Sample Scheme of Work and Lesson Plan Engineering OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance This Support Material booklet is designed to accompany the OCR Diploma in Engineering specification for teaching from September 2008. © OCR 2009 Contents Contents 2 Sample Scheme of Work: OCR Diploma in Engineering Unit F555: Innovation, Enterprise and Technological Advance 3 Sample Lesson Plan: OCR Diploma in Engineering Unit F555: Innovation, Enterprise and Technological Advance 15 2 of 16 Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 60 GLH Topic outline Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Unit overview This unit will be internally assessed and externally moderated. The learners are required to complete a research assignment based on a specific product. A list of products will be provided by OCR and will be updated every two years. Learners should record all their research, findings, observations, analysis and individual conclusions in a workbook. The learners should have the workbook available throughout their study of the unit and may return to an earlier section in the light of any new discoveries. Should it be necessary to illustrate a particular point, photos, sketches, drawings and other presentation methods may be used. The unit content encourages the use of a wide range of teaching approaches to aid learners with a variety of appropriate styles to demonstrate their abilities – supporting the aim of developing those generic skills that enhance a young person’s employability. The learners need to be provided with the opportunity to carry out independent research, develop investigative and evaluative skills, and employ problem solving while using innovative thinking. Learners will benefit from support and move forward to independently develop and employ these skills. Learners may work as part of teams for some of the activities but must undertake a significant amount of the investigative activities and make associated conclusions independently and record and report their individual findings and conclusions in their own workbook. The products identified by OCR will be updated on a two-yearly cycle. This will give continuity over a two-year course and give presenters planning time. Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS). There are opportunities in this unit for learners to develop and apply their personal learning and thinking skills. = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma = ICT opportunity 3 of 16 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 8 GLH hours 60 Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Topic outline Suggested teaching and homework activities Learners will be able to: Introduction Suggested resources Verbal exposition and questioning Explain how innovation and creativity benefit Engineering Dodgson, M. (2000) Group discussion Think, Play, Do: Technolgy, Innovation and Organisation OUP What is meant by innovation and creativity Individual Activity (Innovation and creativity) Midler, C. (2009) Working on Innovation Complete the hand-out that defines innovation and creativity Routledge Group discussion Choose a number of products and then take each one in turn and discuss how creativity and innovation has benefitted engineering Berchicci, L. (2008) Innovating for Sustainability Routledge Points to note Innovative - Characterized by the creation of new ideas or things; forward looking; ahead of current thinking Creativity is a mental and social process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the creative mind between existing ideas or concepts. Creativity is fuelled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight. Fagerberg, D.C. et al The Oxford handbook of innovation OUP = Innovative teaching idea 4 of 16 = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 8 hours 60 GLH Topic outline Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Individual activity Suggested resources Points to note (Gives many other references) Write a report about each product. Include in the report detail and justification of how creativity and innovation has benefitted engineering Explain how ideas and developments are Introduction Protected (Protection of ideas) Group discussion Explain what is meant by protection of ideas copyright Function of UK Patents Office Activity = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Complete the hand-out that defines the points listed above UK Current Copyright Law registered designs trade marks Patents – this is about how things work and what they are made of Registered designs – this is about protecting what things look like Trade marks – these protect a company brand and the trading image of the company Copyright – this is about written words including software, or pictures and drawings UK Patent Office – now called the UK Intellectual Property Office Consider: patents Intellectual Property Freeman,C. and Soete, L. (2000) Technological innovations – economic aspects MIT Press = ICT opportunity 5 of 16 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 60 GLH Topic outline Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Group discussion Consider the Function of UK Patents Office Individual activity Explain how the patents Office works Group discussion Choose a product and investigate if it has a registered design, patents, trademarks and copyright features Choice of products: Electrical Mechanical Individual activity = Innovative teaching idea 6 of 16 Choose at least three other products that differ in function and carry out the same investigation as above Write a report for every product investigated = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 8 hours Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Describe the roles of research, development Introduction and raising finance when developing new products Research is an activity aimed at discovering new knowledge in hopes that such activity will be useful in creating a new product, process, or service, or improving a present product, process, or service. Research and Development (R&D) is carried out prior to a new product being introduced. Research involves studying a subject or market in order to further knowledge, and development is the implementation of this knowledge to make a new product. Topic outline (Research and Development) Group discussion What is research and development Individual activity Development of new products and the design process New Product Development Research ment.php Complete the hand-out that describes/defines the points listed above Group discussion Business Market Research Finance and Grants Individual activity List and explain the activities that need to be considered when a new product is being considered Group discussion Research and development proposals need to be assessed against a selection criteria = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Raising Finance Finance Schilling, M.A. (2007) Strategic Management of Technological Innovation Consider: The generation and collection of ideas Selection Development Implementation = ICT opportunity 7 of 16 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time Topic outline 8 hours Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Individual activity List and explain the selection criteria for a proposal that is considering the development of a new project Group discussion Where does the finance come from Suggested resources McGraw-Hill Points to note Selection criteria: technological innovation level of technical risks commercial prospects need for the grant and business impact Individual activity = Innovative teaching idea 8 of 16 Write a report explaining how you would go about to find the finance for a new product that you wish to develop = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 5 hours Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Evaluate the impact of new developments in Introduction Group discussion Materials science and engineering Developments in materials have included: materials and processes on products John Wiley and Sons Shape memory alloys Topic outline How can materials and processes have an impact on new products Individual activity (Developments in materials and processes for products) Select a modern day product List what materials and processes have been used in its manufacture and Callister, W.D (2007) Composites Dodgson, M. (2000) Adhesives and coatings Think, Play, Do: Technology, Innovation and Organisation Biological and chemically engineered materials OUP Oxford Group discussion From the product above, decide which materials had been developed in the last ten years Anderson, G. (2000) Development in material processes have included: Robotics Practical Processes Research and Development Memory devices Academic Press Individual activity or in pairs = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Choose another product Take the product apart List the materials used Explain why each material was chosen Criterion – a standard of judgment or criticism, rule or principle for evaluating or testing something = ICT opportunity 9 of 16 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 5 hours Topic outline Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note to carry out a particular function Explain the processes involved to manufacture each component (2000) Group discussion Selection and use of Engineering Materials Evaluation of the impact of new materials and processes on products Butterworth Individual activity or in pairs = Innovative teaching idea 10 of 16 Charles, J.A. et al Choose a product and write a report that makes an evaluation of the impact of new developments in materials and processes Patton, M.Q. (2002) Qualitative research and evaluation Sage = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 5 hours Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Evaluate the effects of the engineering Introduction technologies in the home, workplace and built What is the built environment What are the effects of engineering technologies in the: Topic outline Group discussion environment = Innovative teaching idea Engineering Diploma Life Technology has had an effect on: www.building for Size and weight of products McMullun, R. (2007) Packaging of products Environmental Science Building Price of products Macmillan Range and diversity of products Home Changes in the working environment Workplace Workplace safety Built environment = ICT opportunity 11 of 16 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 5 hours Topic outline (Effects of engineering technologies) Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Individual activity or in pairs List and explain the effects of engineering technologies in the home, workplace and the built environment Group discussion Evaluate the effects of technology in the home, workplace and built environment Choose one effect from each of the items listed and write a report that makes an evaluation on each of them Ahmet, K. et al (2000) Size and type of workforce Construction and the Built Environment More leisure time Longman Changes in type of leisure activities Technology in the home www.kensingtonhome - Cached Individual activity or in pairs Points to note Built environment: All the physical things constructed by humans as aids to living 001974.hcsp Alternative technology - Cached - Similar = Innovative teaching idea 12 of 16 = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 6 hours Topic outline Explain the environmental and social impact of engineering and sustainability of resources. (The environment, social impact of engineering and sustainability of resources) Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Suggested resources Points to note Introduction Environment: totality of surrounding conditions; "the longed for the comfortable environment of a home” or the area in which something exists or lives Sustainability is about environmental protection, sustained economic growth and social equity Social impact of products on lives: Use of mobile phones Music – I pods Electronic games played in public Choice of product: Group Discussion: Water resource sustainability What is the environment McGraw-Hill What is social impact What is sustainability of resources Murphie, A. and Potts, J. (2003) Culture and Technology Macmillan Complete the hand-out that describes/defines the points listed above Lister, M. (2003) Select a modern day product New media: a critical introduction Consider the environmental and social impacts of engineering that this product has caused Rourtledge How will this product have affected the sustainability of resources Individual activity or in pairs Engineering Diploma Individual activity Group discussion = Innovative teaching idea Mays, L.W. (2007) Electrical Mechanical Bisker, W.E. et al (1987) The social construction of technological systems MIT Select another modern day product = ICT opportunity 13 of 16 Sample Diploma Scheme of Work OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching time 6 hours Topic outline Topic Innovation, enterprise and technological advance Suggested teaching and homework activities Write a report, with reference to the selected product, explaining and evaluating the environmental, social impacts of engineering and sustainability of resources Suggested resources Points to note Bisker. W.E. (1995) Technology – Social Aspects MIT The social impact of technology Sustainability Development – Future Generations = Innovative teaching idea 14 of 16 = ICT opportunity Engineering Diploma Sample Diploma Lesson Plan OCR Level 2 Principal Learning in Engineering H810 Unit F555: Innovation, enterprise and technological advance OCR recognises that the teaching of this qualification above will vary greatly from school to school and from teacher to teacher. With that in mind this lesson plan is offered, as a possible approach but will be subject to modifications by the individual teacher. Lesson length is assumed to be one hour. Learning Objectives for the Lesson Objective 1 Learners can understand what the protection of ideas means. Objective 2 Learners can inspect a number of products and identify trade marks. Objective 3 Learners can explain why it is necessary for products to have trade marks. Objective 4 Learners can seek out information autonomously on trade marks and product protection. Recap of Previous Experience and Prior Knowledge learners have been introduced to the concept of protection of ideas and are aware that: different products are made by different companies illegal copying of products takes place. Content Time Content 20 minutes Introduction Verbal exposition and Questioning Group discussion What is the protection of ideas Video about illegal copying of ideas. Activity Complete the handout with a few sentences about why we should prevent the copying of ideas and products. Group discussion What is a trade mark. Activity Explore web based Trade Mark sites for discussion Engineering Diploma 15 of 16 Sample Diploma Lesson Plan 2Vdag Time 20 minutes Content Activity Complete the handout explaining what a trade mark is and why it is necessary. Activity In pairs select five different types of product. Inspect each product in turn. Write down the name of each product and explain what you have found out about the trade marks. For each product draw the trade mark symbol. Group discussion How does the use of a trade mark stop illegal copying of a product. Activity Complete the handout with a summary of the points made in the discussion. Consolidation Time Content 5 minutes Quick fire general questions about trade marks recycling. 5 minutes Class discussion – What learning taken place? 10 minutes Write an article for a newspaper about illegal copying of products and the use of trademarks. Homework 16 of 16 Engineering Diploma