Unit R087 - Creating a navigation system for an interactive multimedia product - Lesson element - Learner task (DOC, 182KB) New 29/03/2016

Unit R087 – Creating interactive multimedia products
Creating a navigation system for an interactive
multimedia product
Activity 1
Create a master page that can be used to style all pages and screens in an interactive
multimedia product
Create a number of pages/screens using the master page.
Open up the software that you want to use, in this case Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 and click on ‘VIEW’
tab where the Slide Master icon can be seen.
This opens up a number of different options down the left hand side of the screen. You need to select
the first slide down.
Select ‘Background Styles’ and then choose a style for your background. This will be applied to all of
your pages/slides.
Then click on the ‘Home Tab’ and apply any font styles that you want to use. These will be applied to all
Go back to the Slide Master tab and then click on ‘Close Master View’ (red box with white x).
That’s the house style applied to all of the slides and pages.
Version 1
Activity 2
To create a number of simple navigation elements and apply them to all the pages.
In this activity you need to create a number of navigation elements that allow you to select different
routes through the interactive multimedia product in any order.
1. Open the Master Slide view again then choose the select the third slide down.
Once you have selected this slide you need to create a series of buttons for navigation.
2. Selecting the Insert tab, choose click on the Shapes icon and select a circle.
Draw a circle shape and then add a 3D effect to it by adding the Bevel option from the Special Effects
3. You now need to add text to the button so that it can be used as a navigation button.
To this right click on the button and then select the Edit Text option.
Type ‘Slide 1’ onto this button and then style it using the same fonts as your house style.
You have now created one button.
4. Copy this button and paste it twice into this slide. Edit the text and change ’Slide 1’ to ‘Slide 2’
and ‘Slide 3’.
5. Now close the master view by clicking on the red box with white x.
6. This now means that the Home slide will have buttons that will allow the user to navigate within
your interactive multimedia product.
Version 1
7. You now need to make a navigation element that will allow the user to go back to the home slide
from wherever they are in the product.
8. Open up the Master Slide view again and select the sixth slide down. This layout will allow you
to add any text boxes, images, movies or other elements that you want to a slide.
9. Now add in another navigation element with the text ‘Home’ on it.
10. Close the Master Slide view.
11. Now insert a new slide selecting the slide layout that matches the blank master slide you added
the button on.
12. Repeat this twice.
You have now created a multi slide product that has navigation elements on.
Activity 3
Be able to link slides together to create a fully functioning navigation system.
In Activity 2 you created a set of navigation elements and placed them on every slide. However the
slides are not linked together. In this task you will now link the slides together to create a fully working
1. Open up the Master Slide view.
2. Select the slide with the 3 buttons on it.
3. Choose the first button and then right click on it.
Version 1
4. From the menu select the Hyperlink option.
5. This brings up another menu. On this menu then choose the ‘Place in This Document’ option.
6. This brings up a list of the slides you have already created. Select 2. Slide 1- and click ok.
7. Repeat this for all of the other buttons on the slide.
8. Then repeat this with the ‘Home’ button that you placed on the other master slide you created.
9. Close the Master Slide view and save your work.
10. Test that the navigation works by running the slide show on clicking on the buttons.
Version 1