Healthy Texas Week Information

Celebrating Healthy Texas Week: Information Middle/High School
After morning announcements each day this week share these facts with your first period students
about the day’s health topic and the goal of the day for Healthy Texas Week. Some days have
suggested activities for both students and staff to help you reach your goal.
Monday: Physical Activity
 Regular physical activity in adolescence improves strength and endurance, helps build
healthy bones and muscles, helps control weight, reduces anxiety and stress, increases
self-esteem, and may improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels (CDC)
 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that young people
aged 6–17 years participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily (CDC)
 Adults should do at least 2.5 hours of aerobic physical activity at a moderate level each
week, preferably spread out over 3 days (
 Benefits of physical activity:
Less stress
Decreased blood pressure
Increased bone density
Decreased risk for diseases now and in the future
Perform better in school
Puts you in a better mood
Goal: Get 10 more minutes of physical activity today than you did yesterday.
Student Activities:
 Michelle Obama and Jimmy Fallon “Evolution of Mom dance” Video:
 Jumping Jacks – spell school mascot
 Play “Simon Says” (pat your head, run in place, do 5 jumping jacks, raise the
roof, jump 3 times…etc.)
 Do the “Cha-Cha Slide” youtube link to song:
Staff Activities:
 Walk around the track with coworkers after school
 Organize a staff basketball game after school
 Park farther away from the grocery store door
Tuesday: Nutrition
 Proper nutrition promotes optimal growth and development (CDC)
 Healthy eating is associated with reduced risk of many diseases, including the leading
causes of death: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes (CDC)
 Healthy eating helps reduce one’s risk for developing obesity, osteoporosis, iron
deficiency, and cavities (CDC)
 Healthy diets include a lot of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and fat-free and low fat
dairy products (CDC)
Goal: Make sure that half of your meal is fruits and vegetables for at least one meal today
Student Activities:
Discuss healthy snack ideas/favorite healthy snacks
Staff Activities (RECIPES!)
 9 Healthy (and easy) snack ideas (RealSimple Gallery)
 Don’t forget those veggies! Oven roasted Asparagus from
 More veggies! Grilled zucchini with sea salt:
Wednesday: Stress
 When your body is in danger your heartbeat speeds up, you breathe faster and your
muscles tighten in order to allow your body to move quickly and escape the dangerous
situation; this is called a stress response. This response is good when you are in danger,
but it is only meant to last for a short burst of time.
 Prolonged stress can affect your health and ability to cope with life
 Routine stress may lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood
pressure, diabetes, depression and anxiety
 Regular physical activity helps calm stress
 Learn to recognize and communicate feelings of stress
Goal: If you are feeling stressed today, think about the reasons why and communicate them
with somebody you trust
Student Activities:
Brainstorm reasons teens get stressed
Brainstorm feelings that accompany stress
Brainstorm things that make you feel better when you get stressed
Take 3 deep breaths when you are feeling stressed
Staff Activities:
 Brainstorm things that make you feel better when you are stressed
 Stretch and breathe deeply for a whole minute when you are feeling stressed
 Close your eyes, deep breathe, and envision paradise for a minute
Thursday: Sleep
 The promotion of regular sleep is known as sleep hygiene (CDC)
 Sleep problems are associated with a number of the most common diseases in the
United States such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression (CDC)
 It is recommended for teens to get 9-10 hours of sleep each night
 The recommendation for adults is 7-9 hours each night
 Cutting out electronic use before bedtime can help you get better sleep
Goal: Stop using electronics an hour before bed and get the recommended amount of sleep for my
age group tonight and for the rest of the week.
Friday: Water
 Water helps your body to
▪ Keep a normal temperature
▪ Cushion your joints and tissues
▪ Get rid of waste
 Your body loses water even just by breathing, which is why it is so important to stay
 Dehydration can lead to exhaustion
 Your body needs more water when
▪ It is hot outside
▪ You are being physically active
▪ You are sick
Goal: I will replace milk, juice, or soda with water today for at least one meal
No activities today – Just drink water, and happy Friday!