WiFi, UbiComp Smart Mobs

WiFi, Ubicomp & Smart Mobs
• Smart Mobs
• System Directions for Pervasive Computing
- Are we there yet?
• Unplugged U
- If not now, what’s changed?
• T-Spaces: The Next Wave
How do we recognize the future?
• Does it have to “land on you”?
• What role does experience (or inexperience) play in
adoption of ideas & technology?
• Analogies help
- “It’s like X, but with Y”
- It’s like radio, but with two-way communications
• What change doesn’t begin within a subculture?
- Early adopters (innovator’s Dilemma)
- “Ground truths” and working knowledge
• Nothing goes away, but it can get repurposed
• Technologies “enable people to act together in new
ways & in situations where collective action was not
before possible” p xviii
Smart Mobs
Chapter 1: Mobile/Context-Aware Computing
• “Texters” – European/Japanese youth
- Altered notions of home/place/time
- Presence uncoupled from physicality
• Addition of simple iconography (tools for social
interaction) improved marketability of mobile
computing devicces
• Device becomes “remote control” for your life
• Swarming: cyber-negotiated public flocking
• Location-sensitive technology gives locally
relevant information to citizens/travelers
Smart Mobs
• Short text messages (SMS) changing social
- New terminology, customs, social norms
- Read together, composed together, passed around,
edited between users
- Broadcast messages for parties, fare jumpers, gathering
• Text messaging allows maintenance of social
relationships not amenable to “real-world”
• Continuous connections, regardless of place
• 2 simultaneous “spaces” of social
interaction: physical and virtual
- BUT, they also change “faces” depending on
which world they attend to
Smart Mobs
Chapter 2: Technologies of Cooperation
• Why choose to cooperate on line?
- Input a little knowledge to commons, but access larger
(better) collective knowledge
- Give to get, pay to play
• Design characteristics for self-governing & selforganizing groups
Clear boundaries
Rules match local needs/conditions
Most people affected by rules can also modify them
Right to design own rules respected by external
- Monitoring system for behavior
Smart Mobs
• Design characteristics for self-governing & self-organizing
- Community members themselves do the monitoring
- Graduated system of sanctions
- Conflict-resolution mechanisms
• Mechanisms to overcome “tragedy of commons”
• Group = Game Theory Prisoners’ Dilemma – Titfor-Tat, Zero-sum
• Cooperators can thrive in population of defectors
if they can recognize each other (social network)
- Outperform non-cooperative/self-centered resource
consumption strategies
• Power of social network (not just a group)
- Metcalfe’s Law: total value of network of nodes grows
w/square of # of nodes
- Reed’s Law: total value grows at rate of 2 to power of #
Smart Mobs
Chapter 3: Computation Nations and Swarm
• Distributed sharing of disc space – more storage
than single device
• Distributed sharing of CPU cycles – more
processing power than individual CPU
- SETI@home
- Distributed crack of RSA encryption
- Folding@home – examine medical data to devise better
disease treatment
• P2P – Every client is also a server
• Grid-computing
• “Node computing” or “Continuous Computing”
Smart Mobs
Chapter 4: Era of Sentient Things
• Information in places: media linked to
• Smart rooms: sensing and responsive
• Sentient objects: adding
info/communications to everyday objects
• Tangible bits: manipulating virtual world
through interaction w/physical
• Wearable computers
Smart Mobs
Chapter 4: Era of Sentient Things
• Intel adding radio transponder to every
• Ubicomp: not just computing devices
everywhere, but invisible integration
• “Augmented reality”—using computing
power to sense beyond limits of human
• “Perceptual intelligence”—computers
responsive to characteristics of their
Smart Mobs
- virtual information overlays on real-world
- Seamless integration of computing devices
and file formats (print any document on any
device from any local printer)
• Attentive billboards: Minority Report
• Code reading devices—click on object in
real world and expect something to
• Google Maps, Satellite photos,
Ridesharing, Taxi availability
Smart Mobs
- Track movement of objects, people,
information and how they are used
- “Smart money”
• Wheel of Zeus
- Radio tagging for keeping found things found
- Bookmarking your tennis shoes, loaning a
• Cyborgspace – Steve Mann
- Personally mediate reality on YOUR terms
- Record all your experiences from your PoV &
Smart Mobs
Chapter 5: Evolution of Reputation
• Overview of getting know-how on line
- Usenet
- Collaborative filtering
- FAQs
• Building trust along w/reputation
Smart Mobs
• Online anonymity can also be a shield for
irrational/unproductive behavior
- Drives away legitimate contributors if too many
“freeloaders” of freely accessible information
• Biological theories of cooperation
- “Restores shadow of future” to each transaction
- Threat of future consequences mediates present
• Reputation allows loosely related people to
cooperate and collectively create value beyond
capabilities of action on local/individual levels
Smart Mobs
Chapter 6: Wireless Quits
• LOTS of technology and spectrum management
- History of wireless infrastructure development
- Spectrum access methods
• Spread spectrum
• Frequency hopping
• “Mini-burst” transmissions
• What if every receiver is also a mini transmitter—
total production of ad-hoc networks
- WiFi, Bluetooth, low-power transmitters
Smart Mobs
Chapter 7: Smart Mobs - The Power of the Mobile
• Less effort to perpetuate information movement
than information production
• Rise of P2P journalism
- Constant surveillance mitigates our social behavior
• Notion of personal area network – wearable
computers + context & location awareness
• New task-based economy (WALID)
- Agents exchange lists of personally relevant tasks
between actors in close proximity (see Good Old
Fashioned Future)
Smart Mobs
Chapter 7: Smart Mobs - The Power of the
Mobile Many
• Swarm intelligence: thresholds of
individual action actually a social function
• 4 characteristics of swarm systems
Absence of centralized control
Autonomous subunits
High connectivity between subunits
Peers influencing peers
Smart Mobs
Chapter 8: Always-On Panopticon
• Dangers of smart mob technologies
- Threats to liberty – ubiquitous surveillance
- Threats to quality of life – too much
• Digital neuroses: is someone constantly
watching me or piecing together a picture of
my activities?
- Threats to human dignity – are we becoming
too automated and tied to technology?
• Favor virtual relationships for face-to-face
• Lose social skills in “real” interaction
Smart Mobs
Chapter 8: Always-On Panopticon
• Key to influence in future: network capital
- Ability to use technical and social networking
resources to your advantage
• Smart mob technology may change how
we view the world and relate to each other
the way printing and literacy transformed
our society once before
Pervasive Computing
• Pervasive computing: focus on users & tasks
vs. computing devices & technology
- Seamless infrastructure
- Invisible technology
• HW is approaching, but little software
operates in this environment
• 3 primary problems to be solved in pervasive
computing system architecture
New Devices, Old Interfaces
• Each new device builds on the assumptions
of the previous devices & designs
- Who has read all of the documentation for their
phone, iPod, PDA, bluetooth device?
- Who can use all of the functions on any of these
• How many steps does it take to do a common
- Infrequent tasks like configuration,
synchronization, sequential tasks need more
support, not less
Working with PVC Devices?
• Connections?
- How are the bits interlinked?
- How do they get into the PIM?
• All in one place?
- Is centralized necessarily better?
• Client or Server for storage & help?
• Integration among tools
- Formats
- Importing & Exporting
• Integration for tasks
- Sequences
- Automation
• Integration among users
- Shared contacts, bookmarks, lists, filters
- Common formats or meta information
Pervasive Computing
1: Objects don’t scale well in large networks
- Single abstraction for data AND function
- Assumes interfaces don’t change often
• WWWeb consortium standards driving
standardized data types/formats
• Private companies compete for functionality
making for many different interfaces
- Assumes we can design interfaces that handle
object implementations w/stability & over time
• Static data easy to handle (html, pdf, etc.)
• Active data harder to control/secure (active
Pervasive Computing
2: Resource availability limited/intermittent
- Data/resource locations transparent in distributed
- Programmer’s folly – applications assume
continuity of resource access
3: Program/distributing apps unmanageable
- No common platform
- Many “classes” of computing devices
- Installation/functionality differ between classes
Pervasive Computing
Solutions: one.world architecture
1. Keep data and functionality separate
Data = tuples (named & typed fields)
Functionality = components (units of functionality)
Both unified in environments = tuples + components +
other environments (nested data/functionality)
2. Program for change
Applications must acquire all resources (local and
distributed) incl. storage & communication channels
Store resources as primitives movable to other
devices (environment tree of all tuples + components
from execution state)
Constantly renew/refresh resources
Pervasive Computing
Solutions: one.world architecture
3. Common platform w/integrated API &
single binary format
Single instruction set implemented across
Should be virtual machine-based technology
Smaller devices emulate networking
protocols or communicate through proxies
elsewhere on network
Unplugged U
• Wireless experiments/trendsetting @
- Locators (laptops, PDAs, panic-button boxes)
• Where are your friends (or at least their
- In the classroom
• Aggregate responses – like a game show
• Avoids “performance anxiety”
• PDA appointment reminders adjusted!
- Social analysis (network traffic patterns)
- E-mail (“Blitzes”) for idle chat
T-Spaces: The Next Wave
• T-Spaces: combination of dbase, tuplespace, mobile
computing and Java
- Promises total internetworking for every/any computing
device on the network
- “Middleware” that manages data exchange between mobile
devices, PCs, mainframes, etc.
• Tuplespace: simple agents communicating through
tuples exchange asynchronously & anonymously
- Globally shared, visible and addressable memory space
- Allows number of agents to work simultaneously
- Allows variable receivers to register interest in message
T-Spaces: The Next Wave
• How they work
- Data generating programs create a tuple and pushes it out to
tuplespace (data store)
- Program requiring data requests some or all of the tuple for
its own purposes and reads it in
- Beyond simple message passing – addressing is associative
not determinative
• Early example – blackboard system (Hearsay II)
- Knowledge sources (agents) communicate through the
blackboard (a global database)
- Knowledge sources search blackboard for problem
descriptions matching their domains of expertise
- Write solutions for these problems back to the blackboard
T-Spaces: The Next Wave
• Evolution of Tuple-based systems included
database/query/join functions
• Renewed interest thanks to distributed applications
apps on WWW and platform-independent
environment of Java
• T-Space application:
- Tuplespace component = flexible communications model
- Dbase component adds stability, durability, advanced query
& data storage
- Java provides instant portability and instant download for
changes in functionality on the fly
What are the myths of new tech?
• We’ll automatically be better, smarter & faster
• Society will embrace the change
• Organizations will adapt
- Workers will like it
- Shareholders will be pleased (quarterly)
• Everyone gets a voice
• Coordination is easy, we just needed the tools
What’s next?
Personal Area Networks
Separating Space vs. Location
Phone as remote control for your life
Swarming technologies
Distributed computing
Keys, tunnels and tokens