Pre-Kindergarten P.E. IPG’s

Week 2
P.E. IPG’s
Develops a sense of personal space.
Space Awareness
When the leader says, “Go,” students move around the space without bumping into anyone.
When the leader says “Stop,” students freeze where they are.
Open Area
Day 1
Spread students apart from each other so they cannot touch anyone else. This space where
students do not touch one another is called “their personal space.” On the start signal, have
students move in slow motion around the room. Emphasize safety by having them move toward
empty spaces. On the signal, have the students stop. The time from start to stop should be about
10 seconds. Give students praise for starting and stopping appropriately upon signal. Repeat the
activity, maintaining the slow motion, by having students move on tiptoes, and then move giant
steps, etc.
Day 2
Review Day 1, reinforcing “start” and “stop” signals, safety, etc. Have students move slowly by
walking. Introduce an alternative signal for “Stop” and “Go” such as music or a drumbeat. This
is a time to incorporate your classroom “attention signal” or the signal used by your PE
Day 3
Review previous days. On the start signal, have students move between the two speeds (slow
motion and walking). Emphasize safety by having them move toward empty spaces. On the start
signal, have the students stop. Give students praise for starting and stopping appropriately upon
signal and maintaining their personal space.
Day 4
Review the previous days. Increase the interval between start and stop to 30-45 seconds.
Day 5
Review the previous days. Increase the interval between start and stop to up to 1 minute.
Teacher Notes
This is the most important concept that your students will learn. Make it FUN. Praise them
over and over again for appropriate behaviors!!
Stop and Go
Remind students that they may not touch anyone at any time while moving around the playing
Set your boundaries for the area you are using, and the rules for safety before you begin.
Check with your P.E. teacher for the “Stop” and “Go” signal that is used at your campus.
If your children are having problems stopping, count to five: “Stop one, two, three, four, five.”
Gradually decrease the time. The goal is to have students stop immediately on the signal.
At anytime during these activities students are not stopping when they suppose to (or when the
activity gets out of control), reduce the time between start and stop signal and increase praise for
appropriate behavior.
If your students are falling down, have them spread out their feet when stopping.
© Austin Independent School District
A Module of the Sport For All Program