Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology BAILEY Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2009-2010 The Campus Technology Committee has developed this Technology Plan. It is aligned with the Austin ISD Technology Plan and the State Long Range Plan for Technology and our Campus Improvement Plan. The strategies focus on goals and objectives related to Teaching and Learning and Educator Staff Development specifically related to the use of technology. BAILEY Instructional Technology Implementation Plan 2009-2010 Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 1 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology The following staff participated in the development of this Technology Plan: Julia Fletcher Virginia Austin Jason Parker Marcos Guerra Eric Brown Aaron Villareal Principal and ITRC Signatures. Fax this signature page only to Instructional Technology 414-6567. The entire plan should be submitted via email to Marc Thrall. Julia Fletcher Principal Summary of most recent Campus STaR Chart Data Virginia Austin Instructional Technology Resource Contact School Technology and Readiness – Teacher Tool for Planning and Self-Assessing Criteria and more information can be found online at Campus STaR chart ratings based on Teacher STaR Charts as submitted to the Texas Education Agency. Ratings are based on the following scale. 1=Early Tech 2=Developing Tech 3=Advanced Tech 4=Target Tech TEACHING AND LEARNING Campus Rating Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 2 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology Patterns of Classroom Use Frequency/Design of Instructional Setting Using Digital Content Content Area Connections Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Implementation Student Mastery of Technology Applications (TA) TEKS Online Learning EDUCATOR PREPARATION AND DEVELOPMENT Content of Professional Development Models of Professional Development Capabilities of Educators Access to Professional Development Levels of Understanding and Patterns of Use Professional Development for Online Learning LEADERSHIP, ADMINISTRATION, AND INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT Leadership and Vision Planning Instructional Support Communication and Collaboration Budget Leadership and Support for Online Learning INFRASTRUCTURE FOR TECHNOLOGY Students per Computer Internet Access Connectivity/Speed Other Classroom Technology Technical Support Local Area Network Wide Area Network Distance Learning Capacity Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 1 1 1 1 3 1 Campus Rating 1 1 2 2 2 1 Campus Rating 2 2 1 3 1 1 Campus Rating 2 4 1 1 4 2 3 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology Tech Literacy Assessment Results (Elem and MS Only) Most recent data available from the 5th and 8th grade TLA. Probably last years,to be updated after this years TLA Grade Level: 8 Date of Assessment: May 14-May 17 Number of students tested: 356 Average Scale Score: 241 % Students Met Proficiency Standard: 83% % Students Below Proficiency Standard: 17% Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 4 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology Campus Tech Support We do not have a full time or part time tech. We use technology support provided by the district. We also have a Business Venture class that performs the functions of a Student Help Desk. Future Vision and Direction In three years Bailey plans to have installed a Smart Board in every classroom (that is used daily by the students). Every core class will have an innovation station with a well trained teacher that uses the technology to heighten student interest and achievement. Campus Improvement Plan Alignment Improve student achievement through the purchase of new technologies and teacher training. The following goals and objectives are taken from the Austin ISD District Technology Plan. Campuses will focus on four objectives from Goal 1 and.four objectives from Goal 2.. Campuses may choose to include additional objectives in their Campus Tech Plan. The entire Austin ISD Technology Plan is available for review. Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Teaching & Learning focuses on the instructional needs of teachers and the learning needs of students in meeting the vision of technology in education. Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level. Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child. Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 5 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Educator Preparation and Development addresses the staff development needs not only of teachers but of all the members of the professional education community Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students. Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Goal 1: Teaching and Learning Objective 1.1: Integrate the Technology Applications TEKS within the foundation curriculum at each grade level and provide specialized courses in Technology Applications. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Exploring Computer Year-long Eric Brown 25 Dell 760 computers Improved TLA scores Applications and Exploring Manufacturing. 2. Business Ventures Year-long V. Austin Flash drives, Intranet Reduce campus heat tickets 3. Technology Education Year-long Eric Brown Wood shop equipment Improve student achievement and computer modules Objective 1.3: Use digital diagnostic tools for formative evaluation to monitor progress toward the mastery of instructional objectives. Integrate student performance data from district/state assessment instruments with electronic curriculum resources to inform and differentiate instruction for every child Strategy Timelin Person(s) Resources Evidence Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 6 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology e 1. Provide training for creating WebQuests 2. Provide Discovery Streaming information 3. Develop teacher skills in use of innovation stations Year-long As needed Summer 2009 All teachers, IT facilitator ITRC, IT facilitator Teachers who will have the innovation stations by Fall 09 Benchmark, grades, internet sources AISD Instructional Technology AISD innovation training PDA Improved scores and grades Increased use of videos for instruction Innovation stations used daily by teachers, increased student interest, decreased student misbehaviors Objective 1.5: Provide curriculum to ensure personal safety for students in a digital world and Acceptable Use Policies that specify expectations and rules for students, parents, and teachers. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Provide grade appropriate 2 days each Jason Parker Keyboarding computer Students will understand ways to semester during instruction to ensure V. Austin labs, printer, paper keep safe when on the internet keyboarding classes safety of students while on the Internet 2. Provide grade appropriate 2 days each Jason Parker Keyboarding computer Students will follow rules of semester during instruction on Acceptable V. Austin labs, printer, paper acceptable use on the Internet keyboarding classes Use Policies Objective 1.8: Utilize innovative strategies for the delivery of the foundation curriculum to meet the diverse and personal learning needs of all students. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence September 2009 1. Introduce V. Austin and Computers, Epson Teacher lesson plans indicate use IT facilitator projector of Brain Pop Septmeber and 2. Surveys for student interests teachers Internet sources, paper, Improved student achievement in January To develop high interest copy machine all areas student projects Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 7 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology Goal 2: Educator Preparation and Development Objective 2.1: Provide professional development for teaching and integrating Technology Applications into the foundation and enrichment TEKS. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence Once each 1. All social studies students Social Studies Computers, projectors TLA scores will improve; students semester will present a student made teachers build presentation skills PowerPoint to the class 2. Teachers attend technology All interested PDA, computers, Teachers will incorporate Summer 09 training teachers internet access technology applications in lesson plans. Students will show an improvement on TLA Objective 2.2: Support teachers in developing classroom websites and online resources to share lessons, monitor student progress, and establish regular communication with parents and students. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 3. Lanschool used to keep V. Austin and Lanschool, computers, Less referrals for off task September 2009 IT facilitator students projector behaviors in the computer labs. Less heat tickets for damaged computers in the labs. September 2009 V. Austin and Laptops, computers, 5. Gradespeed training Parents and teachers will show Eric Brown projectors improvement in communication Objective 2.5: Provide training on the use of electronic tools and information to support sound, data-driven instructional decision-making. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 1. Summer technology training Summer 09 teachers Professional Improved use of technology in Development Academy classrooms to deliver instruction 2. Smart boards will be used in All-year Teachers and IT facilitator will Increase in student achievement on 10 classrooms students provide training, smart Benchmarks and TAKS Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 8 of 9 Bailey Middle School Department of Instructional Technology board Objective 2.6: Support teachers in exploring emerging technologies for instructional delivery and student centered technology use. Strategy Timeline Person(s) Resources Evidence 4 times per 1. Lesson ideas provided to V. Austin Email, internet Teachers and students will use semester show how new technologies technology lesson plans technology to improve student achievement in all areas Year-long 2. Flip Videos used to record Teachers IT facilitator, Students scores will go up due to a student presentations, skits, computers, projectors higher interest in class etc. Campus Tech Plan 2009-2010 9 of 9