Form PDARF9 Module Derogation Request Form Derogation approval must be sought where a module or programme deviates from those standards as stipulated by the Academic Regulations. This PDARF9 form is required for all module derogation requests. Complete form – advice may be sought from the School and or College, or via Submit to the relevant Programme Board/Graduate School Board for review and recommendation. Pending Programme Board/Graduate School Board recommendation, this form is then submitted to for approval by the University Programmes Board (UPB). Modules with any of the following characteristics require derogation approval: o Irregular Credit Value (derogation from Regulation 1.3) o Restricted Elective Places (derogation from Regulation 3.9.4) o Module delivered outside semester OR in the Summer term OR across 2 semesters OR Year-long module (derogation from Regulation 2.1) o Must Pass Components (derogation from Regulation 4.7) o o o o Irregular length of assessment (derogation from Regulation 4.3) Irregular timing of assessment (derogation from Regulation 4.1) Offering of a summer resit (UPB approval required as per Regulation 5.9) No resit assessment offered (and no repeat or specified alternative available in the next teaching semester) (derogation from Regulations 5.9/5.9.1) Please refer to the relevant regulation to determine whether your module requires derogation approval. The Academic Regulations can be downloaded at The Programme Board/Graduate School Board must review and recommend the derogation before it can be submitted via to UPB. For advice and assistance with completion of this form, please contact Module Code Module Title Programme Board & approval date Derogation Sought Rationale (please explain the academic rationale for the proposed derogation) Request applicable from (please insert the academic session)