Planning for Rigor in Mathematics Instruction Look at IPG’s to identify the concept or focus of the lesson. How many days is this concept taught? 1 IPG What TEKS are going to be addressed in this lesson? (Read the Knowledge and Skill) 2 TEKS What are the students expected to be able to do? What are the students’ strengths and weaknesses of this concept? Look at the clarifying lessons / activities to understand how the TEKS are supposed to be taught. 3 Clarifying Activities Use ideas from the Clarifying Lesson s in the sections titled Questioning, Probing, and what to Listen for and what to Look for. Look at the Side by Sides to understand how the TEK(S) could be tested? 4 Side by Sides How could the way the items were tested impact the teaching of the concept? What “Big Ideas” are being addressed? 5 6 7 Topic Folder Rigor/ Anchors of Support Van de Walle and other Resources (District Provided) Look at the lesson in the topic folder to determine the amount of rigor or the lack of rigor based on the TEKS. How can you create a more rigorous lesson? How are you adding rigor and student engagement? What anchors of support are you going to develop with students? Communication Connections Reasoning and proof Representations Problem Solving If needed, look for activities that will supplement the enVision Math lesson to create more rigor. What materials are needed? What student products will result from this activity? How will you determine if the learning outcome was accomplished?