Using Primary Sources -- U.S. and Texas Bill of Rights

Using Primary Sources -- U.S. and Texas Bill of
Using Primary Sources – U.S. and Texas Bill of Rights
By: Stan Guzick & Steve Crites
Lamar Middle School
Students will use a primary source to further their understanding of historical concepts, events,
and people.
Students will be able to explain the goals/purpose of the Texas and U.S. Bill of Rights as set forth
in the U.S. and Texas Constitution. Students will be able to explain the importance of the Texas
Bill of Rights by rewriting/illustrating a portion of them in their own words.
TAKS Objective 4: Government:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of political influences on historical issues and
7.14b: Government
Identify the influence of ideas from the U.S. Constitution on the Texas Constitution.
7.16a: Citizenship
Summarize the rights guaranteed in the Texas Bill of Rights.
Matrix Connections:
Matrix # 402
The student understands the purpose of rules and laws.
Matrix # 410
The student understands the powers of government.
Matrix #420
The student understands the purpose and function of the Constitution,
Matrix # 518
The student understands the fundamental rights guaranteed to citizens in a constitutional
Interactive spiral, textbook, transparency of Texas Bill of Rights, Handouts of U.S. and Texas Bill
of Rights, Why Do You Think Question, Government vocabulary for each student.
Students open to the warm-up section of the interactive spiral and reflect in writing on a “Why Do
You Think” question which is on the overhead.
Students and teachers read and compare aloud the U.S. and Texas Bill of Rights. As a group,
students and teachers define and write formal definitions on their vocabulary list.
Divide students into small groups (2-3/group) and have students identify, in their opinion, the 10
most important rights on the Texas Bill of Rights. As a class, students share their written
responses and brainstorm examples of what these concepts look like in our nation and state
Guidelines are given to the class on the assignment, “The Illustrated Guide to the Texas Bill of
Rights.” After the teacher and student have discussed the guidelines a rubric is given to each
student. Examples, of work done from the previous year, are shown to the class.
What strategies / accommodations / modifications / did you use to assist the ELLs and
other special students?
1. Students read orally and defined key terms together.
2. Students used socializing intelligences to further their knowledge of the primary source.