Day 10 lesson SS09

Daily Lesson Plan- Day 10
Subject/Grade: 7th TX
Date: Day Ten
Topic: Texas Government
Guiding Question: What are the steps for a bill to become a
law in Texas? How are the U.S. and Texas constitutions
7.1 (A): Identify the major eras in Texas history and describe
their defining Characteristics.
7.9 (A): Locate places and regions of importance in Texas
during the 19th century.
7.22(C): Transfer information from one medium to another.
7.22 (D): Create visual presentations on social studies
7.14 (A): identify the influence of ides from the U.S.
constitution on the Texas Constitution.
7.15 (A): describe the structure and functions of government
at ....state levels.
Obj. 1 The student will demonstrate in understanding of
issues and events in U.S. History.
(8.1) History: The student understands traditional historical
points of reference in U.S. history
(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history (8.5) History: The
student understands the challenges confronted by the
government and its leaders in the early years of the Republic.
Obj. 4 The student will demonstrate an understanding of
political influences on historical issues and events.
(8.2) A: Explains the reasons for the growth of representative
government and institutions.
(8.16) A: Identify the influence of ideas from historic
documents including.....the Declaration of Independence.
Obj. 5 The student will use critical thinking skills to analyze
social studies information.
(8.30) Social Studies skills: The student applies criticalthinking skills to organize and use information acquired from
a variety of sources including electronic technology.
Daily Lesson Plan- Day 10
Materials/ Resources
*Use for History Bingo
Warm Up Activity:
Approximate time needed:
Step by Step
Approximate time:
Texas and Texans textbook, map pencils and computer paper
amend, bill of rights, legislature, Senate, House of
Representatives, executive, judicial, checks and balances,
separation of power, bicameral, veto
Warm-Up #10- Have students complete individually and
grade and/or go over as a class.
[15 min.]
1. OPTION: Show video segments of United Streaming
videos Almost Painless Guide to the Legislative Branch on
how a bill becomes a law. Remind students that while these
videos discuss the U.S. government, it is the same for Texas.
[5-10 min.]
2. Discuss how a Bill Becomes Law and participate in the
“Creative Dramatics” Activity.
[30 min.]
3. Follow the lesson plans for the History Alive lesson on the
Constitutional Card sort. Make sure each pair or group has a
copy of the U.S. Constitution (2 different versions in the
notebook). Have students complete the questions one at a
time (like a race/game) or complete all questions at once as a
[1 hour]
4. Complete Review for Post-Test (individually or in
pairs). You can let them use all past work, warm-ups, and
textbook to find the answers.
[1 hour]
If time allows- Discuss different classifications of crimes and
complete “Crime in the Land of Mother Goose” (or save for
last day after the Post-Test).
[30 min.]
Activity / Product or
Worksheet Title
Type of Instruction
(individual, group, etc.)
Assessment Type
( ex. Product, Grade,
Warm-Up #10
Individual/ whole class
Grade/ go over
Skit How a Bill
Becomes Law
group participation
Constitutional Card Sort
group/pairs/whole class
grade answers to questions
pairs/whole class
Crime in the Land of
Mother Goose
individual/ pairs/ small group
grade / completion