Introduction to English Grammar Ch. 16

Introduction to English Grammar
Ch. 16
General Revision of Ch 15
1. Democracy serves the purpose of real
empowerment of the down trodden
2.Grand successful companies are always trying
to consider how to expand their offerings.
3. Korea buys 10 percent of its crude needs from
4. President, Lee Myng is currently touring Gulf
5. Subway restaurants are present in more than
nine countries.
6. The military option is always on the table.
7. The Saudi Electricity Company owned by the
government plans to boost its capacity.
8. The festival will honor a number of
9. A brigade is roughly 3,500 troops split into
several battalions.
Three modes of classification
1. Form- classes( help- helpful- helplesshelpfulness)
based on form changes
2. Function
3. Positional classes
Form Classes:
 A. Noun
 B. Verb
 C. Adjective
 D. Adverb
 E. Uninflected words ( evidence, awake,
tennis, since, from, quite)
Classification by function
1. SV
2. Verb or predicate
3. Subjective compliment
4. DO
5. IO
6.Obj compliment
7. Object of preposition
8. Modifier
Positional classes:
1. Nominal
2. Verbal
3. Adjectival
4. Adverbial
Words that occupy positions of nouns
regardless of their forms:
[The poor ]complained
Form: adj
Function: SV
Seriously is the best way to study
Reading activates the brain
The pathos of the story convinced her
We enjoyed the party.
2. SC That is [she]
3. DO I Want [ what I deserve]
4. IO
She gave [whom ever she wants]
a cheery smile.
5. OC
We made him [areal man]
We thought him [irresponsiple]
Cont- Nominal
6. OP
e.g Can you see from under the door]?
you can’t move it from here.
7. RO
Exc. Classify the following based
on form and position:
About a plateful is my limit
 Hiding doesn’t work.
 Here is the best place
See. Exc.p.222
The question may sometimes arise as to
whether a certain word group is a nominal
or not. We have a test of substitution to
settle the matter: a word group is a
nominal if it can be replaced by any one of
the following: a. a noun, b. a noun phrase,
and c. any word from the following list:
this, that, these, those, he / him, she / her,
it, and they / them.
1. You made me what I am
You made me a champion
To get high marks is her highest
He became what he had always hoped.
-forms that occupy verb positions.
-The kingpin position of verbal is that of
the main verb.
e. g ; They have worked hard.
Two types of verbs:
1. Finite : inflected for person, number,
2. Nonfinite: are not inflected for person,
number, tense.
Non finite verbs:
 1.Present participle
 2.To +v-stem
 3. Past participle (pp- ed)
 Examples:
 Waving their hands, they paid farewell.
 To succeed, you need to work hard.
 Having been late, I missed the class
 ** verbals conform to the nine patterns.
Nonfinite verbs are considered verbals
Q- Indicate the sentence pattern of the given
verbals :
1.To give generously is an Islamic virtue.
2. Hiring good employees is not an easy task.
When nonfinite verb forms occupy noun positions,
we call them nominals e.g
1.he prefers walking. (D.O position)
Similarly, the sentence containing verbals:
1. Following political events is her passion.
2. I’ d like getting him new desk.
**Notice: verbals just like main verbs can be followed
by complements (DO, IO,,OC)( within the nominal
the verbal has Do, IO)
See Exercises (p. 226)
Forms that occupy adj positions
regardless of their forms.
E. She is a university student.
Form: noun
Position: adjectival
Where are adjectival located?
1. Before nouns : she's a college teacher
 2.
After be (p.1) : They are smart
 3. After linking verbs(p.4): He appears
4. After the noun:
a. The floor below is rented.(uninflected)
b. Its time to go (infinitive)
c. We saw the man who was drowning
 . See (pp.229-233)
Identify the verbals and their patterns
She asked me to provide fully complete
Having reached a compromise, both
parties turned in their weapons.
Being a teacher requires a lot of
He will play tennis soon
He soon will play tennis
Soon , he will play tennis
He will soon play tennis
Here , he will play tennis
He will play tennis here
Types of adverbs
Adverbs of time:
 Adverb of frequency: “ how often”
 Adverb of duration: “ how long”
 For hours, a week , whole night, since
 Adv of frequency , usually comes in
preverb position.
 E.g: The wise folk usually take the right
 The members of the parliament usually
arrive late.
Positions of Adverbs
Before the pattern:
 Indeed , we admire your sincere efforts.
 Now its time to leave.
 Before the auxiliary or the main verb:
 She often would forget her keys
 after the auxiliary or the first auxiliary:
The official spokesman of the ministry
will actually reject the accusations.
After the verb in pattern 6and after verb
to be in pattern 1, 2,3 :
Some government officers responsible for
public affairs work recklessly.
The peace deal between the two parties is
hardly respected.
The American convey to the middle east is
indeed a key figure
After the complement of the verb: (Sc,
Do, OC)
 He will become an independent man
The wanted criminal ran with great
speed.( quickly)
 The students answered the question in a
very rude manner. ( rudely)
 He dishonest offical does his work
without any care.( carelessly)
 You can buy it in all places.(
Decide whether the following are adjectival or
 Jan, clinging to life ,resists the criminal.
 having a magnetic personality, she attracts the
 He left shouting and cursing.
 He entered carrying a large clip-bond report
 You can join conversation online.
 The passengers describes their horrifying
emergency -landing experience
 They have been working for a very long time.
Identify the positional classes of the following
They waited to escapee.
 They preferred to escape.
 He looks dirty.
 He speaks dirty.
 Be quick.
 Come quick
 He appeared hard
 He works hard
 He came early
 Early birds always win
 The Sunday meeting is postponed.
 We usually gather Sundays
 I prefer Sundays
Verb adverbial composite
A. Intransitive verb adverbial composite (VAC)
The characteristics:
 He turned out a criminal
 They took off to Madrid
 Test A. The meaning
 Test B. Immovability ( the adverbial
element is immovable)
 Test C: Inseparability: (cant be
separated by a modifier). Exc. 16-21
Transitive verb adverbial composite( VAC+obj)
Which of the following underlined words is VAC?
1. The officer turned in the suspect.
2. The officer turned in the wrong direction
How to differentiate it from pp.?
1. Test A: Adverbial post positioning (placing the
adverb after the object-)
The officer turned the suspect in.
* **The officer turned the wrong direction in.
Test B: Inseparability : ( cant be separated
by a modifier).
***The officer turned toughly in the criminal
Test C: Relative transformation: The v+pp. can be
transformed into relative structure.
The wrong direction in which the officer turned.
EXC. 242-245.
Write 10 sentences using (VAC) including both
transitive and intransitive ones. Use one test only
for each kind (e.g. adverbial post positioning,
inseparability). Pair work