Best Practices for Inclusion Classrooms

Differentiating Instruction
206a Reaching Learners with Special Education Needs
Best Practices for Inclusion Classrooms
What the General Ed Teacher Can Do
Classroom Management
 Collaborate with the integrated teacher on
classroom expectations
 Consistently communicate expectations to
 Support classroom management decisions
made by the integrated teacher
Interactions with Students
 Create opportunities for the integrated teacher
to work with the class
 Seek input from the integrated teacher for
grouping students
What the Integrated Teacher Can Do
Classroom Management
 Circulate to prevent inappropriate behavior
from interrupting the class
 Assist with transitions
 Assist with grouping students for instruction
 Create rubrics that clearly communicate
expectations for assignments
 Communicate with the integrated teacher about
work missed or assignments that they might
need to follow up with students
 Share responsibilities for grading
 Communicate IEP or second language needs
regarding any necessary accommodations
 Serve as a liaison between child/parent and the
general ed teacher
Preparation of Assignments
 Provide assignments that need modifications to
the integrated teacher, allowing ample time to
make modifications
 Seek input from the integrated teacher about
the types of assignments that benefit special
education learners
 Be willing to accept suggested changes to
projects and assignments
 Provide a weekly lesson overview for the
integrated teacher
 Find a consistent time, ideally once a week, to
discuss classroom instruction and student
Other Ideas
 Realize that a working relationship takes time
and effort
 Make an effort to be inviting
 Be willing to give up some control to share
ownership of the classroom
 View the other professional as a co-teacher in
the classroom
 Be willing to help all students in the classroom
Preparation of Assignments
 Modify assignments as needed
 Offer alternative methods for demonstrating
mastery of difficult assignments
 Modify tests
Interactions with Students
 Circulate and support as students are starting
 Check for understanding when students are
working independently
 Pull out small groups when more explanation is
 Make suggestions about upcoming
 Provide supportive resources for upcoming
units of study
Other Ideas
 Realize that a working relationship takes time
and effort
 Be in the classroom when the class starts
 Communicate when an IEP or other meeting
might mean missing a class
 View the other professional as a co-teacher in
the classroom
 Be willing to help all students in the classroom