Task 2 Model Answers

Advanced Writing Topics
Almost everyone agrees that we should be training children to recycle waste to save the
Earth’s natural resources. Some believe that it is parents who should teach their children to
recycle waste. Others argue that school is the best place to teach do this. Discuss both views
and give your own opinion
Most people would agree that young people need to be taught about the importance of
recycling waste products and packaging. There is a difference of opinion, however, whether this
should happen at home or in schools. In this essay, I will examine both points of view and then
state my opinion.
The argument in favour of teaching children at school about recycling is largely based around
the idea that children learn best at school. This is because teachers have a natural authority
over their pupils who are used to learning from them and schools are a natural environment for
learning. Additionally, the need for recycling could easily be included in the school curriculum in
biology and geography classes.
There are two main reasons why people think parents taking responsibility for this training
could be more effective. The first is that the majority of recycling takes place in the home and
parents can therefore more easily control the recycling habits of their children. If, for example,
parents see their child put a recyclable bottle in the wrong bin, they can explain that it needs to
go in another bin. The other very practical point is that often children spend more time at home
than at school and so parents may have more effect.
My own view is that the best solution is for children to learn about recycling both at home and
at school. In this way, they would learn about both the theory and the practice.
(277 words)
Newspapers and books are outdated. Why do some people believe this? What is your
As we move into the twenty- first century an increasing number of people are relying on new
forms of technology. A possible consequence of this is that traditional media such as books and
newspapers are not just less popular but are considered by some to be outdated. Personally, I
disagree with this point of view.
The principal reason why some people take this view is fairly clear in the case of newspapers. It
is generally much easier and quicker to discover what is happening in the world from the
internet or the television than from a newspaper. If you use Google or another search engine or
simply switch on the television, you can instantly get the latest news bulletin. A newspaper, by
contrast, is out of date the moment it is published because it contains yesterday’s news.
It is perhaps less obvious why books are said to be out of fashion. One possibility is that fewer
people choose to read for pleasure nowadays because they prefer the instant gratification and
thrills of modern technology. There is less effort involved in enjoying a 3D movie or playing a
computer game than in turning the pages of a book.
My own view and conclusion is that books and newspapers will never go completely out of
fashion or become redundant. The reason for this is that they serve basic human needs. I
believe that people will always want to read about the news and escape into the imaginary
worlds of great novels. However, books and newspapers may need to change to meet the new
demands of twenty-first century consumers. We can already see this happening with the arrival
of the audio-book and the various free newspaper internet sites. (292 words)
In cities and towns all over the world the high volume of traffic is a problem. What are the
causes of this and what actions can be taken to solve this problem?
It is undoubtedly the case that urban areas around the world increasingly suffer from congestion.
In this essay, I examine the reasons for this trend and suggest some practical
policies the authorities could implement to reduce the level of traffic in our cities.
The first step is to understand why traffic has increased in towns and cities. Broadly speaking,
there are three main reasons for this. One is that cars have become more affordable for the
average consumer and they are no longer a luxury item, but something that most families expect
to own. A second reason is that public transport has become increasingly unreliable in recent
years, not least because many bus and train services have been reduced because of the difficulty
in funding them. The third reason is that society has in general become more mobile and this
means more people are prepared to commute to work by car than they were before.
There is almost certainly no one solution to this problem given the complexity of its causes.
However, one option has to be to improve the reliability of public transport to encourage people
to take the bus or the train rather than get in the car. It would also be possible to discourage
people from driving to work by introducing special tariffs for using the roads, especially during
peak periods. A successful example of this is the congestion charge scheme in London which has
certainly reduced the level of trafficin inner-city areas.
In conclusion, there are a variety of different factors that have led to rising levels of traffic in
urban areas. While it may not be possible to find a complete solution, any action should
probably involve encouraging greater use of public transport and making it more expensive
for the motorist to drive in urban areas.
In recent years, there has been a considerable rise in crimes committed by young people in
What has caused this? What solutions can you suggest?
The rise of crime among young people is an urgent problem in many cities that needs to be
addressed. However, in order to find a solution, it is first of all necessary to understand
what has led to this happening. In this essay, I first of all examine the reasons for the rise in
youth crime, then I suggest how this problem may be resolved.
Perhaps the principal cause of this rise in youth crime is the increased use of drugs and alcohol
among young people. Many cities suffer from the phenomenon of binge drinking by teenagers
who lose control under the influence of alcohol and commit crimes. For instance, it is a
common sight on the streets of Britain to see fights breaking out outside pubs and clubs.
Similarly, there is a clear connection between drug abuse among the young and crime. It is still
unfortunately the case that young people frequently see drugs as cool and become addicted. It
is a common occurrence for these addicts to resort to petty theft in order to pay for their
There are a variety of potential ways of combatting this problem. One possibility that is
sometimes suggested is a much stricter system of penalties and punishments to deter young
people from a life of crime. That might work, but it would also be sensible to improve the
system of education so that young people were better informed about the dangers of drugs
and alcohol. This should have the effect of dealing with the issues that cause youth crime in the
first place.
In conclusion, alcohol and drug abuse are among the primary reasons for the rise in young
offenders and if the authorities wish to tackle youth crime, one approach would be to educate
the young more effectively.
The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Most people would accept that one of the highest priorities today is to find a solution to the
various environmental problems facing mankind. It has been suggested that best way to
achieve this is for governments to raise the price of fuel. I am, however, not sure that this is
necessarily the case.
One reason why this approach may not work is that there is not just one environmental
problem the world faces today. If governments did make fuel more expensive, it might well
help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce and so slow down the rate of global
warming and air pollution. However, it would not help with other major problems such as
intensive farming, overpopulation, the hole in the ozone layer or water pollution. For these
problems we need to find other solutions.
A second reason why this policy may not be the most appropriate is that it places the emphasis
on governmental policy and not individual responsibility. Ultimately, most environmental
problems are the result of the way we as individuals live our lives. If we wish to find a long-term
and lasting solution to them, we need to learn to live in a way that it is greener or kinder to the
environment. What governments need to do to make this happen is to ensure there is a global
programme to educate people of all ages about the environmental consequences to their
In summary, I believe that increasing the level of taxation on fuel is at best a short-term
solution to only one environmental problem. If we wish to provide a home for our children’s
children, education is likely to be the key to making this happen. (283 words)
Modern appliances in the home have become more common, leaving no doubt that advances
in technology have improved our lifestyle. Do you agree or disagree?
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
The impact of innovations and inventions in our daily lives has increased dramatically. Most
homes these days have, at the very least, a washing machine and a microwave, yet this has had
both positive and negative effects. Although there are definitely some improvements (it would
now be difficult to live without them), the negatives are equally definable.
Primarily, the fact that these appliances have to be paid for, serviced, repaired and replaced
means that we need to work to maintain this cycle. For example, in some countries the average
washing machine is two or three weeks’ wages for most people. Considering the product’s life
span, it can be estimated that we are working at least two or three days a year simply to cover
the cost of the appliance, a calculation which is multiplied by all the appliances we acquire.
In addition, an increasing number of appliances are for purposes that were not previously
considered necessities, but through marketing techniques, manipulative advertising and human
nature we are now keen to acquire them. Electric juice makers are a perfect example.
Of course, there are appliances which in their basic format have improved our lifestyle simply
because of the labour they save. The washing machine, which saves hours every week on
handwashing, is an example of this. It is only when such appliances develop functions beyond
their basic use, that they become more expensive but more desirable because of the addition
of these extra functions that most of us never use.
It can therefore be concluded that only by carefully considering the use and relevance of the
appliances we buy, can we say that they have improved our lifestyle.
(277 words)
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives.
Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
What’s the happiest time in people’s lives: youth or old age; school, career or retirement? All of
these have been suggested, but teenage years and adulthood both have many supporters.
Those who believe teenagers are the happiest people cite their lack of responsibilities as a
significant factor. They are supported financially and emotionally by their parents, and although
they may be included in family decisions, they’re not ultimately responsible. However,
adolescents are on the threshold of adult life: they’re old enough to get a part-time job, so they
can enjoy their first taste of financial independence, and their future study and career lie
Away from these serious concerns, young people have an active social life with their friends,
often simply by hanging out with them. And of course, there’s the excitement of first love and
first heartbreak. With all this to experience, teenagers see their parents’ lives as boring and
However, the reverse is also true. Adults see anxious, self-dramatising adolescents, and
appreciate the joys of maturity. These may include a contented family life, long-lasting
friendships and a career. Long-term relationships may not have the fireworks of adolescence,
but are stronger for it, because of the wealth of shared experience. At work, many of us are
challenged and stimulated by the increasing professional skills we acquire, which ensures that
our jobs remain interesting.
The greatest benefit, though, is that maturity gives you greater confidence in your own
judgement, in all areas of life. You’re not afraid to express your opinion when others disagree
and, unlike a teenager, you know when to let things go.
Both these periods can be happy times, but I look back at my own teenage years with no desire
to go back. Adult life may be less dramatic, but fireworks don’t keep you warm.
(300 words)
Around the world, children learn English as a second language at school. However, in some
places, they also learn at kindergarten (pre-school care, when children are aged two to five).
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning English at kindergarten.
Provide reasons for your answer. Include relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
As English has become the dominant language worldwide, vast numbers of people are learning
it. The age of English-language acquisition is also lowering at the same time. Personally, I
believe it is essential for a person from a non-English speaking community to learn English, but I
think it is not necessary to do so until a child is around seven or eight.
Supporters of teaching English at kindergarten – that is, when a child is aged between two to
five – believe that early exposure will produce more competent speakers. Parents who are keen
to give their child a head start in an ever more competitive world are persuaded by this idea.
They think that if English is combined with play, it will be easily absorbed, and not seem like
study at all. However, there are strong arguments against teaching English at kindergarten.
Firstly, linguists claim that a child needs to be literate in his or her own language before another
is begun unless that child is already living in a completely bilingual environment – that is: his or
her parents are native speakers of both languages, and both languages are used around the
Secondly, kindergarten teachers are less likely to be native English speakers themselves, or to
be competent language teachers, which means that what children learn at kindergarten could
be no more than a smattering of words – ‘Hello’ ‘Goodbyes’, numbers, colours, and the names
of animals. All of these could be learnt very quickly in a school classroom at the age of seven in
addition to proper grammar and good pronunciation.
Then there is the issue that kindergartens provide ‘English’ more as a marketing tool than an
educational one, cashing in on concerned parents. It could also be a status symbol that a child is
learning English at the age of three among the friends of his or her parents, meaning that the
child’s learning experience is subordinated to the parents’ prestige.
In my view, kindergarten is a time to acquire social skills, motor skills, and a deeper
understanding of a child’s own language. English can come later when a child is more capable of
focused learning, and when the teaching is likely to be better. In an age where the endless
pursuit of qualifications and accomplishments seems the norm, why not let a child be a child at
(390 words)
Money is important in most people’s lives. Although some people think it is more important
than others.
What do you feel are the right uses of money? What other factors are important for a good
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
Money has an important impact on most people’s lives, whether by being plentiful or in short
supply. While it cannot buy happiness, it can provide much that is of value.
In my view the right use of money is to improve people’s lives, starting with one’s own family.
First, it helps to provide the means for people to develop themselves – by supporting children’s
growth, education and interests, through enabling adults to study and train or re-train and to
develop skill to high level. A third way in which money contribute is to provide pleasure, so that
family members can pursue hobbies and enjoy holidays. Money is also necessary for many
cultural interests: attending concerts and theatre, for example, or buying a musical instrument.
A further use of money is to provide security against emergencies and in retirement. Last and
not least, one of the right uses of money is to give to others, perhaps in the form of charity, so
they can enjoy the same things that we can.
All the elements of life mentioned above are important, but ultimately people find satisfaction
– a good life, that is – in relation to other humans. We need to be part of a community, to give
and receive, to have relationships with others in family, community and work environment. We
need to be useful and to help others. The contributions we can make (or receive) in these
endeavours may or may not be financial.
In other words, money is not the only, or even the most important, factor in developing a good
life, but it can certainly make an important contribution.
(268 words)
Write about the following topic:
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of three of the following ways of learning a
foreign language. State which you consider to be the most effective.
studying on your own
taking lessons with a private tutor
taking lessons as part of a class
taking lessons online
going to live in a country where the language is spoken
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
The question of how to learn a foreign language has become increasingly important in recent
years as business has become more international. Although there are a number of effective ways,
l am convinced that living in a country, where that language is spoken is the most efficient way
of learning.
Traditionally, people have learned languages as part of a large group in a classroom. This has the
advantage of providing many opportunities to practise what you learn with a number of different
people. In addition, the fees for this form of education are usually reasonable, since a large
number of people are taught at once. However, the size of the group means that more demands
are placed on the teacher’s time. Students may not get the individual attention they require to
The amount of individual attention you receive is certainly an advantage of working with a
private tutor. Also, the student can work at a pace which is comfortable for them. On the other
hand working with a private tutor can lack the social element, which is crucial in learning to
communicate well in a foreign language. It can also prove to be beyond the means of many
By far the most natural way to acquire a language is to go where it is spoken. Not only is every
social interaction a chance to practise, but you are also exposed to the real, living language. As
well as that, you are able to acquire a natural accent by imitating the people around you. This is
not to say, of course, that there are not drawbacks. Many people suffer from culture shock away
from home, and it can be very difficult to integrate into a foreign culture.
In conclusion, l would argue that the advantages of going to another country to learn far
outweigh the disadvantages, making it the best option.
(312 words)
Write about the following topic:
Since the 18th century technological advances have replaced people in the workplace. With
today’s technology this process is happening at a greater rate. Technology is increasingly
responsible for unemployment.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
Technological advances always have an impact on people at work. Sometimes it can mean that
people are no longer necessary in their job, but sometimes they make people work easier. We
can define technology as scientific knowledge used for practical purpose in industry and
commerce. I would also like to make a further distinction between this and high technology,
which is electronic or information technology.
In my view, technology really began to have an effect on industry in the early of the 20th
century. The result of this was that certain industries like the car industry did not really need as
many people, as automated machines and robots were able to do jobs such as painting the car,
or putting the car together.
However, if we now turn to look at the effect of high technology on the workplace, in my
opinion, there has been a different effect. It is true that computers are able to do some things
that people used to do and advanced in high technology have made people’s lives better
through improvement in communication. For example, now we have e-mail, MSN and some
electronic tool to chat with friends or business partners. In addition, people working in service
industries like banking use computers much more than pen and paper nowadays. In addition,
some work can be done from home, which means that people do not need spend time
travelling and can work where and when they want to.
In conclusion, technology has resulted in unemployment in some traditional industries like car
industry. On the other hand, in other industries such as service industries, technology has
improved the way the work.
(274 words)
Write about the following topic:
Woman and men are commonly seen as having different strength and weaknesses. Is it right
to exclude males or females from certain professions because of their gender?
Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.
Model answer:
There have always been differences in the types of work men and women have done. However,
the trend in modern times has been for both men and women to have greater freedom of
choice in terms of employment. Some people might say that there is no need to go further.
However, in my view, wherever possible, gender equality should be encouraged.
There may indeed be good arguments for allowing certain posts to remain predominantly male
or female. Where all-male or all-female groups exist, there may be a need for related posts to
be held by men and women respectively. Patients in all-female hospital wards, for example,
would probably appreciate having female nurses to look after them. It could also be argued that
certain jobs requiring a great deal of physical strength, coal mining or logging, for example,
should continue to be done mainly by men.
However, in the vast majority of situations, making occupations more open to both genders has
distinct advantages. Men and women can bring slightly different perspectives and approaches
to a job. Female police officers, for example, may have a greater understanding of domestic
violence and a better range of strategies for dealing with this problem. Male primary school
teachers probably have a better understanding of the needs of young boys and can serve as
good role models for them.
The changes that result from allowing men into female-dominated occupations and vice versa
may be subtle, but they are far-reaching. However, to benefit the most from this development,
it is important not to expect males and females to approach work in identical ways.
(266 words)