Day 8 lesson SS09

Daily Lesson Plan- Day 8
Subject/Grade: 7th TX
Date: Day Eight
Topic: Cattle Drives; Indian Wars/Buffalo Soldiers; Oil
Guiding Question: How did the cattle drives and Indian wars
affect Texas? Who were the Buffalo Soldiers and what was
their impact on Texas history? How did the discovery of oil
affect Texas?
7.1 (A): Identify the major eras in Texas history and describe
their defining characteristics.
7.6(A): Identify significant individuals, events, and issues
from Reconstruction through the beginning of the 20th
century, including factors leading to the expansion of the
Texas frontier, the effects of westward expansion on Native
Americans, the development of the cattle industry from its
Spanish beginnings, the myth and realities of the cowboy way
of life, the effects of the growth of railroads, the buffalo
soldiers, and the development of the cattle industry.
(B): explain the political, economic and social impact of the
cattle industry and oil industry…
7.9 (A): Locate places and regions of importance in Texas
during the 19th century.
7.22(C): Transfer information from one medium to another.
7.22 (D): Create visual presentations on social studies
Obj. 1 The student will demonstrate in understanding of
issues and events in U.S. History.
(8.1) History: The student understands traditional historical
points of reference in U.S. history
(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history (8.5) History: The
student understands the challenges confronted by the
government and its leaders in the early years of the Republic.
Obj. 2 The student will demonstrate an understanding of
geographic influences on historical issues and events.
Obj. 3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of
economic and social influences on historical issues and
Obj. 5 The student will use critical thinking skills to analyze
social studies information.
(8.30) Social Studies skills: The student applies criticalthinking skills to organize and use information acquired from
a variety of sources including electronic technology.
Daily Lesson Plan- Day 8
Materials/ Resources
Warm Up Activity:
Approximate time needed:
Step by Step
Approximate time:
Texas and Texans textbook, map pencils and computer paper
vaquero, wrangler, Buffalo Soldier, campaign, refinery,
derrick, conservationist, boom and bust cycle,
Warm-Up #8- Have students complete individually and grade
and/or go over as a class.
[15 min.]
1. Show a couple of clips from the United Streaming videoThe Real American Cowboy to show the myth versus the
reality of cowboy life.
[5 min.]
2. Choose between the two Cattle Drive activities:
“Mapping the Texas Frontier: Indian Wars and Cattle Drives
or “Texas Ranch Bonanza”
[1- 1 1/2 hrs.]
3. Show the entire video- Buffalo Soldiers from United
Streaming and have students complete the questions. [26 min]
4. Show the video clip from the History Channel on
Spindletop (in video section from “This Day in History”
[2 min.]
5. Choose between the Oil Industry activities:
 Have students complete (individually or in pairs) the
foldable on Spindletop by reading the short selections
to answer each question on the foldable
[45 min.]
 Facts about Oil - Write a summary about how oil
has changed our lives.
[30 min.]
 Using “Facts About Oil” (front and back) complete
“Oil and its Importance to Texas”
[45 min.]
 Texas Boomtown: The Impact of Oil Discovery
lesson from the Texas Council on Economic
[1 hour]
 Optional: complete the oil vocabulary list and Texas
Oil and Gas Fields map
[45 min.]
6. OPTIONAL: play the Wildcatter game from the last
section in your notebook (resources section).
[15 min.]
Daily Lesson Plan- Day 8
Activity / Product or
Worksheet Title
Type of Instruction
(individual, group, etc.)
Assessment Type
( ex. Product, Grade,
Warm-Up #8
Individual/ whole class
Grade or go over
Indian Wars and Cattle
individual/ pairs
map and question grades
Texas Ranch Bonanza
individual / pairs
Ranch scrapbook (product)
Buffalo Soldiers video
Spindletop Foldable
Video question grade
individual / pairs
Foldable grade
Spindletop Activities
individual / pairs
written summary or graded
Boomtown Lesson
grade product
Wildcatter game
individual/whole class
participation grade