Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 1 of 14
Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Principal and ITRC Signatures.
Fax this signature page only to Instructional Technology 414-6567. The entire plan should be submitted via email to Marc Thrall.
Campus Tech Plan 2008-2009 2 of 14
Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Existing Infrastructure Conditions:
Number of students
Number of teachers
Average number of computers per classroom
Number of computer labs available for general use
Number of computers in library for student use
Number of wireless mobile computer labs (COWS)
Approximate number of computers (Teacher and Student)
Approximate number of computer projectors
Number of campus based technology support staff
Summary of current technology needs on our campus:
This year we have increased the number of digital projectors to 6 and will be receiving more through PTA fundraising efforts in order to meet our goal for having one projector per grade level. We will also be ordering several document cameras (1 per grade level). We purchased several batteries for the COWS. They are currently running well, but we need more wireless capability due to the limited availability of the wireless routers. Classroom computers are in need of updating and replacement as they begin to expire. We would like to make use of Type to Learn software to meet our keyboarding instruction needs as many teachers feel that Custom Typing is not sufficient.
Summary of most recent Campus STaR Chart Data
School Technology and Readiness – Teacher Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing
Criteria and more information can be found online at http://starchart.esc12.net/
Campus STaR chart ratings based on Teacher STaR Charts as submitted to the Texas Education Agency.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Ratings are based on the following scale.
1=Early Tech
2=Developing Tech
3=Advanced Tech
4=Target Tech
Patterns of Classroom Use D
Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content D
Content Area Connections D
Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Implementation D
Student Mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS D
Online Learning E
Content of Professional Development D
Models of Professional Development
Capabilities of Educators
Access to Professional Development
Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use
Leadership and Vision
Professional Development for Online Learning
Campus Rating
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Instructional Support
Communication and Collaboration
Leadership and Support for Online Learning
Students per Computer
Internet Access Connectivity/Speed
Other Classroom Technology
Campus Rating
Technical Support
Local Area Network Wide Area Network
Distance Learning Capacity D
Staff Development Needs
A new online grading system will be integrated next year. Therefore, initial staff development will focus on making sure all teachers are proficient in its use. We will need to hold staff development sessions in order to familiarize teachers on the use of new technologies including digital projectors and document cameras. We also need to focus staff development towards integrating technology projects into the curriculum. This could come in the form of GT projects using research skills or other presentation projects using PowerPoint, spread sheets, Inspiration, Comic Life, etc.
Future Vision and Direction
We have a campus goal of increasing instruction and rigor in science. We will be looking to see how we can incorporate a
Technology aspect to this goal. We also continue to focus on integrating writing across the curriculum and supporting emerging and struggling readers, and increasing mathematical fluency. We will work toward seeking out software and online applications that could be used to support instruction in these areas.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Alignment with Austin ISD Technology Plan 2007-2010
The following goals and objectives are from the District Technology Plan. Campuses will focus on four objectives from Goal 1 and.three objectives from Goal 2.. The campus focus objectives are shown below in boldface and are marked with a “*”. Campuses may choose to include additional objectives in their Campus Tech Plan.
Goal 1: Teaching and Learning
Teaching & Learning focuses on the instructional needs of teachers and the learning needs of students in meeting the vision of technology in education.
All Learners will:
have access to relevant technologies, tools, resources and services for individualized instruction 24/7.
use information and communication technologies to collaborate, construct knowledge and provide solutions to real-world problems
use research based strategies in all subject areas to improve academic achievement.
communicate effectively in a variety of formats for diverse audiences.
*Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level.
Objective 1.2: Offer and provide the Technology Applications high school courses to meet the curriculum and graduation requirements specified in 19 TAC Chapter 74.
*Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child
Objective 1.4: Develop strategies to monitor and document progress of integration of technology into curricula and instruction and to monitor and report student mastery of the Technology Applications TEKS to TEA.
*Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Goal 1: Teaching and Learning (Continued)
Objective 1.6: Implement innovative programs that promote parental and student involvement, increased communication with parents, students and community members, and community access to educational resources.
Objective 1.7: Ensure that school libraries have the latest technology and online resources for student research and curriculum integration and to assist teachers in teaching information literacy and Technology Applications Skills
*Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students.
Objective 1.9: Ensure accessibility by all students to technology-based instruction and adaptive/assistive devices as appropriate.
Objective 1.10: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of specialized or rigorous courses and expanded curricular offerings through the use of technology, including distance learning and digital content services to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development
Educator Preparation and Development addresses the staff development needs not only of teachers but of all the members of the professional education community
All educators will:
develop new learning environments that utilize technology as a flexible tool where learning is collaborative, interactive and customized
ensure integration of appropriate technology throughout all of curriculum and instruction.
*Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS.
Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students.
Objective 2.3: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of ongoing professional development through the use of technology, including online and other distance learning and digital content services.
Objective 2.4: Provide staff development and document progress of teachers towards mastery of the Technology Applications
Educator Standards I-V.
*Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making.
*Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Goal 3: Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support
Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support at all levels address the creation of a shared vision, encourage and sustain the appropriate integration of technology, use modern information technology tools to embrace accountability and use data for decisionmaking.
All leaders will:
develop, implement, budget for and monitor a dynamic technology plan to meet the needs of a changing workforce and economy
offer expanded instructional opportunities to students via online digital content, and a variety of distance learning technologies.
provide opportunities for sustained, relevant and timely staff development in a variety of formats.
expect appropriate technology use throughout the teaching and learning process.
Provide an electronic communications system to foster collaboration
Provide easy access to student data for effective analysis and decision making
Support a comprehensive student data system
Allow parents to access their student’s data
Support business practices with an all-inclusive software package
Create and support applications to meet the request of instructional leaders
Objective: 3.1 Incorporate ongoing technology planning in classroom, library, campus, and district improvement plans.
Objective: 3.2 Promote a comprehensive planning process that involves all stakeholders.
Objective: 3.3 Create budget and secure funding to support technology identified in classroom, library, campus, and district planning efforts.
Objective: 3.4 Coordinate the use of electronic data in district planning to support research-based decision making focused on success.
Objective: 3.5 Provide parents secure electronic access to student information.
Objective: 3.6 Incorporate mastery of SBEC Technology Applications Standards into local educator appraisal system.
Objective: 3.7 Budget for, offer, and support expanded online curriculum and instructional opportunities to students.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Goal 3: Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support (Continued)
Objective: 3.8 Participate in collaboration with representatives from Pre-K-12, higher education, parents, businesses and community to share resources and services.
Objective: 3.9 Provide position appropriate training for all staff.
Objective: 3.10 Support an interactive, integrated system for data
Objective: 3.11 Design, implement and maintain enterprise applications and services
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Goal 4 ~ Infrastructure for Technology
Infrastructure for Technology focuses on hardware, software, and tech support personnel. The infrastructure must be secure, stable, supportable, flexible, scalable and follow common standards in order to grow with new technologies.
The infrastructure will provide
measures to ensure all data is secure and accurate.
data standards to support interoperability and accessibility for all users
reliable hardware, software and infrastructure
equitable access to computers, systems, and e-learning technologies for all users
technical assistance to support teaching and learning.
provide a robust network within and between schools
Objective 4.1: Design, install and maintain a technology and telecommunications infrastructure for communications and services that ensures reliable secure equitable access.
Objective 4.2: Strive to achieve and maintain a personal computing device access ratio of 1:1 for both students and professional educators.
Objective 4.3: Provide on-demand access to appropriately configured technology for all students and staff, including those with disabilities.
Objective 4.4: Maintain an obsolescence policy to ensure maximum efficiency and use of technology and infrastructure by all students and staff.
Objective 4.5: Provide and maintain an infrastructure for communications with parents and community members, including yearround access to school news, educational resources, data and personnel.
Objective 4.6: Maintain a high level of customer service
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level and provide specialized courses in Technology Applications.
Students will have access to technology where their teacher will guide them in TEKS specific instruction regarding technology.
Spring 2009
TEKS, Learning.com, United
Streaming, and other district approved technology
Completed assessments, lesson plans, observations, and projects integrating technology planned and implemented by classroom teachers.
Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child
Use the district provided instruments to instruct and guide all students. Assess students with the diagnostic tool s and use assessment data to evaluate to create further lessons.
Spring 2009
Technology Literacy
Completed assessments, lesson plans, and all students passing at 70% or above on
5th grade assessment.
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers.
The Technology committee will create a policy for the Lee campus that will be used campus wide to ensure safe use of all digital materials. ITRC will continually check to make sure inappropriate material and teacher only privileges are blocked on the classroom computers.
Teachers, administrators
Technology committee and district guidelines
Observation, professional training, and curriculum
Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students.
Teachers will participate in various professional development opportunities to learn different ways of integrating technology into their lessons.
Software and hardware provided by the district
Lesson plans, observation, and student products
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Lee Elementary
Department of Instructional Technology
Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS .
Teachers will participate in professional development relevant to their instructional needs in the classroom.
Principal, and
District provided trainings on or off Lee campus
ITRC will offer trainings on campus and communicate opportunities to teachers.
Teachers will integrate knowledge into their classroom instruction.
Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making.
Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence
Continue to support teachers in the use of AIMS online software in order to make data driven decisions
Provide training in the use of new gradebook program.
Provide training in the fall for use of new technologies such as digital projectors and document cameras.
Fall 2008
Tech Facilitator,
ITRC, teachers
ITRC, teachers
Staff, district provided software
Staff, new gradebook software
Teachers use AIMS to gather data about student performance.
Teachers are fully using the new software to document student performance.
Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use.
Spring 2009
ITRC, teachers
Staff, ITRC, Atomic
Attendance verified, teachers using technology in classrooms observed during walkthroughs.
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