WOW Game Title: Settle the Reservation Content Area: Social Studies TEKS Focus: Native Americans and Texas Regions Motivations for Exploration Physical Education Unit: Cooperative Games Grade: 4 Resource: Tammy Arredondo Hair Picture map trail of tears Sam Houston Geronimo Equipment/Materials: 24 hula-hoops, cards of characteristics of Native American tribes. Set Up: Comanche Cherokee TEXAS Apache Wichita Activity: Select 1-2 students to be taggers. Place all the cards (characteristics) in the center hula hoop. Each team/tribe (Comanche, Apache, Wichita, and Cherokee) will be at a corner with a card with the information about their tribe. One team member will run, jog, skip, or gallop to the center collect 1 hula-hoop. Other team members repeat until all 6 hoops are collected. Once they return to their reservation, the tribe will build a hut/teepee with the hula-hoops. Once the hut is stable then one team member will jog, gallop, or skip to the center hula-hoop and collect one card. That team member will bring the card back to their tribe (reservation) and the next person will have a turn and do the same. Once all the cards have been collected then one tribe member will jog, gallop, or skip to the map of Texas (in another hula hoop) and place their tribe card on the area of Texas that their tribe once lived. Once the card is on the map the tribe has won the game. One tagger will move throughout the area. This tagger will represent the Union settlers trying to force the Native Americans off their land. If a settler tags a Native American then he/she must return the characteristic in their hand to the center hula-hoop. Then the Native American must go outside the playing area and perform five jumping jacks, push-ups, or curl-ups and return to the game. Once the game ends have students switch tribes so they learn about the characteristics of other tribes. Review Questions: Skill Focus: Did you find that you need to cooperate to settle your reservation? Academic Focus: What are some similarities between the tribes? Wichita – Mohawk hairstyle Cherokee - baskets Apache – hunted buffalo Comanche – hunted buffalo Wichita – hunted buffalo Apache – lived in teepees Comanche – lived in teepees Wichita – lived in grass houses Cherokee – lived in wooden huts Comanche – fierce warriors Apache – rode horses Comanche – rode horses Wichita – grew sunflowers Cherokee – Trail of Tears Cherokee – adopted Sam Houston Apache – Geronimo was a leader of the tribe Wichita – arrived in Texas in 1720 Cherokee – arrived in Texas in 1823 Apache – arrived in Texas in 1528 Comanche – arrived in Texas in 1840 Apache Comanche Arrived in Texas in 1528 Arrived in Texas in 1840 Hunted buffalo Fierce warriors Rode horses Lived in Teepees Geronimo is a leader Rode horses Lived in Teepees Hunted buffalo Cherokee Wichita Arrived in Texas in 1823 Arrived in Texas in 1720 Adopted Sam Houston Lived in grass houses Famous for their baskets Hunted buffalo Lived in wooden huts Grew sunflowers Trail of Tears Mohawk hairstyle