The mimetic orientation , the explanation of art as essentially an imitation of aspects of the universe , was probably the most primitive aesthetic theory . Plato and Aristotle tackled the term as a main part in the whole of their philosophical and critical approach of the human life . Both of them have one essence , one aim , and completely different conclusions . Although Aristotle was the faithful student of Plato , and although Aristotle found in his tutor's philosophy the master influence of his life . It was impossible that such a powerful mind should accept negatively all his doctorial . It seems that he rebelled to his master and dedicated a theory which may approach competency. Plato is a thinker , a critic ,a philosopher , and a teacher who worked towards the establishment of an ideal community . He was a powerful Unitarian mind in the ideal republic and the modality of the laws . Aristotle was no mere barren critical , he was a philosopher mind who puts forward views of his own and , with studying the methods of the great poets , drawing conclusions from them . Both of them have one essence, art is imitation. For Aristotle, art is imitation , since man learns by imitation, so imitation is instinctive in man . It is an innate gift "to imitate is instinctive in man from his infancy. By this he is distinguished from others, and that he is of all the most imitative and through this instinct he receives his earliest education." with Plato, art is imitation too, but on the contrary of Aristotle, it is not innate, it is a contemporary inspiration. It is what a man does when he is not in his right mind but when he is in a state of frenzy or ecstasy. The poet does not possess his tools, he is a passive tool in the hands of great essence. With asserting the idea of touch stone, the poet is under the power of non-rational inspiration. "The gift which you possess is not an art, but an inspiration. There is a divinity moving you, like that contained in the stone that Euripides calls a magnet." With Aristotle, we must discover the meaning attached to imitation as an aesthetic term. To imitate is an innate gift. Henceforth, charged with a new meaning. It is a literal copy , a refashioning of the world of experience. The poet draw material from the world around him and makes something new out of it. Thus the clue to Aristotle thought is to be found in the assertion that poetry is an expression of the universal, that is the universal element in the human life. But the difference between the way the term functions in Plato and Aristotle distinguishes radically their consideration. In the poetics as in the platonic dialogue, the term implies that the work of art is constructed according to prior models in the nature of things. We see that Plato in his application of the idea of imitation operates with three realms. The first is the realm of eternal and unchanging ideas. The second is the world of senses, natural or artificial. The third comprises such things as shadow images in water and mirrors of fine arts Well then here are three beds one existing in nature which is made by god there is another one which is the work of a carpenter and the work of the painter is a third While Aristotle dismisses the realm of eternal ideas and admits two levels 1- the world of senses 2- the world of art but Plato resumed that if a craftsman copies an eternal model his work will be good it will not be so good but its sure useful to humanity with Plato the good type of a craftsman is a carpenter who makes an actual useful bed taking for his model the real bed the bad type is of the painter who take the carpenters model and produces only appearance of a thing which itself is not wholly real an image of an image "he is thrice removed from the king and from the truth" Furthermore since the realm of ideas is the ultimate focus not only of reality but of value the determination that art is at second remove from truth automatically establish its equal remoteness from the beautiful and good that because Plato Was judging everything form ivory tower of idealism absult virtue absolute beauty and absolute truth so with every other concrete thing tables bed chairs or houses etc each of them has its idea it’s the same with the abstracts like beauty virtue justice and truth we only recognize the universal from the universal idea of it but with Aristotle art imitates imitation is exclusion to art. the universal so Art doesn’t compete with other activity >history or philosophy>thus art given its independence and has a unique function but Plato art is inferior to history and philosophy because they complete to reach the realm of eternals and they imitate the universal >Plato rejected art as irrational coward illusion and useless while Aristotle placed it as the best of the human activity>these different conclusion were built on the consequence of art which completely different with Plato and Aristotle >Plato saw that the poet is completely unable to elevate themselves to deal with absolute values >they concentration on inferior part of the emotion>since the poets potentiality for doing harm seem to him so great>especially by reason of the seduction charm of what he writes<poetry feed and water the passion instead of drying them up >so he must exclude him from his ideal republic< he will allow entry to lyrical poet who will sing in praise of God only<but with Aristotle tragedy cannot be fully defined without taking into account its proper effect on the audience the achievement of the specifically tragic pleasure which is that of pity and fear mainly the catharsis or purgation or purification which enable the audience to leave the theater calm of mind<all passion spent< it communicate a special insight it yields an aesthetic satisfaction><thus no wonder why? Plato placed art as trivial harmful and useless while Aristotle asserted that its true _serious and useful ><Plato and Aristotle also didn’t agree with each other on the importance of imitation in the educational purposes. PLATO ARISTOTAL ART IS CONTEMPORARY Art is innate gift , instinct in man INSPIRATION Shadow of life Refashion with new meaning Impersonation Idealization , expression Concentrate on lower Parts Concentrate on higher parts Seductive charm 'doesn't suit Catharsis of pity and fear. education' Moral &spiritual Realm of senses Real of eternal ideas Imitate individual subject in the Imitate universal elements world of senses. Inferior, useless , harmful , Superior , true , serious , useful For Plato poetry isn't serviceable to youth who are to be educated philosophically . they are unable to judge what opinions her reciery at such an age are generally immovable . it doesn't regard juvenile but on aged habit of soul. For young person can not judge what is allegorical and what is literal . but for Aristotle , art is mainly moral and spiritual , human learn through art . but art should give pleasure ,finally man learns through pleasurable art. And where Plato asserts that the worth of poetry should be judged by the truth to lete achieved by the imitate ion not by pleasure it giving . Aristotle argues that correct imitation is in itself a source of pleasure. Where Plato asserts that the object of imitation must be beautiful, Aristotle argues that of ugly things is capable of possessing beauty. Finally , we can conclude that both Plato and Aristotle had one aim , that's the release of human being since emotion is often the centre of pain , one of them , mainly Aristotle went directly to words the centre of pain , trying to release it completely by pressing on it to burst and leads to purgation while the other preferred peaceful ways , to go a way from they weak part , to elevate on it , to line in ideal world which can not be reached by common human beings . that's why Plato was called idealistic. Idealism is proved to be only a slog one in our earthly life . for from reaching -Rhyming verse - wit - organic unity - poetic language - unities and income models - poetic justice - epic poetry - propriety and decorum Imitation , mimesis, representation, idealization, counterfeiting, copy, image, and expression, these are some of the tins which illustrate ,concept of all over . The poetic orientation the explanation of art as essentially an imitation of aspect of the universe was probably the most primitive aesthetic theory.