Nineteenth Amendment

WOW Game Title: Nineteenth Amendment
Physical Education: Sharks and Minnows
Content Area: Social Studies
TEKS Focus: Celebrate Freedom Week/Constitution Day
Physical Education Unit: Locomotor, Spatial Awareness
Grade: 5
Resource: PE Central,
Equipment/Materials: Cones to mark off the activity area
Set Up:
This activity includes material that is appropriate for students at these suggested grade
levels. However, all of this material and its relationship to the activity need to be
discussed and reviewed with the class in advance. Discuss the Nineteenth Amendment
and how it gave women the power to vote. Emphasize the struggle women had in gaining
the right to vote. Pose some of the following questions to make sure students understand:
1. How do we make important decisions in our country such as who will be
2. Before 1920, who got to vote?
3. Who didn't have a chance to decide important issues?
4. How do we determine if we are for or against an issue that is being voted on in an
Form 2 teams by having most of the class stand on one line of the playing area (these
students will be the ones not in favor of the amendment). Three students designated as
“pro-amendment” (taggers) are in the middle of the playing area (they are in favor of the
amendment). On the teacher’s (or tagger’s) signal, “Ready? Vote!”, the team that is not
in favor of the vote will try to skip across the playing area to the other end without being
tagged by the “pro-amendment” taggers. If a student gets tagged, they freeze in that
space. While frozen they may put out their arms and lightly tag a student skipping by
them. When those that haven’t been tagged reach the opposite line, they stop and wait
for the signal to cross again. Play continues until all are frozen. Pick new taggers and
start a new game.
 Use different topics that involve struggle...African Americans, integration, etc.
 Have students travel using other locomotor movements other than running such as
skipping, galloping, jogging, and sliding.
Review Questions:
Skill Focus: Which locomotor movement is the quickest?
Academic Focus: What year did women receive the amount to vote?