Majmaah University College of Applied Medical Science Department of Radiological Science and Medical Imaging General Anatomy, Terminology and Positioning Dr. Yousif Mohamed Y. Abdallah 1 Anatomy is the science of the structure of the human body, whereas physiology deals with functions of the body, or how the body parts work. In the living subject, it is almost impossible to study. Anatomy without also studying some physiology. Radiographic study of the human body, however, is primarily a study of the anatomy of the various systems with lesser emphasis on the physiology. 2 Review of Structural Organization • • • • • • • Atoms Molecules Cell Tissue Organ System organism 3 4 Body Systems-10 • • • • • • • • • • Skeletal Circulatory Digestive Respiratory Urinary Reproductive Nervous Muscular Endocrine Integumentary 5 Skeletal • Much general diagnostic radiography involves exams of the bones and joints (osteology and arthrology) • 206 separate bones • Divided into axial and appendicular 6 Axial Skelton- 80 bones • • • • • • • • • • • Cranium-8 Facial-14 Hyoid-1 Auditory ossicles-6 Cervical vert.-7 Thoracic vert.-12 Lumbar vert.-5 Sacrum-1 Coccyx-1 Sternum-1 Ribs-24 Total-80 7 Appendicular Skeleton- 126 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Clavicles-2 Scapulae-2 Humeri-2 Ulnae-2 Radii-2 Carpals-16 Metacarpals-10 Phalanges-28 Hip bones-2 Femora-2 Tibias-2 Fibulas-2 Patellae-2 Tarsals-14 Metatarsals-10 Phalanges-28 total: 126 8 Sesamoid Bones • Special, oval-shaped bones found in tendons mostly near joints • Not present in developing fetus • The only sesamoids that are included in the total body bone count are the patellae • Commonly found on the palmar surface of hand and sometimes in tendons of other upper of lower limb joints • Any sesamoid can be fractured and may need to be demonstrated radiographically 9 Bone Classification • • • • Long Flat Short Irregular 10 Long Bones • Body • 2 ends or extremities • Composed of compact bone or cortex, body, spongy bone (red marrow), medullary cavity, periosteum, hyaline cartilage, articular cartilage and the periosteum 11 Short Bones • Carpals and tarsals 12 Flat Bones • Consist of 2 plates of compact bone with cancellous bone and marrow between them • Examples- calvarium, sternum, ribs and scapulae • Diploe: space between the inner and outer table of flat bones in the cranium 13 Irregular Bones • Bones with peculiar shapes- vertebrae, facial bones, bones of the cranial base and bones of the pelvis 14 Blood Cell Production • RBCs (red blood cells) are produced in the red bone marrow of certain flat and irregular bones 15 Bone Development • Ossification begins in the sixth embryonic week and continues until adulthood • 2 kinds of bone formation – Intramembranous: occurs rapidly in bones necessary for protection (i.e. sutures of the skull) – Endochondral: much slower than intramembranous; occurs in most parts of the skeleton 16 Centers of Endochondral Ossification • Primary center- midbody or diaphysis • Secondary center- ends or extremities of the long bones or epiphysis – Epiphyseal plates: found between the diaphysis and the epiphysis until skeletal growth is complete 17 Arthrology: study of joints • Functional classification– Synarthrosis- immovable – Amphiarthrosis- limited movement – Diarthrosis- freely moveable 18 Structural Classification • #1 Fibrous: held together by fibrous connective tissue – Syndesmosis: only one in the body- distal tibiofibular joint- amphiarthrodial – Sutures: between the bones of the skullsynarthrodial – Gomphoses: roots of the teeth- very limited movement 19 • #2 Cartilaginous: held tightly together by cartilage – Symphyses:example is intervertebral disksamphiarthrodial – Synchondroses: these are temporary growth joints; example is the acetabulum- they are synarthrodial 20 • #3 Synovial: fibrous capsule containing synovial fluid- they are diarthodial and some examples are the knee, elbow. 21 Movement Types of Synovial Joints • • • • • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. plane or gliding ginglymus or hinge trochoid or pivot ellipsoid or condyloid sellar or saddle spheroid or ball and socket 22 General Terms Radiograph (ra'de-o-grof) A radiograph is a film or other base material containing a processed image of an anatomic part of a patient as produced by action of x-rays on an IR. Radiography (ra"de-og'rah-fe): The production of radiographs and/or other forms of radiographic images. Radiograph vs. x-ray film: In practice, the terms radiograph and xray film (or just film) are often used interchangeably. The x-ray film specifically refers to the physical piece of material on which a radiographic image is exposed. The term radiograph includes the film and the image. 23 Radiographic examination or procedure A radiographer is shown positioning the patient for a routine chest , exam or procedure (Fig. 1-33). 24 5 Functions of a Radiographic Procedure • Positioning of the body and CR alignment • Selection of the radiation protection measures • Selection of exposure factors on the control panel • Patient instructions relating to breathing • Processing of the IR (image receptorcould be film or a digital plate) 25 Anatomic Position • Upright, arms adducted, palms forward, head and feet directed straight ahead • Viewing Radiographs: Display x-rays so that the patient is facing the viewer in anatomic position R 26 27 Body Planes, Sections and Lines • Sagittal- any longitudinal plane dividing the body into right and left parts • Mid-sagittal or median plane- divides the body into equal right and left halves • Coronal- longitudinal plane dividing the body into anterior and posterior parts • Mid-coronal- divides the body into equal anterior and posterior parts 28 29 • Horizontal or axial plane- transverse plane passing through the body at right angles to the longitudinal plane; divides into superior and inferior portions • Oblique plane- longitudinal or transverse that is on an angle or slant to the sagittal, coronal or horizontal planes. 30 31 Understanding CT and MRI Images • Longitudinal sections can be taken in sagittal, coronal or oblique planes • Transverse (axial) or cross sections 32 33 Planes of the Skull • Base plane • Occlusal plane 34 Base plane of skull This precise transverse plane is formed by connecting the lines from the infraorbital margins (inferior edge of bony orbits) to the superior margins of the external auditory meatus (EAM, the external opening of the ear). This is also sometimes called the anthropologic plane or the Frankfort horizontal plane as used in orthodontics and cranial topography to measure and locate specific cranial points or structures. Occlusal plane This horizontal plane is formed by the biting surfaces of the upper and lower teeth with jaws closed (used as a reference plane of the head for dental and skull radiography). 35 Body Surfaces and Parts • • • • Posterior or dorsal Anterior or ventral Plantar- sole of foot Dorsal- top of anterior surface of foot, back or posterior aspect of hand • Palmar- palm of hand or the anterior/ventral surface 36 37 38 Radiographic Projections • • • • • Posteroanterior or PA Anteroposterior or AP AP oblique (LPO and RPO) PA oblique (LAO and RAO) Mediolateral or Lateromedial 39 Posteroanterior (pos'tet-o-an-te're-cr) (PA) projection A projection of the CR from posterior to anterior It combines these two terms, posterior and anterior, into one word, abbreviated as PA. The CR enters at the posterior surface and exits at the anterior surface (PA projection). It assumes a true PA without intentional rotation, which requires the CR to be perpendicular to the coronal body plane and parallel to the sagittal plane, unless some qualifying oblique or rotational term is used to indicate otherwise 40 Anteroposterior (on"ter-o-pos-te're-or) (AP) projection A projection of CR from anterior to posterior, the opposite of PA It combines these two terms, anterior and posterior, into one word It describes the direction of travel of the CR, which enters at an anterior surface and exits at a posterior surface (AP projection) It assumes a true AP without rotation unless a qualifier term is also used, indicating it to be an oblique projection 41 An AP or a PA projection of the upper or lower limbs that is obliqued or rotated and not a true AP or PA. Therefore it must also include a qualifying term indicating which way it is rotated, such as medial or lateral rotation (from AP or PA as based on the anatomic position) 42 A lateral projection described by the path of the CR. Two examples are the mediolateral projection of the ankle (Fig. 1-47) and the lateromedial projection of the wrist (Fig. 1-48). It is determining the medial and lateral sides is again based on the patient in the anatomic position. 43 Body Positions and special projections • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Supine Prone Erect Recumbent Trendelenburg Fowler’s Sim’s Lithotomy Decubitus Axial Inferosuperior or superioinferior Tangenital AP axial or lordotic Transthoracic Dorsoplantar or plantodorsal Parietoacanthial or acanthioparietal Submentovertex or verticosubmental (SMV and VSM) 44 Supine (soo'pin) Lying on back, facing upward Prone (pron) Lying on abdomen, facing downward (head may be turned to one side) 45 Erect (i'reckt') (upright) An upright position, to stand or sit erect Recumbent (re-kum'bent) (reclining) Lying down in any position (prone, supine, on side, and so on) Dorsal Recumbent: Lying on back (supine) Ventral Recumbent: Lying face down (prone) Lateral Recumbent: Lying on side (right or left lateral) 46 Trendelenburg* (tren-del'en-berg) A recumbent position with the whole body tilted so that the head is lower than the feet 47 Sim's position (semiprone position) A recumbent oblique position with the patient lying on the left anterior side with the left leg extended and the right knee and thigh partially flexed A modified Sim's position is used for insertion of the rectal tube for barium enemas 48 Fowler'st (faw'lerz) position A recumbent position with the body tilted so that the head is higher than the feet 49 Lithotomy (li-thoto-me) position A recumbent (supine) position with knees and hip flexed and thighs abducted and rotated externally, supported by ankle supports 50 Lateral (later-d) position It refers to the side of, or a side view Specific lateral positions described by the part closest to the IR, or that body part from which the CR exits (Figs. 1-55 and 1-56). A true lateral position will always be 90° or perpendicular or at a right angle to a true AP or PA projection. If it is not a true lateral, it is an oblique position. 51 Oblique (ob-/~k: or ob-lik)* position An angled position in which neither the sagittal nor the coronal body plane is perpendicular or at a right angle to the IR Oblique body positions of the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis are described by the part closest to the IR, or that body part from which the CR exits. 52 Decubitus (de-kubi-tus) (decub) position The word decubitus literally means to "lie down," or the position assumed in "lying down:" This body position, meaning to lie on a horizontal surface, is designated according to that surface on which the body is resting. This therefore refers to the patient lying down on one of the following body surfaces: back (dorsal), front (ventral), or side (right or left lateral). In radiographic positioning, decubitus is always used with a horizontal x-ray beam. Decubitus positions are essential to detect air-fluid levels or free air in a body cavity such as in the chest or abdomen where the air rises to the uppermost part of the body cavity. 53 54 Right or left lateral decubitus position (AP or PA projection) In this position the patient lies on the side and the x-ray beam is directed horizontally from anterior to posterior (AP) (Fig.1-61) or posterior to anterior (PA) (Fig. 1-62) The AP or PA in parenthesis is important as a qualifying term to denote the direction of the CR. This position is either a left lateral decub (Fig. 1-61) or right lateral decub (Fig. 1-62). It is named according to the dependent side (side down). Note: This is similar to a recumbent lateral body position except that the x-ray beam is directed horizontally, making this a lateral decubitus position (AP or PA projection). 55 56 Dorsal decubitus position (left or right lateral) In this position the patient is lying on the dorsal (posterior) surface with the x-ray beam directed horizontally, exiting from the side closest to the IR (Fig. 1-63). The position is named according to the surface on which the patient is lying (dorsal or ventral) and by the side dosest to the IR (right or left). 57 Ventral decubitus position (right or left lateral) In this position the patient is lying on the ventral (anterior) surface with the xray beam directed horizontally, exiting from the side dosest to the IR (Fig. 164). The position is named according to the surface on which the patient is lying (ventral or dorsal) and by the side dosest to the IR (right or left). 58 Axial refers to the long axis of a structure or part (around which a rotating body turns or is arranged). The term superoinferior or cephalocaudad describes a true axial projection where the CR is directed along the long axis or center line of the human body from the head (superior or cephalad) to the feet (inferior or caudad) (Fig. 1-65). 59 Special application-AP or PA axial: In radiographic positioning, the term axial has been used to describe any angle of the CR more than 10 degrees along the long axis of the body. It should be noted, however, in a true sense an axial projection would be directed along, or parallel too the long axis of the body or part. The term semiaxiol, or "partly" axial more accurately describes any angle along the axis that is not truly along or parallel to the long axis. However, for the sake of consistency with other references, the term axial projection will be used throughout this text to describe both axial and semiaxial projections as defined above and as illustrated in Figs. 1-65 through 1-67. 60 Inferosuperior and superoinferior axial projections Inferosuperior projections are frequently performed for the shoulder and hip where the CR enters below or inferiorly and exits above or superiorly (Fig. 1-67). The opposite of this is the superoinferior projection, such as a special nasal bones projection (Fig. 1-65). 61 Tangential (tan'j'en'shaO projection Means touching a curve or surface at only one point A special use of the term projection to describe a projection that merely skims a body part to project that part into profile and away from other body structures Examples: Following are three examples or applications of the term tangential projection as defined above: Zygomatic arch projection (Fig. 1-68). Trauma skull projection for demonstrating depressed skull fracture (Fig. 1-69). Special projection of patella (Fig. 1-70). 62 AP axial projection-lordotic position This is a specific AP chest projection for demonstrating the apices of the lungs. It is also sometimes called the apical lordotic projection. In this case the long axis of the body is angled rather than the CR. The term lordotic comes from lordosis, a term denoting curvature of the cervical and lumbar spine. (See Figs. 1-84 and 1-85.) As the patient assumes this position (Fig. 1-71)/ the lumbar lordotic curvature is exaggerated, making this a descriptive term for this special chest projection. 63 Transthoracic lateral projection (right lateral position) A lateral projection through the thorax It requires a qualifying positioning term (right or left lateral position) to indicate which shoulder Note: This is a special adaptation of the projection term, meaning the CR passes through the thorax even though it does not include an entrance or exit site. In practice this is a common lateral shoulder projection and is referred to as a right or left transthoracic lateral shoulder. 64 65 66 67 68 Relationship Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Medial v. lateral Proximal v. distal Cephalad v. caudad Interior v. exterior Superficial v. deep Ipsilateral v. contralateral Lordosis v. kyphosis Scoliosis Flexion v. extension Ulnar deviation v. radial deviation Dorsiflexion v. plantar flexion Eversion v. inversion Valgus v. varus Medial rotation v. lateral rotation Abduction v. adduction Supination v. pronation Protraction v. retraction Elevation v. depression Circumduction Rotation v. tilt 69 Dorsoplantar and plantodorsal projections: These are secondary terms for AP or PA projections of the foot. Dorsoplantar (OP) describes the path of the CR from the dorsal (anterior) surface to the plantar (posterior) surface of the foot (Fig. 1-73). A special plantodorsal projection of the heel bone (calcaneus) is called an axial plantodorsal projection (PO) because the angled CR enters the plantar surface of the foot and exits the dorsum surface 70 Parietoacanthial and acanthioparietal projections The CR enters at the cranial parietal bone and exits at the acanthion (junction of nose and upper lip) for the parietoacanthial projection (Fig. 1-75). The opposite CR direction would describe the acanthioparietal projection (Fig. 1-76). These are also known as PA Waters and AP Reverse Waters projections of the facial bones. 71 Submentovertex (SMV) and verticosubmental (VSM) projections: These projections are for the skull and mandible. CR enters below the chin or mentum and exits at the vertex or top of the skull for the submentovertex (SMV) projection (Fig. 1-77). The less common opposite projection of this would be the verticosubmental (VSM) projection, entering at top of skull and exiting below mandible (not shown). 72 Stay Well 73