AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: World Cultures IPG: Second Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 6 MAJOR CONCEPT #1: Groups and Institutions Overarching Idea Groups, societies and cultures address human needs and concerns in similar and different ways. Guiding Questions How are cultural diversity and cultural unity important within and across groups and institutions? How do various groups and institutions express their beliefs and ways of doing, knowing and thinking? MAJOR CONCEPT #2: Space and Regions Overarching Idea Diverse societies and environments provide various opportunities and limitations for human activity. Guiding Questions How do regional characteristics of one area become part of the characteristics of another region? In what ways are people and space interdependent? MAJOR CONCEPT #3: Location and Place Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Factors of location and space influence where and how people live. How do people in specific locations and places adapt to their physical environment? How do people use maps to find locations and places? What geographic factors influence the locations and places where people choose to settle? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: World Cultures IPG: Second Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 6 MAJOR CONCEPT #4: Ethics, Values, and Beliefs Overarching Ethics, values and beliefs reflect the culture, ideas, and viewpoints of a society in a particular time period. Idea Guiding Questions What are common cultural characteristics that organize and preserve societies? How do people’s beliefs and actions influence the way they interact with each other and with other groups? © Austin Independent School District, 2009-2010 2