AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: U. S. History Overarching Idea A nation extends its power as it expands physically through the use of economic and military factors. Guiding Questions Overarching Idea How has the United States sought to maintain and expand its power in the world? How has the policy of imperialism allowed the United States to extend its power and influence? In what ways have the actions of the United States in gaining and wielding power affected how other nations perceive America? To what extent does power gained through imperialism continue to be a part of American foreign policy? In what ways can power gained through foreign policy serve to both unite and divided American citizens? Major Concept # 2 - Conflict A nation’s involvement in an international conflict illustrates the tension between isolationism and the recognition of that nation as a world power. Guiding Questions IPG: Second Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 11 Major Concept # 1 - Power What impact have foreign conflicts had on how Americans view themselves and their nation? To what extent does contemporary American policy address isolationism in its involvement in foreign affairs and conflicts? What are the lasting effects of World War I on the world today? ©Austin Independent School District, 2008-2009 1 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: U. S. History Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Overarching Idea Guiding Questions IPG: Second Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 11 Major Concept #3 – Wants and Needs A society’s wants and needs for resources leads to expansion and conflict. How has diplomacy between nations been used to address competition for wants and needs? Why would a nation choose to expand its physical boundaries to obtain its wants and needs at risk of war? What role does superiority play when a nation competes for wants and needs with rivaling nations? Major Concept #4 - Citizenship During times of war, responsible citizens make sacrifices for the good of their homeland. What are the responsibilities of being a good citizen? What do citizens sacrifice during war and why do they do it? How does the restriction of civil liberties during war illustrate the tension between the importance of individual rights and the protection of the common good? What role should dissent and protest play during times of war? Major Concept # 5 – Reform Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Industrialization and urbanization lead to reform. Why do people want reform in their society? How do people make reforms in their society? What are the permanent results of reforms? ©Austin Independent School District, 2008-2009 2 AUSTIN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT SUBJECT/COURSE: U. S. History Overarching Idea Guiding Questions Overarching Idea Guiding Questions IPG: Second Six Weeks GRADE LEVEL: 11 Major Concept # 6 - Change Change in a society results in economic booms and busts, cultural innovations, and social upheaval. How well does a society adapt to change? What values and beliefs come into conflict when changes take place in a society? How does change impact the daily lives of different members of society? How does change impact a society’s popular culture? Major Concept # 7 – Culture Innovative cultural trends often result when a society experiences a variety of changes. How do changing cultural trends in the arts and literature of a particular society reflect its traditions? How do changing cultural trends in the arts and literature of a particular society lead to clashes with a society’s existing traditions? How do specific changes to a society’s economy impact its popular culture? How do specific ethnic groups impact a society’s culture? ©Austin Independent School District, 2008-2009 3 ©Austin Independent School District, 2008-2009 4 ©Austin Independent School District, 2008-2009 5