Syllabus Checklist using Quality Matters Standards

Syllabus Checklist to meet Quality Matters (QM) standards
will be meeting 17 out of 21 of the essential QM standards
Guidelines /Explanation
 Course Information & Prerequisites
Information about prerequisite knowledge and or competencies.
Discipline knowledge prerequisites specify other courses that enable
the student to meet the requirements.
QM STD 1.6
Course Description
Course description from the catalog and/or departmental description.
Also specify prerequisites/ prior knowledge the learner needs to have
in order to meet the requirements for the course.
QM STD 2.1
Course Objectives/Outcomes
Instructor Interactions
 Student Interaction & Responsibilities
 Structure to this course
Both these standards address the alignment of measurable course and
module/unit learning objectives or competencies. First clearly state
the course and module/unit learning objectives or competencies in the
syllabus and at the module level. They should be written from the
learner’s perspective and secondly make sure they describe what the
learner will be mastering by the end of the course/learning
QM STD 2.1, 2.3
State your plan on the classroom response time and feedback on
assignments. Frequent feedback is known to increase the
learners’ sense of engagement in a course. If learners are aware
upfront when to expect instructor feedback, they will manage
their time efficiently.
QM STD 5.3
Clearly state your expectations of the learner’s interaction in your
course. Create a statement of your course participation
requirements. Include the evaluation process, frequency, length,
timeliness, etc. In the course syllabus course information you can
include this statement. Throughout the course in the activities
(individual tasks) you can include more details for that specific
task, use rubrics to detail how their interactions are being
QM STD 5.4
In this section provide the learner with a clear understanding
of the course purpose, how learning process is structured
and carried out. Suggested items to include in this section
are; the delivery modalities (online/blended/on ground),
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Syllabus Checklist to meet Quality Matters (QM) standards
will be meeting 17 out of 21 of the essential QM standards
modes of communications, types of learning activities, how
learning will be assessed. You can communicate this in the
course syllabus or in the following type of course documents;
Welcome message, Start here section, course schedule,
course outline, course map, course calendar, etc.
 Required course materials
 Course & Institutional Policies
QM STD 1.2
Include in this section detailed explanations of what types of
materials and resources are helpful/required in order for the
learner to complete the course activities and assignments
successfully. Be as explicit as possible, include links to where
these materials are located and include optional materials as
QM STD 4.6
Course and institutional specific policies should be explicitly
stated in the syllabus and throughout the course.
Some policies that should be addressed are:
 student conduct
 academic integrity,
 late submission of assignments
 the grade of “Incomplete,” withdrawal without
 confidentiality in the classroom, student grievances,
electronic communication, etc.
 expectations for how learners are to communicate
online and in the classroom are clearly stated.
(Etiquette in the online environment its referenced
as Netiquette)
Examples of etiquette considerations:
 expectations for the tone and civility used in
communicating with fellow learners and the
instructor, whether the communication is electronic
means or by telephone or face-to-face
 Expectations for email content, including “speaking
style” requirements (e.g., standard English as
opposed to popular abbreviations used online and
regional colloquialisms)
 Spelling and grammar expectations
 Awareness of and sensitivity to cultural differences
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Syllabus Checklist to meet Quality Matters (QM) standards
will be meeting 17 out of 21 of the essential QM standards
NOTE: To reinforce etiquette and civility, the instructor may
provide a link reference to the institution’s student
handbook or code of conduct.
Technology & Technical Skills
QM STD 1.3, 1.4
Any form of technology used in the course or technical skills
needed to succeed must be explicitly stated in the syllabus and
throughout the course. Include downloadable instructions or
links on how to access these software or plugins.
Some suggested types of technologies to address:
(hardware, software or plugins)
 Headphones
 Microphone
 Microsoft Office products; PPT, Word, Excel
 Adobe Acrobat Reader
 Media Players
 Flash, Java (plugins)
 Publisher materials required, then clearly state what
they are and how to access them
Required Technical Skills:
 Using the Learning Management System (Moodle)
 Creating files in commonly used word processing
 Downloading and installing software
 Using spreadsheet, presentation, graphic programs
NOTE: provide links to tutorials from the institution or the
software manufacturer usually have instructional materials
for use support.
 Grading Policy
QM STD 1.5, 1.7
Clearly illustrate and explain how the course grades are
What to include:
 The points, percentages, and weights for each
component of the course grade.
 The relationship(s) between points, percentages,
weights, and letter grades are explained.
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Syllabus Checklist to meet Quality Matters (QM) standards
will be meeting 17 out of 21 of the essential QM standards
 Learner support
The instructor’s policy on late submissions is clearly
List of all activities, tests, etc., that will determine the
final grade
An explanation of the relationship between the final
course letter grade and the learner’s accumulated points
and/or percentages
An explanation of the relationship between points and
percentages, if both are used
A clearly stated policy on point deductions for
assignments submitted late
QM STD 3.2
Any learner support that can be articulated or provide links
for them to access is essential for the learning success.
Types of Learner Support:
Provide Learner technical support by:
 A clear description of the technical support services
provided by the institution, including a link to a
technical support website
 Email link to the institution's technical support
center or help desk
 A phone number for the institution's technical
support center or help desk
 Clearly worded directions for obtaining support for
externally provided resources (e.g., publishersupplied online materials and activities and thirdparty, vendor-provided software, materials, and
 Links to tutorials or other resources providing
instructions on how to use the tools and features of
the learning management system and other course
 A link to "frequently asked questions"
Provide Learners with Disability Support by:
 Articulating the Accessibility policy or
accommodation statement
 Communicate how such services may be obtained
 A link to the institution's accessibility policy, if a
policy exists
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Syllabus Checklist to meet Quality Matters (QM) standards
will be meeting 17 out of 21 of the essential QM standards
A statement that informs the learner how to obtain
an institution's disability support services, if such
services exist; for example, a telephone number or
link for the disability services office
 If the institution does not have an applicable
disability policy or disability services, the instructor
may provide a policy that will be adhered to in the
course to assure that learners with disabilities will
be accommodated.
Provide Academic Support & Resources by:
Articulate or link to an explanation of;
 online orientation; access to library resources; a
readiness assessment or survey; testing services;
tutoring; non-native language services; writing
and/or math centers; tutorials or other forms of
guidance on conducting research, writing papers,
citing sources, using an online writing lab, and using
course-specific technology; supplemental
instruction programs; and teaching assistants.
Provide Student Services Support by:
Articulate or link to an explanation of;
 advising, registration, financial aid, student or
campus life, counseling, career services, online
workshops, and student organizations
QM STD 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4
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