Intra Oral Radiographic Techniques Dr Mohd Malik Afroz Format • Indications for radiogrpahic technique • Different Techniques for the exposure of radiographs • Landmarks. Specific Learning Objective • What are the indications for taking a radiograph • Different techniques along with patient placement • Landmarks Indication For Intraoral Periapical Radiograph •To Visualize periapical region •To determine root morphology •To study the integrity of the lamina dura •To evaluate the root apex formation Techniques for taking IOPA 1.Bisecting Angle technique 2.Paralelling Cone technique Bisecting Angle technique • Keeping the film as close to the teeth • X-ray beam perpendicular to the imaginary bisector Angulation Guidelines Projection Maxilla Mandible Incisors +40 degrees -15 degrees Canines +45 degrees -20 degrees Premolars +30 degrees -10 degrees Molars +20 degrees -5 degrees Paralleing Technique The film is placed in the mouth parallel to the long axis of the tooth. central X-ray beam is directed perpendicular to the film and the long axis of the tooth Maxilary Central Incisor Projection • Vertical angulations 15 to 20 deg • Horizontal angulations 0 deg Maxillary lateral Projection • Direct the central ray through the middle of the lateral incisor Maxillary canine projection • Central ray directs the beam through the mesial contact of the canine Maxilary Premolar Projection • Direct the central ray perpendicular to the film Maxillary molar projection • Direct the central ray perpendicular to the film Maxillary Distal oblique molar projection • Direct the central ray from the posterior aspect through the third molar region and perpendicular to the angled film Mandibular Centrolateral Projection • Orient the central ray through the interproximal space between central and lateral incisor Mandibular Canine Projection • Direct the central ray through the mesial contact of the canine with out regard to the distal contact Mandibular Premolar Projection • Vertical angulation should be small, nearly parallel with the occlusal plane. Mandibular molar projection Mandibular Distal Oblique Molar Projection • Orient the point of entry about three centimeters above the antegonial notch on the inferior border of the mandible