WOW Game Title: Dice-R-Cise Content Area: Social Studies TEKS Focus: Citizenship Physical Education Unit: Locomotor Grade: 2 Resource: CATCH Activity box Equipment/Materials: Dice-R-Cise sheets (5-6), 20 bean bags, 4 boxes, 5-6 jump, 8-10 ropes, 8-10 noodles, 5-6 dice. Set Up: Split students into groups of 3 or 4. Each group needs a Dice-R-Cise sheet, one die, one jump rope, two noodles, 4 bean bags, and one box. Activity: Students take turns rolling the die. Students will match the number shown on the die to the number on the Dice-R-Cise sheet and perform the task that is stated. Be sure to emphasize the character trait and person who represents that trait. Variations: How people learn about themselves, purpose and power of government. Review Questions: Skill Focus: Fitness Academic Focus: What are the characteristics of a good citizen? Characteristic: Good neighbor Characteristic: Courage Characteristic: Helping others Ex. Harriet Tubman Ex. Paul Revere Ex. Florence Nightingale High five everyone on your team. Toe fence a partner. Once someone wins roll again. Turn the jump rope for someone in your group three times. Characteristic: Responsibility Characteristic: Integrity Characteristic: Voting Ex. Helen Keller Ex. Sojourner Truth Ex. 15th and 19th Amendment Wheelbarrow with a partner. Don’t drop your partner! Do five correct push-ups. Underhand throw a beanbag into a box.