TE Learning Module: Innovative Design Thinking 設計創意思考方法 目標 Objectives 去除發揮創意的障礙 認識及應用「設計程序/過程 」 運用各式思考工具來誘發創新的意念 掌握「解難技巧」來應付日常生活所遇 到的設計與科技問題 背景 Background 分別於01及02年舉行過數次課程/工作坊 中、小學教師均有參與(超過60人) 學員就著所學所得,曾於學校內試行創 意學習/設計活動 重點 Focus 以往類似學習活動多用於語文科目 在TE KLA試行,因相信學習空間會更廣, 學生會發揮得更好 所學所得能應用於六大科技教育知識範 圍,因設計創意思考是著重多元化的脈 絡,不應受制於科目內容 (not only WHAT to think but HOW to think as well) 對於3Cs共通能力的培養尤為顯著,即 Creativity, Communication, Critical thinking 學校的參與 Work Together 匯編有關設計創意思考學習/活動的教學 範例 (exemplars) 學習成果的展示,如學生設計作品、專 題研習報告、上課情況剪影...等 學與教分享會 (sharing session),例如: 是否能在教授不同的TE科目中,滲透性 的教授本課題?對學習有否幫助?可否 客觀及全面的評估創意解難能力?有何 好方法?... 概念圖 Concept Map GenericFramework Level &Theme KS1 (4hrs.) In &Out of BoxThinking KS2 (4hrs.) Mastering Complexity KS3 (4hrs.) Effective Decision Making KS4 (extension) Project Planning &Management Knowledge howthe brain works howthe eye takes in information howthe memory retains and recalls that information right/left cortex logical thinking lateral thinking creative problem-solving model divergent thinking convergent thinking planning cycle management methodologies Skills Values&Attitudes Remark visual thinking mind-mapping attribute listing trial and error curiosity openness to newand unusual ideas self-motivation eliminate roadblock thinking… self-confidence adaptability have no fear of perfection, we 4 essential phases process… can never reach it independent judgement tolerance of ambiguity willingness to take sensible risks I hear, I forget; persistence and commitment I see, I remember; I do, I understand… 6Wthinking technique brainstorming SCAMPER DOIT 6 thinking hats method decision tree grid analysis action plan / Gantt chart critical path analysis cost / benefit analysis stakeholder analysis a creative thinking to learn fromand d