GIS/Resources/1 GIS resources: books and websites Relevant GIS books found in local bookstores, publishers or public and university libraries Antenucci, J.C. et. al (1991) Geographic Information Systems: a Guide to the Technology, Chapman & Hall. Arai, Y. & S. Koike (2002) Grid-based Population Distribution Estimates from Historical Japanese Topographical Maps Using GIS, in Boots, B., et. al (ed.) Modelling Geographical Systems: Statistical and Computational Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.235-250. Audet, R. & G. Ludwig (2000) GIS in Schools, ESRI. (+CD-ROM) Batty, M. (2003) Using Geographical Information Systems, in Clifford, N.J. & G. Valentine (ed.) Key Methods in Geography, Sage, ch.23. Bernhardsen, T. (2002) Geographic Information Systems: an Introduction, Wiley. Birkin, M. et. al (1996) Intelligent GIS: Location Decisions and Strategic Planning, GeoInformation International. Bishop, M.P. & J.F. Schroder, Jr. (ed.) (2004) Geographic Information Science and Mountain Geomorphology, Springer. Bivand, R. & A. Lucas (2000) Integrating Models and Geographical Information Systems, in Openshaw, S. & R.J. Abrahart (ed.) GeoComputation, Taylor & Francis, pp.331-363. Bonham-Carter, G.F. (1994) Geographic Information Systems for Geoscientists: Modelling with GIS, Pergamon. Brown, M.C. (2006) Hacking Google Maps and Google Earth, Wiley. Burrough, P. & J. Masser (ed.) (1998) European Geographic Information Infrastructures, Taylor & Francis. Burrough, P.A. & R.A. McDonnell (1998) Principles of Geographical Information Systems, Oxford University Press. Campbell, H. & I. Masser (1995) GIS and Organizations: How Effective Are GIS in Practice?, Taylor & Francis. Chang, K.T. (2006) Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, McGraw-Hill. Chou, Y.H. (1997) Exploring Spatial Analysis in Geographic Information Systems, OnWord. Chrisman, N. (2002) Exploring Geographic Information Systems, Wiley. Clarke, K.C. (2001) Getting Started with Geographic Information Systems, Prentice Hall. Convis, C.L. Jr. (ed.) (2001) Conservation Geography: Case Studies in GIS, Computer Mapping, and Activism, ESRI. Crowder, D.A. (2007) Google Earth for Dummies, Wiley. Curry, M.R. (1998) Digital Places: Living with Geographic Information Technologies, Routledge. Daniel, L. et. al (2002) Inside MapInfo Professional: the Friendly User Guide to MapInfo Profesional, OnWord. Davis, B.E. (1996) GIS: a Visual Approach, OnWord. Davis, D.E. (2003) GIS for Everyone: Exploring Your Neighborhood and Your World With a Geographic Information System, ESRI. (+ CD-ROM) Decker, D. (2001) GIS Data Sources, Wiley. DeMers, M.N. (2005) Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, Wiley. Dent, B.D. (1999) Cartography: Thematic Map Design, McGraw-Hill, ch.6. El-Rabbany, A. (2002) Introduction to GPS: the Global Positioning System, Artech House. GIS/Resources/2 English, K.Z. & L.S. Feaster (2003) Community Geography: GIS in Action, ESRI. (+ CD-ROM) ESRI (1999) Getting to Know ArcView GIS: the Geographic Information System (GIS) for Everyone, ESRI. (+CD-ROM) Falconer, A. & J. Foresman (ed.) (2002) A System for Survival: GIS and Sustainable Development, ESRI. Featherstone, S. (2004) Outdoor Guide to Using Your GPS, Creative Pub. International. Fisher, P. & D.J. Unwin (ed.) (2005) Re-presenting GIS, Wiley. Fotheringham, A.S. et. al (2000) Quantitative Geography: Perspectives on Spatial Data Analysis, Sage, ch.3. Gaddy, D.E. (2003) Introduction to GIS for the Petroleum Industry, PennWell. Goodchild, M.F. (1997) Geographic Information System, in Hanson, S. (ed.) Ten Geographic Ideas That Changed the World, Rutgers University Press, ch.3. Gunston, M. (1993) Geographic Information Systems: a Buyer’s Guide, HMSO. Hanna, K.C. & R.B. Culpepper (1998) GIS in Site Design: New Tools for Design Professionals, Wiley. Harder, C. (1998) Serving Maps on the Internet: Geographic Information on the World Wide Web, ESRI. Harder, C. (1999) Enterprise GIS for Energy Companies, ESRI. Harmon, J.E. & S.J. Anderson (2003) The Design and Implementation of Geographic Information Systems, Wiley. Heywood, I. et. al (2006) An Introduction to Geographical Information Systems, Prentice Hall. (+ online resources) HMSO (1994) An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, HMSO. Hohl, P. (ed.) (1998) GIS Data Conversion: Strategies, Techniques, Management, OnWord. Holtgrewe, B.J. & J.T. Freeze (2002) MapPoint for Dummies, Hungry Minds. Hu, C. (1999) Research in Application of GPS in Forestry, in Shi, W. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality ’99, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp.468-473. Hutchinson, S. & L. Daniel (2000) Inside ArcView GIS, OnWord. Huxhold, W.E. (1991) An Introduction to Urban Geographic Information Systems, OUP. Huxhold, W.E. & A.G. Levinsohn (1995) Managing Geographic Information System Projects, OUP. Jankowski, P. & T. Nyerges (2001) Geographic Information Systems for Group Decision Making: Towards a Participatory, Geographic Information Science, Taylor & Francis. Jones, C. (1997) Geographical Information Systems and Computer Cartography, Longman. Kaplan, E.D. & C.J. Hegarty (ed.) (2006) Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, Artech House. Kennedy, H. (ed.) (2001) The ESRI Press Dictionary of GIS Terminology, ESRI. Kennedy, M. (2002) The Global Positioning System and GIS: an Introduction, Taylor & Francis. Kennedy, M. (2006) Introducing Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS: Featuring GIS Software from Environmental Systems, Wiley. (+CD-ROM) Kingsley-Hughes, K. (2005) Hacking GPS, Wiley. Knapp, C.L. & Orton Family Foundation (2003) Making Community Connections: The Orton Family Foundation Community Mapping Program, ESRI. Korte, G.B. (1997) The GIS Book, OnWord. Kraak, M.J. & F.J. Ormeling (1996) Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data, Longman. GIS/Resources/3 Krygier, J. & D. Wood (2005) Making Maps: a Visual Guide to Map Design for GIS, Guilford Press. Lang, L. (1998) Managing Natural Resources with GIS, ESRI. (+CD-ROM) Lang, L. (2000) GIS for Health Organizations, ESRI. Langran, G. (1992) Time in Geographic Information Systems, Taylor & Francis. Larijani, L.C. (1998) GPS for Everyone: How the Global Positioning System Can Work for You, American Interface Corp. Lee, J. & D.W.S. Wong (2001) Statistical Analysis with ArcView GIS, Wiley. Letham, L. (2003) GPS Made Easy: Using Global Positioning Systems in the Outdoors, Mountaineers Books. Limp, W.F. & D. Harmon (1998) Inside GeoMedia, OnWord. Longley, P. & G. Clarke (ed.) (1995) GIS for Business and Service Planning, GeoInformation International. Longley, P.A. & M. Batty (ed.) (2003) Advanced Spatial Analysis: The CASA Book of GIS, ESRI. Longley, P.A. et. al (ed.) (1999) Geographical Information Systems, Wiley. Longley, P.A. et. al (2001) Geographic Information Systems and Science, Wiley. Madej, E. (2001) Cartographic Design Using ArcView GIS, OnWord. Madsen, D.A. & T.M. Shumaker (2004) Civil Drafting Technology, Pearson Prentice Hall, ch.12. Maguire, D.J. et. al (1992) Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications, Longman. Malczewski, J. (1999) GIS and Multicriteria Decision Analysis, Wiley. Malone, L, et. al (2002) Mapping Our World: GIS Lessons for Educators, ESRI. (+ CD-ROM) Malone, L, et. al (2003) Community Geography: GIS in Action Teacher's Guide, ESRI. Martin, D. (1996) Geographic Information Systems: Socioeconomic Applications, Routledge. Masser, I. & M. Blackmore (ed.) (1991) Handling Geographical Information: Methodology and Potential Applications, Longman. McDonnell, R. & K. Kemp (1995) International GIS Dictionary, GeoInformation International. McNamara, J. (2004) GPS for Dummies, Wiley. Mitchell, A. (1997) Zeroing In: Geographic Information Systems at Work in the Community, ESRI. Mitchell, A. (1999) The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis Volume 1: Geographic Patterns & Relationships, ESRI. Morain, S. (ed.) (1998) GIS Solutions in Natural Resource Management: Balancing the Technical-Political Equation, OnWord. Morain, S. & S.L. Baros (ed.) (1996) Raster Imagery in Geographic Information Systems, OnWord. Muehrcke, P.C. & J.O. Muehrcke (1998) Map Use: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation, JP Publications, ch.19. Müller, J.C. et. al (ed.) (1995) GIS and Generalization: Methodology and Practice, Taylor & Francis. Oliver, M. (2000) Using AutoCAD Map 2000, Autodesk Press. Paulsen, D.J. & M.B. Robinson (2004) Spatial Aspects of Crime: Theory and Practice, Pearson A and B. Peuquet, D.J. & D.F. Marble (ed.) (1990) Introductory Readings in Geographic GIS/Resources/4 Information Systems, Taylor & Francis. Plewe, B. (1997) GIS Online: Information Retrieval, Mapping, and the Internet, OnWord. Reeve, D.E. & J.R. Petch (1999) GIS, Organisations and People: a Socio-technical Approach, Taylor & Francis. Robinson, A.H. et. al (1995) Elements of Cartography, Wiley, ch.17. Rodriguez-Bachiller, A. & J. Glasson (2004) Expert Systems and Geographical Information Systems for Impact Assessment, Taylor & Francis. Scally, R. (2006) GIS for Environmental Management, ESRI. Spencer, J. et. al (2003) Global Positioning System: a Field Guide for the Social Sciences, Blackwell. Steede-Terry, K. (2000) Integrating GIS and the Global Positioning System, ESRI. Stillwell, J. & G. Clarke (ed.) (2004) Applied GIS and Spatial Analysis, Wiley. Stillwell, J. et. al (ed.) (1999) Geographical Information and Planning, Springer. Taylor, D.R.F. (ed.) (1991) Geographic Information Systems: the Microcomputer and Modern Cartography, Pergamon. Thurston, J. et. al (2003) Integrated Geospatial Technologies: a Guide to GPS, GIS, and Data Logging, Wiley. Tomlinson, R.F. (2003) Thinking About GIS: Geographic Information System Planning for Managers, ESRI. Tang, W. & J. Selwood (2003) Connecting Our World: GIS Web Services, ESRI. United Nations (2000) Handbook on Geographic Information Systems and Digital Mapping, UN. Vance, D. et. al (2000) Inside AutoCAD Map 2000, OnWord. Verbyla, D.L. (2002) Practical GIS Analysis, Taylor & Francis. Wadsworth, R. & J. Treweek (1999) Geographical Information Systems for Ecology: an Introduction, Longman. Wang, F. (2006) Quantitative Methods and Applications in GIS, Taylor & Francis. (+ CD-ROM) Whitener, A. & J. Davis (1998) Minding Your Business with MapInfo (R), OnWord. Wise, S. (2002) GIS Basics, Taylor & Francis. Zeiler, M. (1999) Modeling Our World: The ESRI Guide to Geodatabase Design, ESRI. ArcNews, ESRI. ArcUser: the Magazine for ESRI Software Users, ESRI. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, Journal of the Cartography and Geographic Information Society. Geocarto International: a Multi-disciplinary Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, Geocarto International Centre. Geographic Information Sciences, Journal of the Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic Information Systems (Abroad). Li, H. et. al (1987) “A Preliminary Research on Flood Risk Forecasting Information System”, in Asian Geographer, Volume 6 Number 2, Hong Kong Geographical Association, pp.95-102. Li, S. (1987) “The Incorporation of Human Intelligence in Visual Image Interpretation into Geographic Information System”, in Asian Geographer, Volume 6 Number 2, Hong Kong Geographical Association, pp.81-86. Yeh, A. (1989) “Development of Digital Geographic Information and Geographic Information Systems in Hong Kong”, in The Hong Kong Geographer, Vol.7 No.2, Hong Kong Geographical Association, pp.8-20. 朱光 等 (1997) 地理信息系統基本原理及應用, 測繪出版社. GIS/Resources/5 江東 (2003) 地理信息系統及其在全球變化研究中的應用, 氣象出版社. 李若愚 (2006) 地理資訊系統概論, 全華. 宋小冬, 葉嘉安 (1995) 地理信息系統及其在城市規劃與管理中的應用, 科學出版社. 胡鵬 等 (2002) 地理信息系統教程, 武漢大學出版社. 徐紹銓 等 (2003) GPS 測量原理及應用, 武漢大學出版社. 秦其明 (1995) 管理地球的工具: 地理信息系統漫談, 廣東教育出版社. 陳述彭 等 (1999) 地理信息系統導論, 科學出版社. 張新長 等 (2001) 城市地理信息系統, 科學出版社. 湯國安, 趙牡丹 (2000) 地理信息系統, 科學出版社. 湯國安, 楊昕 (2006) ArcGIS 地理信息系統空間分析實驗教程, 科學出版社. (+ CD-ROM) 湯國安 等 (2002) ArcView 地理信息系統空間分析方法, 科學出版社. 楊本基 (2000) 上網學地理攻略手冊, 香港教育圖書公司, chs.14,20. 鄔倫 等 (2001) 地理信息系統: 原理、方法和應用, 科學出版社. 鄧良炳, 張新長 (1995) 地圖、地理信息系統與規劃, 廣東省地圖出版社. 歐陽志雲 等 (2006) 地理信息系統與自然保護區規劃和管理, 化學工業出版社. 城市地理信息系統學術論壇, 地球信息科學聯合實驗室. GIS Related Resources on the Internet 台大交大地理資訊系統課程大綱 國土規劃暨防 災 知 識 網 台大地理資訊系統網 上 連 結 A3D Jmapping Association for Geographic Information Caritas Chan Chun Ha Field Studies Centre Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, University of Connecticut Centre for GIS, Monash University David Rumsey Map Collection Earth Observation Magazine Environmental Resources Spatial Analysis Center, University of Minnesota GIS/Resources/6 Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) ESRI China (Hong Kong) Geographic Information Science Center, UC Berkeley Geographic Resources Analysis Support System GeoPlace Geospatial Information Systems Council, Pennsylvania State University Geospatial Solutions Information Center for the Environment, UC Davis Intergraph Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, University of British Columbia Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis Land Info Worldwide Mapping Linnet Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, BC, Canada Microsoft MapPoint MODIS Data Support, NASA National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis-Education, UC Santa Barbara Queen’s University GIS Lab Remote Sensing and GIS Laboratory, Utah State University Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center, Columbia University U.S. Bureau of Land Management Geographic Coordinate Data Base U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee U.S.G..S. Planetary GIS Web Server